
你在寻找 WISE 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 WISE 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 WISE 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 WISE的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
WISE World Information Systems Exchange 世界情报系统交流组织
WISE World Institute of Scientology Enterprises 世界科学企业协会
WISE World Institute for Social Enlightenment (California) 世界社会启蒙协会(加利福尼亚)
WISE Workshop on Inspection in Software Engineering 软件工程检验研讨会
WISE Web Intelligence Search Engine (US DoD) Web智能搜索引擎(美国国防部)
WISE Web Integrated Systems Engineering Web集成系统工程
WISE Web Information Systems Engineering Web信息系统工程
WISE Women Into Science and Engineering 女性进入科学与工程
WISE Workshop on Information Systems and Economics 信息系统与经济学讲习班
WISE Wireless Signal Extraction (transportation; real-time traffic information) 无线信号提取(运输;实时交通信息)
WISE Women\'s Ischemia Syndrome Evaluation (Epidemiology Data Center; University of Pittsburgh) 妇女缺血综合症评估(流行病学资料中心,匹兹堡大学)
WISE World Information Service on Energy 世界能源信息服务
WISE Women in Spinal Cord Evolution (Frederick, MD) 脊髓进化中的女性(Frederick,MD)
WISE Web-based Integrated Science Environment 基于Web的综合科学环境
WISE Windows Interface Source Environment (Microsoft) Windows界面源环境(Microsoft)
WISE Workplace Information Systems Enhancement 工作场所信息系统增强
WISE Walk-In Synthetic Environment 走进合成环境
WISE World Infrastructure Security Environment 世界基础设施安全环境
WISE Women in Science and Engineering 科学与工程领域的女性
WISE Women In Search of Equity 寻求公平的妇女
WISE Western Investigation & Security Enterprises, Inc. 西方的调查和保障企业有限公司
WISE Workplace Initiatives For Safer Environments 工作场所安全环境倡议
WISE Writing To Improve Standards Of Excellence 提高卓越标准的写作
WISE Women Inspired To Succeed And Excel 女性获得成功和卓越的灵感
WISE Wireless Internet Solutions Experts 无线互联网解决方案专家
WISE Westerns Initiative For Scholarly Excellence 西方卓越学术倡议
WISE Wise Independent Senior Experiment 明智的独立高级实验
WISE Wise Individualized Senior Experience 明智的个性化高级体验
WISE Wilderness Immersion For Self Esteem 荒野沉浸式自尊
WISE Wireless Infrastructure Simulation Environment 无线基础设施仿真环境
WISE Wisdom Integrity Sensitivity And Enthusiasm 智慧、正直、敏感和热情
WISE Walk In Synthetic Environment 走进合成环境
WISE Web Interface Of Search Engine 搜索引擎的Web界面
WISE TV-33, Fort Wayne, Indiana (formerly WKJG) TV-33,印第安纳州韦恩堡(原WKJG)
WISE Wisdom Integrity Spirituality Evangelism 智慧正直灵性福音派
WISE Winter Semester 冬季学期
WISE Washington Internships for Students of Engineering 华盛顿工程学生实习
WISE Wing In Surface Effect 翼内表面效应
WISE Write Improved SOWs Easily (manual) 轻松编写改进的SOW(手动)
WISE Wholesale Interservice Support Agreement 批发服务间支持协议
WISE Windows of Information for Student Education (North Carolina) 学生教育信息窗口(北卡罗来纳州)
WISE Wireless System Engineering 无线系统工程
WISE Welsh Irish Scots English 威尔士爱尔兰苏格兰英语
WISE Workers in the Sex Industry (CBO, Act, Australia) 性产业工人(CBO,法案,澳大利亚)
WISE Work Initiatives Leading to Sustainable Employment (UK) 促进可持续就业的工作计划(英国)
WISE World And Islam Studies Enterprises 世界与伊斯兰研究企业
WISE Workstation Interface Software Engineering (CDI) 工作站接口软件工程(CDI)
WISE Write Improved SOWs Easily 轻松编写改进的SOW
WISE Wilberforce Institute for the study of Slavery and Emancipation (UK) 威尔伯福斯奴隶制和解放研究所(英国)
WISE Words Instructions And Spelling Enrichments 单词说明和拼写丰富
WISE World and Islam Studies Enterprise 世界与伊斯兰研究企业
WISE Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer 宽视野红外勘测探测器
WISE Welsh Initiative For Supported Employment 威尔士支持就业倡议
WISE Women In Search Of Excellence 追求卓越的女性

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