
你在寻找 WEP 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 WEP 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 WEP 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 WEP的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
WEP Wired Equivalent Protocol 有线等效保密协议
WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy 无线区网使用内建的安全通讯协议
WEP Weam, Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚韦姆
WEP Wireline Equivalent Privacy 有线等效隐私
WEP Work Experience Program 工作经验计划
WEP Written Education Plan 书面教育计划
WEP Worthless Equivalency Protocol 无价值等价协议
WEP Waste Of Embedded Processing 嵌入式处理的浪费
WEP Windfall Elimination Provision 防风措施
WEP Wireless Ethereal Picketfence 无线Ethereal Picketfence
WEP West End Pizzeria 西区披萨店
WEP Wireless Ethernet Privacy 无线以太网隐私
WEP War Emergency Power 战时应急兵力
WEP Weak Encryption Protocol 弱加密协议
WEP Wireless Equivalent Privacy 无线等效隐私
WEP Wireless Encryption Protocol 无线加密协议
WEP War Energy Power 战争能源动力
WEP Wire Equivalent Privacy 电线等效隐私
WEP Wireless Encoding Passphrase 无线编码密码短语
WEP Worst Ever Player 史上最差球员
WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy (802.11 encryption protocol) 有线等效隐私(802.11加密协议)
WEP Windfall Elimination Provision (Social Security benefits) 防风措施(社会保障福利)
WEP Work Experience Program (workfare) 工作经验计划(workfare)
WEP West European Politics 西欧政治
WEP Water Entry Point 进入水中点
WEP Wireless Encryption Privacy 无线加密隐私
WEP Wage Earner Plan (bankruptcy) 工资赚取者计划(破产)
WEP Wired Equivalent Protocol (wireless PC security) 有线等效协议(无线PC安全)
WEP Water-Extended Polyester 水延伸聚酯
WEP Word Error Probability 单词错误概率
WEP Water-Extended Polymer 水延伸聚合物
WEP Well-known Entry Point 众所周知的入口点
WEP water-extended polyester collimator 水延伸聚酯准直仪
WEP Wireless Encryption Protocol (network security) 无线加密协议(网络安全)
WEP War Emergency Power (putting the engine in overdrive for short periods during air combat) 战争应急电源(在空战期间使发动机短暂超速)
WEP Water Entry Pressure 进水压力

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