
你在寻找 CART 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 CART 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 CART 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 CART的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
CART Computerized Automatic Rating Technique 计算机自动评级技术
CART CMM (Capability Maturity Model) Application Rating Team CMM(能力成熟度模型)应用评估团队
CART Center of Automotive Research and Technology (Karlsruhe, Germany) 汽车研究与技术中心(德国卡尔斯鲁厄)
CART Computer Analysis and Response Team 计算机分析和响应团队
CART Communication Access Real-time Translation (Speech Source, Inc. captioning system) 通信访问实时翻译(语音源公司字幕系统)
CART Center for Applied Rehabilitation Technology 应用康复技术中心
CART Championship Auto Racing Teams 锦标赛赛车队
CART Computer-Assisted Real Time Services 计算机辅助实时服务
CART Computer Architecture and Technology Laboratory (Department of Computer Sciences; University of Texas at Austin) 计算机架构与技术实验室(德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校计算机科学系)
CART Committee-Appointed Review Team 委员会指定的审查小组
CART Cloud and Radiation Testbed 云和辐射试验台
CART Center for Advanced Research and Technology 先进研究与技术中心
CART Corporate Access Rates and Tariff System 公司准入费率和关税制度
CART Central Automatic Reliability Tester 中央自动可靠性测试器
CART Critical Accident Response Team 重大事故响应小组
CART Classification And Regression Tree 分类和回归树
CART Cocaine- and Amphetamine-Regulated Transcript 可卡因和安非他命调节的转录
CART Control and Alert Reporting Terminal 控制和警报报告终端
CART Condition of Assembly at Release & Transfer 在释放条件及传递。装配
CART Championship Auto Race Teams 锦标赛车队
CART Citizen Advocating Responsible Transport 公民倡导负责任的交通
CART Center of Advanced Research and Technology 高级研究与技术中心
CART Championship Auto Race Team 锦标赛车队
CART Communication Access Real Time 通信访问实时
CART Committee Appointed Review Team 委员会指定的审查小组
CART Coins For Alzheimer\'s Research Trust 对阿尔茨海默氏病研究信任的硬币
CART Conservation, Amenity and Recreation Trusts 保护、便利和娱乐信托
CART Child Abduction Response Team 儿童绑架应对小组
CART Compact Array Radio-ocationTechninique 紧凑型阵列无线电定位技术
CART Command Assessment of Readiness & Training 准备及培训评估的命令
CART County Animal Response Team (Maine, USA) 县动物反应队(美国缅因州)
CART Critical Asset Review Team 关键资产审查团队
CART Commander\'s Assessment of Readiness and Training (US Navy) 指挥官的评估和培训(美国)
CART Collection and Analysis Reporting Terminal 采集和分析报告终端
CART Coalition for the Advancement of Regional Transportation 促进区域运输联盟
CART Central Automated Replenishment Technique 中央自动化补充技术
CART Credit Appraisal and Rating Tool 信用评估和评级工具
CART Cartographe (French) 制图(法语)
CART Conformal Array Technology 共形阵列技术
CART Center for Autism Research and Treatment (UCLA) 自闭症研究与治疗中心(UCLA)
CART Cargo Afloat Rig Team 货物海上钻井队
CART cartilage 软骨
CART Cleveland Area Rapid Transit (Norman, Oklahoma) 克利夫兰地区快速交通(俄克拉何马州诺曼)
CART Cocaine And Amphetamine Regulated Transcript 可卡因和安非他命调节的转录
CART Computer Assisted Radar Tomography 计算机辅助雷达层析成像
CART CMS Abstraction and Reporting Tool CMS摘要和报告工具

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