
你在寻找 TRA 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 TRA 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 TRA 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 TRA的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
TRA Tire and Rim Association(US) 美国轮胎协会
TRA Telecommunications Research Associates 电信研究协会
TRA Teachers Retirement Association 教师退休协会
TRA Tripoli Rocketry Association 的黎波里火箭协会
TRA Telecommunications Resellers Association 电信经销商协会
TRA Theodore Roosevelt Association 西奥多·罗斯福协会
TRA Texas Restaurant Association (Austin, TX) 德克萨斯州餐厅协会(德克萨斯州奥斯汀)
TRA Track Runnin Associates 田径运动员协会
TRA Towers Residence Association (Iowa State University dorm association) Towers Residence协会(爱荷华州立大学宿舍协会)
TRA Tire and Rim Association 轮胎和轮辋协会
TRA Trade 贸易
TRA tumor rejection antigen 肿瘤排斥抗原
TRA Threat and Risk Assessment 威胁和风险评估
TRA Temporary Restricted Area 临时限制区
TRA Transition 过渡
TRA transformer 变压器
TRA Total Rate of Return Analytic 总收益率分析
TRA Tanzania Revenue Authority 坦桑尼亚税务局
TRA Task Risk Assessment 任务风险评估
TRA Taiwan Railway Administration 台湾铁路局
TRA Thrust Reduction Altitude (aviation) 推力降低高度(航空)
TRA Targeted Research Action 有针对性的研究行动
TRA Tenant Remedies Act 《承租人救济法》
TRA Trade Reference Assistant 贸易参考助理
TRA Tape Recorders Anonymous 匿名磁带录音机
TRA Trades Recognition Australia 澳大利亚贸易认可
TRA The Ryhme Animal Ryhme动物
TRA Taramajima, Japan Taramajima,日本
TRA Timely Reminders Answer 及时提醒回答
TRA The Realty Alliance 房地产联盟
TRA The Rebel Alliance 叛军联盟
TRA Top Rope Anchors 顶部绳索锚固件
TRA Tingley Reagh And Adams Tingley Reagh和Adams
TRA Transceiver Assembly (wireless) 收发器组件(无线)
TRA Trade Readjustment Allowance 贸易调整津贴
TRA Time-Reversal Acoustics 时间反转声学
TRA Trachoma Rapid Assessment Trachoma快速评估
TRA Trouble Report Automation (Sprint PCS) 故障报告自动化(Sprint PCS)
TRA Tennessee Regulatory Authority 田纳西州监管局
TRA Taiwan Relations Act (US domestic law) 《台湾关系法》(美国国内法)
TRA Transverse Ray Aberration 横向射线像差
TRA Training Requirements Analysis 培训需求分析
TRA Tax Reform Act (1976, 1984, or 1986) 《税收改革法案》(1976年、1984年或1986年)
TRA tumor-resistant antigen 抗肿瘤抗原
TRA transaldolase 转醛酶
TRA traumatic rupture of the aorta 创伤性主动脉破裂
TRA Tea Restoration Act 茶叶恢复法案
TRA Tercera RegiÓn AÉrea Tercera RegiÓn AÉrea
TRA Terra Industries, Inc. Terra Industries公司。
TRA Teacher Read Aloud 老师大声朗读
TRA Time To Revise Answer 修改答案的时间
TRA Telecommunications Reform Act of 1996 1996年电信改革法案
TRA Tapered Rod Antenna 锥形杆天线
TRA Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 1997年纳税人救济法案
TRA Telecommunications Regulatory Authority 电信管理局
TRA Technical Requirement Analysis 技术需求分析
TRA Theory of Reasoned Action 理性行为理论
TRA The Reciprocal Alliance 互惠联盟
TRA Temporary Reserved Airspace 临时预留空域
TRA Trinity River Authority 三一河管理局
TRA Test Reactor Area 试验反应堆区域
TRA Tiruvannamalai Ramana Ashram (India) Tiruvannamalai Ramana Ashram(印度)
TRA Technology Readiness Assessment 技术准备评估
TRA Throttle Resolver Angle 油门分解器角度
TRA Technical Reference Architecture 技术参考体系结构
TRA The Rebel Alliance (gaming clan) 反叛联盟(游戏部落)
TRA Traffic Routing Administration 交通路线管理
TRA Time Reporting Assistance (Sprint) 时间报告协助(Sprint)
TRA Thin Rod Approximation 细杆近似
TRA Torhoutse Radio Amateurs (Oostkamp, Belgium) Torhoutse业余无线电爱好者(比利时奥斯特坎普)

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