
你在寻找 SPA 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 SPA 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 SPA 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 SPA的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
SPA Sale and Purchase Agreement 购销合同
SPA Software Process Assessment 软件过程评估
SPA Spondyloarthritis 脊柱关节炎
SPA single point of access 单一访问点
SPA Software Publishers Association 软件出版商协会
SPA sudden phase anomalies 突现相位异常,(空间波)相位的突变
SPA superregeneration parametric amplifier 超再生参量放大器
SPA standard practice amendment 标准作法修正
SPA substitute part authorization 替换零件核准
SPA Software Publishers Association (now SIIA) 软件出版商协会(现为SIIA)
SPA Seafood Products Association (Seattle, WA) 海鲜制品协会(华盛顿州西雅图)
SPA Summit Pathology Associates (Akron, OH) Summit病理学协会(俄亥俄州阿克伦)
SPA Society for Personality Assessment 人格评估协会
SPA Social Policy Association (UK) 社会政策协会(英国)
SPA Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores (Portugal) 葡萄牙汽车协会(葡萄牙)
SPA Software Piracy Association 软件盗版协会
SPA Society of Professional Accountants 专业会计师协会
SPA SocietÀ Per Azioni (Italian: shared company) SocietÀ Per Azioni (Italian: shared company)
SPA Single Point of Access (AT&T) 单点(AT&T)
SPA Spanish (language) 西班牙语(语言)
SPA Special Protection Area 特殊保护区
SPA Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements and Applications (conference) 信号处理算法、架构、安排和应用(会议)
SPA Special Project Assignments 特殊项目任务
SPA Special Pricing Agreement 特殊定价协议
SPA Socialist Party of Albania 阿尔巴尼亚社会党
SPA Saddlepoint Approximation 鞍点近似
SPA Strategic Planning Application 战略规划应用
SPA scintillation proximity assay 闪烁邻近测定
SPA sperm penetration assay 精子穿透试验
SPA Software Product Assurance 软件产品保证
SPA Saudi Press Agency 沙特通讯社
SPA Sanus Per Aquam (Latin: health through water) Sanus Per Aquam(拉丁语:通过水实现健康)
SPA Share Purchase Agreement 股份购买协议
SPA Safe Plan of Action (UK) 安全行动计划(英国)
SPA Simple Power Analysis 简单功率分析
SPA Suspended Plate Antenna 悬挂式平板天线
SPA Secure Password Authentication 安全密码验证
SPA Single Packet Authorization 单数据包授权
SPA Strategic Posture Analysis 战略态势分析
SPA Submarine Patrol Area 潜艇巡逻区
SPA Sheep Pulmonary Adenomatosis 绵羊肺腺瘤病
SPA single page application (web pages) 单页应用程序(网页)
SPA Synthetic Parallel Application 合成并行应用
SPA Society for Personnel Administration 人事管理学会
SPA Self Propelled Artillery 自行火炮
SPA Service Package Application 服务包应用程序
SPA Students for Political Action (Ontario, Canada) 政治行动学生(加拿大安大略省)
SPA Soft Physical Address 软物理地址
SPA Single Person Accountability 单人责任制
SPA Servo Power Amplifier 伺服功率放大器
SPA Source Prescription Audit 源处方审核
SPA Senior Police Advisor 高级警务顾问
SPA Security Process Algebra 安全过程代数
SPA Single Piece Anode 单片阳极
SPA Shared Port Adaptor (Cisco) 共享端口适配器(Cisco)
SPA SOSUS Probability Area SOSUS概率区域
SPA Stochastic Prosesses and their Applications (peer reviewed journal) 随机过程及其应用(同行评审期刊)
SPA Standard Peak Area (gas chromatography) 标准峰面积(气相色谱法)
SPA Sierra Pacific Tours Sierra Pacific旅游
SPA Sectored Phased Array Antenna 扇形相控阵天线
SPA Scanner Power Assembly 扫描仪电源组件
SPA Special Programme on AIDS (now Global Programme on AIDS) 艾滋病特别方案(现为全球艾滋病方案)
SPA Sanctuary Preservation Area 保护区保护区
SPA Service Provision Assessment 服务提供评估
SPA Special Power of Attorney 特别授权书
SPA South Pole-Aitken (Basin) 南极Aitken(盆地)
SPA School of Planning and Architecture (India) 规划与建筑学院(印度)
SPA Successive Parallel Arbitrated (decision feedback mechanism) 连续并行仲裁(决策反馈机制)
SPA Surinaamse Partij van de Arbeid (Suriname Labor Party) 苏里南劳动党
SPA Secure Platform Architecture (HP-Compaq) 安全平台体系结构(HP Compaq)
SPA Simplified Purchase Agreement 简化采购协议
SPA Special Purchase Allowance 特殊采购津贴
SPA Service Performance Assurance 服务性能保证
SPA Patriotic Movement of Sint Maarten (Netherlands Antilles) 圣马丁岛爱国运动(荷属安的列斯群岛)
SPA Society for Pediatric Anesthesia 小儿麻醉学会
SPA System Performance Assessment 系统性能评估
SPA Single Power Analysis (cryptographic attack) 单功率分析(密码攻击)
SPA Systems & Process Assurance (PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP) 系统及过程,保证公司)
SPA Senior Policy Advisor 高级政策顾问
SPA Special Prorate Agreement (airlines fares agreement) 特殊比例协议(航空公司票价协议)
SPA SCSI Peripheral Adapter SCSI外围适配器
SPA Supporting Professionalism in Admissions (UK education) 支持入学专业化(英国教育)
SPA Saludis Per Aqua (Latin: Health Through Water) Saludis Per Aqua(拉丁语:通过水的健康)
SPA Single Parent Adoption 单亲收养
SPA Square Patch Antenna 方形贴片天线
SPA Special Planning Area (planning and development) 特别规划区(规划和开发)
SPA Shekijah Preparation Assembly (interdenominational church in Lynchburg, VA) Shekijah预备大会(弗吉尼亚州林奇堡的跨教派教堂)
SPA Shanghai Prison Administration 上海市监狱管理局
SPA Supreme People\'s Assembly (North Korea) 最高人民大会(朝鲜)
SPA SociÉtÉ Protectrice des Animaux (French: Protective Company of Animals) SociÉtÉ Protectrice des Animaux (French: Protective Company of Animals)
SPA Saint Paul Academy 圣保罗学院
SPA Small Payload Attachment 小型有效负载附件
SPA Sampling Probe Algorithm 采样探针算法
SPA Scalable Processing Architecture 可扩展处理体系结构
SPA Signaling Point Adjunct 信号点附件
SPA Spaces Per Aircraft 每架飞机的空间
SPA Student Progress and Achievement 学生进步和成就
SPA Single Point Accountability 单点责任制

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