
你在寻找 TEAM 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 TEAM 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 TEAM 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 TEAM的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
TEAM Timber Exporters\' Association of Malaysia 木材出口商协会的马来西亚
TEAM Tarrant Empowerment Association for Minorities 塔兰特少数群体赋权协会
TEAM Time, Energy, And Money 时间、精力和金钱
TEAM Technology Early Action Measures (Canada) 技术早期行动措施(加拿大)
TEAM Total Exposure Assessment Model 总暴露评估模型
TEAM Technology-based Enhanced Autonomous Machines 基于技术的增强型自主机器
TEAM The Electronic Auction Market (Canadian online cattle marketplace) 电子拍卖市场(加拿大在线牛市场)
TEAM Together Everyone Achieves More 每个人一起取得更多成就
TEAM The Evangelical Alliance Mission 福音联盟使命
TEAM Technology Exchange Assessment Methodology 技术交流评估方法
TEAM Technologies Enabling Agile Manufacturing 支持敏捷制造的技术
TEAM Together Each Achieves More 共同成就更多
TEAM Together Everyone Accomplishes More 共同努力,每个人都能取得更多成就
TEAM Technology, Automation, & Management 技术、自动化技术、管理
TEAM T1-Carrier Error Accumulating Module T1载波误差累积模块
TEAM Technical Enhancement and Architectural Modernizaton (Sprint) 技术提升和建筑现代化(Sprint)
TEAM Training to Enhance Aircraft Maintenance 加强飞机维护的培训
TEAM Together Everyone Achieves Miracles 大家一起创造奇迹
TEAM Task Execution Acknowledgement Message 任务执行确认消息
TEAM Transmission Electron Aberration-Corrected Microscope (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California) 透射电子像差校正显微镜(加州伯克利劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室)
TEAM Testicular Educational Awareness For Men 男性睾丸教育意识
TEAM Techniques for Effective Alcohol Management 有效管理酒精的技术
TEAM Together Everybody Achieves More 大家一起取得更多成就
TEAM Together Everyone Achieves Much 共同努力,每个人都会取得巨大成就
TEAM The Engineering Ambassadors And Mentors 工程大使和导师
TEAM Together Each Accomplishes More 共同成就更多
TEAM Together Effectively Advancing The Ministry 共同有效推进该部
TEAM Teach, Encourage, And Model 教学、鼓励和示范
TEAM Together Efforts Are Made 共同努力
TEAM Together Everyone Achieves Magic 大家一起创造奇迹
TEAM Together Excited About Money 一起为钱而兴奋
TEAM Together Everyone Accomplishes The Mission 共同完成使命
TEAM Teens Excited About Money 青少年对金钱感到兴奋
TEAM Together Everyone Ask for Money 大家一起要钱
TEAM Training Education Advocacy And More 培训教育宣传及更多
TEAM Teaching Excellence Attitude And Motivation 卓越教学态度和动机
TEAM Transfemoral Endovascular Aneurysm Management 经股动脉内动脉瘤的治疗
TEAM Trust Energy Attitude And Motivation 信任能量态度和动力
TEAM The Exceptional Athlete Matters 出色的运动员至关重要
TEAM Technology Education And Multimedia 技术教育与多媒体
TEAM Teach Enforce Advocate And Model 教学、执行、倡导者和模型
TEAM Taits Every Animal Matters 泰茨每一只动物都很重要
TEAM Thru Each Accomplish the Mission 通过每个人完成任务
TEAM Teach, Encourage, Assist, and Mentor 教学、鼓励、协助和指导
TEAM Treatment and Education for Arthritis Management 关节炎管理的治疗和教育
TEAM Threat Evaluation Assessment And Management 威胁评估和管理
TEAM Theatrical Evangelism And Missions 戏剧福音与使命
TEAM Together Enabling A Ministry 共同促成一个部
TEAM Together Everyone Always Matters 一起,每个人都很重要
TEAM Turf Tours Event and Activity Management 草坪游览活动和活动管理
TEAM Teacher Education Access For Minorities 少数民族教师教育机会
TEAM Test, Evaluation, Analysis, and Modeling 测试、评估、分析和建模
TEAM Talent Enrichment Accelerating Minds 人才培养加速思维
TEAM Teaching Education And Mentoring 教学教育和指导
TEAM The Electric Attitude Message 电子姿态信息
TEAM Together Effectively Achieving Multiculturalism 共同有效实现多元文化
TEAM National TechTeam, Inc. 美国国家技术团队。
TEAM Together Encouraging The Appreciation Of Multiculturalism 共同鼓励多元文化的欣赏
TEAM Test, Evaluation, Analysis & Modeling 检测、评价的基础上,分析和建模
TEAM Technically Evaluated Advisory Materials 技术评估咨询材料
TEAM Tools for Electronic Application Management 电子应用管理工具
TEAM Threat Engagement Analysis Model 威胁交战分析模型
TEAM The Exceptional Athlete Matters (World T.E.A.M. Sports) 卓越的运动员很重要(世界T.E.A.M.体育)
TEAM Together Everyone Achives More 大家一起更痛苦
TEAM Tele-Education And Medicine 远程教育与医学
TEAM Total Exposure Assessment Methodology 总暴露评估方法
TEAM Tropical Ecology Assessment and Monitoring 热带生态评估和监测
TEAM The Naval Aviation Systems Team 海军航空系统团队
TEAM Technology Enhanced Academic Movement 技术促进学术运动
TEAM Total Estimation and Allocation Mechanism 总估算和分配机制
TEAM The Environmental Assessment and Management (Guide) 环境评估和管理(指南)
TEAM Traffic Engineering Automation Manager 交通工程自动化经理
TEAM Technology Enhancing the Atlanta Metropolitan area 技术提升亚特兰大都市区
TEAM Training, Education, Assessment, and Management 培训、教育、评估和管理
TEAM Toll Ein Anderer Macht\'s 一个来自英德车队令的人数
TEAM Total Employee Assistance and Management, Inc. Total Employee Assistance and Management,。
TEAM Top European Advertising Media 欧洲顶级广告媒体
TEAM Theoretical & Applied Mechanics 理论和应用力学

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