
你在寻找 CARS 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 CARS 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 CARS 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 CARS的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
CARS Canadian Automotive Rescue Society 加拿大汽车救援协会
CARS cancer aftercare and rehabilitation society 癌症善后和康复协会
CARS Canadian Association of Rally Sport 加拿大拉力运动协会
CARS California Association of Resource Specialists and Special Education Teachers 加州资源专家和特殊教育教师协会
CARS Carcinogen System 致癌物系统
CARS Computer Anxiety Rating Scale 计算机焦虑评定量表
CARS Compuware Application Reliability Solution Compuware应用程序可靠性解决方案
CARS Customized Auto Registration System (South Dakota, USA) 定制自动注册系统(美国南达科他州)
CARS Computer-Aided Routing System 计算机辅助线路系统
CARS Community Airport Radio Station (Unicom) 社区机场广播电台(联通)
CARS Committee to Assess Regulatory Structures 监管结构评估委员会
CARS Community Antenna Relay Service 共用天线中继业务
CARS Consortium for Advanced Radiation Sources 先进辐射源联合会
CARS Containment Atmosphere Recirculation System 安全壳大气再循环系统
CARS Computerized Application and Reference System 计算机应用和参考系统
CARS Childhood Autism Rating Scale 量表
CARS Crash Analysis Reporting System 碰撞分析报告系统
CARS Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy 相干反斯托克斯拉曼光谱
CARS Canadian Automotive Repair and Service Council 加拿大汽车维修和服务委员会
CARS Community Antenna Relay Station 社区天线中继站
CARS Channel Adaptive Rate Scheduling 信道自适应速率调度
CARS Combat Arms Regimental System 战斗兵种团体制
CARS Computerized Automotive Recording System (CAR Systems Inc.) 计算机化汽车记录系统(CAR Systems Inc.)
CARS Community AIDS Reporting System 社区艾滋病报告系统
CARS Common Automated Recovery System (UAV recovery) 通用自动回收系统(无人机回收)
CARS California Arizona Repeater System 加州亚利桑那州中继器系统
CARS Crush A Rat! Squeak! 压碎一只老鼠!吱吱声
CARS Character Attributes for Responsible Students 负责任学生的性格特征
CARS Consolidated Acquisition Reporting System 联合搜索报告系统
CARS Cost Analysis Reporting System (US Army) 成本分析报告系统(美国陆军)
CARS Corrective Action Response System 纠正措施响应系统
CARS Customer Account Retrieval System (IBM) 客户帐户检索系统(IBM)
CARS Carrier Automated Recovery System 运营商自动恢复系统
CARS children\'s affective rating scale 儿童情感评定量表
CARS Centralized Automated Reporting System 集中自动报告系统
CARS Combat Arms Regimental Systems 作战武器团系统
CARS Community Adult Residential Services (Task Force) 社区成人住宅服务(专责小组)
CARS Classic Antique Rods And Special 经典古董杆和特殊杆
CARS Charlottesville Albemarle Rescue Squad (Charlottesville, Virginia) 夏洛茨维尔阿尔伯马尔救援队(弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔)
CARS Condition Acquisition And Reporting System 状态采集和报告系统
CARS Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 计算机辅助放射和外科
CARS Credibility Accuracy Reasonableness Support 可信度、准确性、合理性支持
CARS Contingency Airborne Reconnaissance System 应急空中侦察系统
CARS childhool autism rating scale 儿童孤独症评定量表
CARS causative agent of rat sialoadenitis 大鼠唾液腺炎的病原体
CARS Capital Automotive Capital Automotive公司
CARS canadian arthritis and rheumatism society 加拿大关节炎和风湿病学会
CARS Carer Approval & Registration Service (Department of Human Services, South Australia) 批准及登记服务(护理员的人类服务部门,南澳大利亚)
CARS Contingency Airborne Reconnaissance System (USAF) 应急机载侦察系统(USAF)
CARS Cable-Television Relay Service (ITS) 有线电视转播服务(ITS)
CARS Computer Audit Retrieval System 计算机审计检索系统
CARS Computer Assisted Radiology & Surgery 计算机辅助放射学及手术治疗
CARS Carrier Access Reporting System 运营商访问报告系统
CARS Condenser Air Removal System 冷凝器排气系统
CARS Cyber Asset Reduction & Security (US Navy) 网络资产还原及安全(美国)
CARS Contractors Automatic Resupply System 承包商自动补给系统
CARS Close Aboard Ranging System 近距离机载测距系统
CARS Corrective Action Reporting System 纠正措施报告系统
CARS COIN Accounts Receivable System COIN应收账款系统
CARS CLRP Automated Reports System CLRP自动报告系统
CARS CABS Auxiliary Report Specifications CABS辅助报告规范
CARS Communications Analysis Reporting System 通信分析报告系统
CARS Counter Anti-inflammatory Response Syndrome 抗炎反应综合征
CARS Certification and Accreditation Repository System 认证和认可存储库系统
CARS Collision Automotive Repair Services, Inc 碰撞汽车维修服务公司

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