
你在寻找 SRT 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 SRT 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 SRT 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 SRT的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
SRT Spousal Remainder Trust 配偶幸存者信托
SRT street racing technology 公路赛车技术
SRT Software Review Team 软件审查小组
SRT Safety Review Team 安全审查小组
SRT Special Response Team 特别响应小组
SRT Sawfish Recovery Team 锯鱼回收队
SRT Spill Response Team 泄漏响应小组
SRT Sequential Resonant Tunneling 顺序共振隧穿
SRT Slow Response Time 响应时间慢
SRT Street Racing Technology (Dodge racing) 街头赛车技术(道奇赛车)
SRT Standard Rate Turn 标准速率转弯
SRT Spectral Research & Technology, Inc. 光谱研究及技术有限公司创立于1996年
SRT Scheduled Return Time 计划返回时间
SRT Short Reaction Time 反应时间短
SRT Sector Reallocation Threshold 扇区重新分配阈值
SRT speech reception threshold 语音接收阈值
SRT Standard Remote Terminal 标准远程终端
SRT Special Reaction Team 特别反应小组
SRT Small Radio Telescope 小型射电望远镜
SRT Soft Real-Time 软实时
SRT Secure Routing Technology 安全路由技术
SRT Slow Run Through/Trials 慢贯穿/试验
SRT Subsystem Routing - Test (ANSI) 子系统路由-测试(ANSI)
SRT Supply Response Time (Boeing FIRST award fee criteria) 供应响应时间(波音FIRST奖励费用标准)
SRT Station Return Time 站点返回时间
SRT Silicon Resistance Thermometer 硅电阻温度计
SRT Super Robot Taisen (video game) 超级机器人泰森(电子游戏)
SRT Seamonster Response Team 海员响应小组
SRT Sequential Ranking Test 顺序排序测试
SRT Social Responsibility Training (Character Development Systems, L.L.C.) 社会责任培训(性格发展系统,L.L.C.)
SRT Street and Racing Technology (Dodge) 街道和赛车技术(道奇)
SRT Static Rollover Threshold 静态滚动阈值
SRT Strategic Relocatable Target(s) 战略可迁移目标
SRT Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar (cricket player) Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar(板球运动员)
SRT Signal Requests Terminal 信号请求终端
SRT Subscriber Radio Terminal 用户无线电终端
SRT Slower than Real Time 比实时慢
SRT Student Research Training (Tsinghua University) 学生研究培训(清华大学)
SRT Single Rope Technique (rappelling) 单绳技术(说唱)
SRT Systems Readiness Test 系统就绪测试
SRT Single Rope Technique 单绳技术
SRT Soroti, Uganda 乌干达索罗蒂
SRT Source Routing Transparent 源路由透明
SRT Stepping Rate (for the processor) 步进速率(针对处理器)
SRT Street Racing And Technology 街头赛车与技术
SRT Sports Racing Technology 运动赛车技术
SRT Soft Real Time 软实时
SRT Seventh Ragged Tigers 第七只衣衫褴褛的老虎
SRT System Run Time 系统运行时间
SRT Spiritual Response Therapy 精神反应疗法
SRT Street Race Technology 街头赛车技术
SRT Student Resource Time 学生资源时间
SRT Street Road And Track 街道道路和轨道
SRT Science Road And Track 科学道路和轨道
SRT Sympathetic Resonance Technology 交感共振技术
SRT Surf Rescue Technician 冲浪救援技术员
SRT Super Road Train 超级公路列车
SRT Super Range Tape 超范围磁带
SRT Sniper Response Tactics 狙击手反应战术
SRT Swiftwater Rescue Technician Swiftwater救援技术员
SRT Shipboard Receive Terminal 船上接收终端
SRT Shared Ride Transit 共享乘车交通
SRT Student Resourse Time 学生资源时间
SRT Source Routing Transparent (token ring) 源路由透明(令牌环)
SRT Southern Refrigerated Transport, Inc. 南方冷藏运输公司。
SRT Scale, Rotation, Translation (3D modeling) 缩放、旋转、平移(3D建模)
SRT Structure Rule Table 结构规则表
SRT Sludge Retention Time 污泥滞留时间
SRT Single Row Termination 单行终端
SRT Service Restoration Team 服务恢复团队
SRT Solids Residence Time 固体停留时间
SRT Social Representations Theory 社会表征理论
SRT Spent Resin Tank 废树脂罐
SRT Station Redesign Team 车站重新设计团队
SRT System Requirements Tree 系统需求树
SRT Security Response Team 安全响应小组
SRT Surfactant Replacement Therapy 表面活性剂替代疗法
SRT Short Range Transport Aircraft 短程运输机
SRT Synonym Rename Table 同义词重命名表
SRT Save the Rhino Trust 拯救犀牛信托
SRT Source-Route Transparent (Cisco - Token Ring) 源路由透明(Cisco-令牌环)
SRT Shipboard Readiness Test 船上就绪测试
SRT Silver Ring Thing 银戒指东西
SRT Southern Regional Transport, Inc. 南部地区运输公司。
SRT Supplier Response Time 供应商响应时间
SRT Software Requirements Traceability 软件需求可追溯性
SRT speech reception test 语音接收测试
SRT total sweat rate 总出汗率
SRT Startek, Inc. Startek公司。
SRT symptom rating test 症状评分测试
SRT System Recovery Table 系统恢复表
SRT sinus reduction time 鼻窦复位时间
SRT sedimentation rate test 沉降速率试验
SRT Support Readiness Training 支持准备培训
SRT spontaneously resolving thyrotoxicosis 自发性甲状腺中毒
SRT stroke rehabilitation technician 中风康复技术员
SRT sustained-release theophyline 缓释茶碱
SRT sick role tendency 病态角色倾向
SRT stapedial reflex threshold 镫骨反射阈值
SRT Street And Racing Technology 街道和赛车技术

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