
你在寻找 TRAC 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 TRAC 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 TRAC 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 TRAC的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
TRAC Tactical Red team Analysis Cell 战术红队分析小组
TRAC Total Radiation Aperture Control 总辐射孔径控制
TRAC Telecommunications Research and Action Center 电信研究与行动中心
TRAC Traction Control 牵引力控制
TRAC TRADOC Analysis Command 训练与条令司令部分析司令部
TRAC Teacher Research Associate 教师研究助理
TRAC Tactical Radar Correlator 战术雷达相关器
TRAC Telsiz ve Radyo Amatörleri Cemiyeti Telsiz ve Radyo Amatörleri Cemiyeti
TRAC Transient Reactor Analysis Code 瞬态反应堆分析代码
TRAC Teen Reach Adventure Camp (state foster system) 青少年关爱冒险营(国家寄养系统)
TRAC Tracer 示踪剂
TRAC Transnational Resource and Action Center 跨国资源和行动中心
TRAC Technologies for Reliable Autonomous Control 可靠自主控制技术
TRAC Telescoping Rotor Aircraft 伸缩旋翼飞机
TRAC Transport & Road Assessment Centre 运输及道路评估中心
TRAC Threat Reduction Advisory Committee (US DTRA) 减少威胁咨询委员会(美国DTRA)
TRAC Training Resources Advisory Committee 培训资源咨询委员会
TRAC TRADOC Analysis Center TRADOC分析中心
TRAC Transportation Account Code 运输帐户代码
TRAC Torque Reactive Anti-dive Control (Honda) 扭矩反应式防俯冲控制(本田)
TRAC Total Return Aimed Composite 总回报目标复合
TRAC Time Remaining Air Computer 剩余空气时间计算机
TRAC Terminal Rental Adjustment Clause 航站楼租金调整条款
TRAC Totally Reconfigurable Analog Circuit 完全可重构模拟电路
TRAC Teacher Resource And Activity Center 教师资源和活动中心
TRAC Toyota Rent A Car 丰田租车
TRAC Targeting Raleigh Armed Criminals 瞄准罗利武装罪犯
TRAC Tradition Religion Aspiration And Culture 传统宗教抱负与文化
TRAC Text Reckoning And Compiling 文本计算和编译
TRAC Temple Review And Counsel 寺庙评论和顾问
TRAC Twyning Recreation Amenity Complex Twyning娱乐设施综合体
TRAC Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference 理论罗马考古学会议
TRAC Track Data Corporation 轨道数据公司
TRAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry (journal) 分析化学趋势(期刊)
TRAC To Reach And Connect 接触和连接
TRAC Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse 交易记录访问交换所
TRAC Team Racing Auto Circuit 车队赛车场
TRAC Transport Research Activities Centre 交通研究活动中心
TRAC Tradition Religion Aspiration Culture 传统宗教抱负文化
TRAC Technology Recreation And Art Center 科技娱乐与艺术中心
TRAC Time Released Arginine And Creatine 时间释放精氨酸和肌酸
TRAC Teens Redeemed And Called 青少年被救赎和召唤
TRAC Tractor Risk Abatement And Control 拖拉机风险降低和控制
TRAC Theater Readiness Action Checklist 战区战备行动清单
TRAC Tactical Radar Analysis Center 战术雷达分析中心
TRAC Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (Syracuse University) 交易记录访问交换所(雪城大学)
TRAC Trade, Recreation & Agricultural Center 贸易、娱乐和农业中心
TRAC Texas Residential and Commercial (remodeling company) 德克萨斯州住宅和商业(改建公司)
TRAC Traceable Authentic Content 可追踪的真实内容
TRAC Trail and Rail Action Coalition 轨道和铁路行动联盟
TRAC Telefonia Rural de Acceso Celular (Spanish) Telefonia Rural de Accelo Celular(西班牙语)
TRAC Tilt-Rotor Aeroacoustic Code 倾斜旋翼气动声学代码
TRAC Tip Reporting Alternative Commitment 提示报告替代承诺
TRAC The Rolling Advertising Company (UK) 滚动广告公司(英国)
TRAC Technical Reports Awareness Circular 技术报告意识通报
TRAC Termination Rental Adjustment Clause 终止租金调整条款
TRAC Treaty to Reduce Armed Conflict 减少武装冲突条约
TRAC Trinity Annual Conference (of the Methodist Church in Singapore) 三一年会(新加坡卫理公会)
TRAC Toledo Radio Amateur Club (Ohio) 托莱多业余无线电俱乐部(俄亥俄州)
TRAC Technical Recommendations Application Committee 技术建议应用委员会
TRAC Teorie della Ricerca Architettonica Contemporanea 当代建筑艺术博物馆
TRAC Tube Research Audience Classification Tube Research受众分类

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