
你在寻找 SRS 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 SRS 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 SRS 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 SRS的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
SRS Sound Retrieval System 立体声增强系统
SRS simple repeat sequence 简单重复序列
SRS supplemental restraint system 辅助约束装置(又称安全气囊)
SRS Software Rrquirement Specification 软件需求说明书
SRS Short Run Supply 短期补给
SRS Simulated Raman Scattering 受激喇曼散射
SRS rupee 卢比
SRS Scottish Rhododendron Society 苏格兰杜鹃协会
SRS Secondary Recovery Server (Compaq) 辅助恢复服务器(Compaq)
SRS Stanford Research Systems 斯坦福研究系统
SRS Supplemental Restraint System (airbag) 辅助约束系统(安全气囊)
SRS Shared Registry System (ICANN) 共享注册系统(ICANN)
SRS Software Requirements Specification 软件需求规范
SRS SRS Labs, Inc. (audio technologies company) SRS Labs,Inc.(音频技术公司)
SRS Scoliosis Research Society 脊柱侧凸研究学会
SRS Sub-Rating Scheme 次级评级方案
SRS surgical research society 外科研究学会
SRS Social and Rehabilitation Services 社会和康复服务
SRS Salary Review System 薪酬审查制度
SRS Self-Replicating Systems 自复制系统
SRS Southern Research Station (US Department of Agriculture) 南方研究站(美国农业部)
SRS Secondary Request to Send (RS-449) 次要发送请求(RS-449)
SRS Sybase Replication Server 复制服务器
SRS Signal Reference Structure 信号参考结构
SRS Software Requirement and Specification 软件要求和规范
SRS Seatbelt Restraint System 安全带约束系统
SRS Standard Routing Scheme 标准路由方案
SRS Snyder-Robinson Syndrome Snyder-Robinson综合征
SRS Stimulated Raman Scattering 受激拉曼散射
SRS Singapore Registry of Ships 新加坡船舶登记处
SRS Segmented Rail Surface 分段轨道表面
SRS Senior Reliability Specialist 高级可靠性专家
SRS Safety Requirements Specification (process industry related) 安全要求规范(工艺行业相关)
SRS Simple Random Sample/Sampling 简单随机抽样和抽样
SRS Self-Regenerating Suppressor 自再生抑制器
SRS Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron 战略侦察中队
SRS SAAM (Special Assignment Airlift Mission) Request System (US DoD) SAAM(特殊任务空运任务)请求系统(美国国防部)
SRS search and rescue sector (US DoD) 搜救部门(美国国防部)
SRS Sub-Reflector Shaping 副反射器成形
SRS Satellite Readout Station 卫星读数站
SRS Ship Reporting System 船舶报告系统
SRS Satellite Radar Station 卫星雷达站
SRS Seattle Robotics Society 西雅图机器人学会
SRS Street Racing Syndicate (video game) 街头赛车辛迪加(视频游戏)
SRS Surface Rescue Swimmer 水面救援游泳运动员
SRS Stellar Radiation Sensor 恒星辐射传感器
SRS Savannah River Site (South Carolina; DoE facility) 萨凡纳河现场(南卡罗来纳州;DoE设施)
SRS Supported Residential Services (Australia) 支持的住宅服务(澳大利亚)
SRS Suspend Restore System 挂起还原系统
SRS Strategic Readiness System 战略准备系统
SRS Sediment Retention Structure 沉积物保留结构
SRS Smart Route Systems 智能路线系统
SRS Solvent Recycle System 溶剂循环系统
SRS Shared Request Slot 共享请求槽
SRS Secondary Restraining System 辅助约束系统
SRS Switch Request to Send (Hekimian) 切换发送请求(Hekimian)
SRS Serious Rabarber Squad (Swedish gaming community) 严肃Rabarber小队(瑞典游戏社区)
SRS Supplemental Reboost System 补充重启系统
SRS Shock-induced Reaction Synthesis 冲击诱导反应合成
SRS System Requirement and Specification 系统要求和规范
SRS Service Request System (Sprint) 服务请求系统(Sprint)
SRS Shock Response Spectrum 冲击响应谱
SRS Srpska Radikalna Stranka (Serbian Radical Party, Serbia and Montenegro) 塞族共和国Radikalna Stranka(塞尔维亚激进党,塞尔维亚和黑山)
SRS Slow-Reacting Substance 慢反应物质
SRS Stratified Random Sampling 分层随机抽样
SRS sex reassignment surgery 变性手术
SRS Supplementary Restraining System (airbags) 辅助约束系统(安全气囊)
SRS Sequence Retrieval System 序列检索系统
SRS Survivable Remote Site (Cisco) 可生存的远程站点(Cisco)
SRS silver-russell syndrome 银罗素综合征
SRS Submarine Rescue System 潜艇救援系统
SRS Savannah River Site 萨凡纳河基地
SRS Scottish Radiological Society 苏格兰放射学会
SRS Synchrotron Radiation Source 同步辐射源
SRS Spatial Reference System 空间参考系统
SRS Stereotactic Radiosurgery 立体定向放射外科
SRS Student Response System 学生反应系统
SRS Speed Reference System 速度参考系统
SRS Saint Rose School 圣罗斯学校
SRS Student Records System 学生记录系统
SRS Strontium Sulfides 硫酸锶
SRS Skilled-Regional Sponsored (Australian immigration) 技术地区赞助(澳大利亚移民)
SRS Steam Relief System 蒸汽释放系统
SRS Sound Retrieval System (audio technology) 声音检索系统(音频技术)
SRS Subrate Switch 子速率开关
SRS Scouts Royale Sisterhood (sorority) 童子军皇家姐妹会(姐妹会)
SRS Specific Resistance of Soil 土壤比电阻
SRS Statistical Reporting Service (USDA) 统计报告服务(USDA)
SRS Service Registry Service 服务注册表服务
SRS Submarine Rescue Submersible 潜水救生艇
SRS SVT Resolution Simulator SVT分辨率模拟器
SRS Spares Requirements Schedule 备件要求表
SRS Supply Response Section 供应响应科
SRS Safety Restraint System 安全约束系统
SRS Short Range Sonar 近程声纳
SRS Source-Route Switching 源路由切换
SRS Shipboard Rackmount System 船用机架安装系统
SRS Security Requirements Statement 安全要求声明
SRS Separation and Recovery Systems 分离和回收系统

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