
你在寻找 SOTD 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 SOTD 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 SOTD 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 SOTD的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
SOTD Skin of the Day (game models) 每日皮肤(游戏模型)
SOTD Sub of the Day (Subway sandwich shops) Sub of the Day(地铁三明治店)
SOTD Shaun of the Dead (movie) 死者肖恩(电影)
SOTD State of the Domain 域的状态
SOTD Screenshot Of The Day 当天的屏幕截图
SOTD Souls Of The Departed 离去的灵魂
SOTD Shadow Of The Dragon (gaming forum) 龙之影(游戏论坛)
SOTD Souls of the Departed (band) 离魂(乐队)
SOTD Scores on the Doors (UK public register of food hygiene ratings) 门上的分数(英国公共食品卫生等级登记)
SOTD Soup of the Day (band) 每日汤(乐队)
SOTD Speaking of the Devil 说曹操曹操到
SOTD Shadows of the Dark (gaming, World of Warcraft) 黑暗阴影(游戏,魔兽世界)
SOTD Song of the Day 每日之歌
SOTD System of a Down (band) 下行系统(频带)
SOTD Site of the Day 当天的现场
SOTD Scent of the Day 一天的气味
SOTD Saint of the Day 每日圣徒
SOTD Shot Of The Day 当天的镜头
SOTD Shout At The Devil (Motley Crue) 向魔鬼呼喊(Motley Crue)
SOTD Stig of the Dump (children\'s book) 颁布的垃圾场(儿童读物)
SOTD Spam of the Day 每日垃圾邮件
SOTD Shadow Of The Day (song) 日影(歌曲)
SOTD Shadow of the Desert (gaming) 沙漠之影(游戏)
SOTD Special Operations Training Detachment 特种作战训练支队
SOTD Sword of the Dragon (gaming guild) 龙之剑(游戏公会)
SOTD Scripture of the Day 每日圣经
SOTD Sons of the Dragon 龙之子

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