
你在寻找 SIR 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 SIR 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 SIR 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 SIR的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
SIR Surface Impedance Resistance 表面阻抗测试
SIR Supplemental Inflatable Restraint 安全气囊
SIR Society of Independent Representatives Inc 独立代表协会
SIR Society of Individual Rights (1960s San Francisco homophile group) 个人权利协会(20世纪60年代旧金山亲同性恋团体)
SIR Sequential Independent Reviews 连续独立审查
SIR Supplier Information Request 供应商信息请求
SIR Scheduled Inspection and Repair 定期检查和维修
SIR Snow and Ice on Runway 跑道上的冰雪
SIR Serial Infrared 串行红外线
SIR Society of Insurance Research 保险研究学会
SIR Statistical Information Retrieval 统计信息检索
SIR Scientific Information Retrieval 科学信息检索
SIR Signal-to-Interference Ratio 信号干扰比
SIR Security Intelligence Report (Microsoft threat analysis) 安全情报报告(Microsoft威胁分析)
SIR Simple Indexing and Retrieval 简单索引和检索
SIR System Investigation Request 系统调查请求
SIR Society of Interventional Radiology 介入放射学学会
SIR Shuttle Imaging Radar 航天飞机成像雷达
SIR Surface Insulation Resistance 表面绝缘电阻
SIR Standardized Incidence Ratio 标准化发病率
SIR Statistical Inventory Reconciliation 统计库存调节
SIR Statement of Intent to Register (College) 注册意向声明(学院)
SIR Supervised Intensive Restitution (Alabama prison program) 监督强化遣返(阿拉巴马州监狱计划)
SIR Sons In Retirement (Northern California retired men\'s luncheon club) 儿子(北加利福尼亚的退休的人退休的午宴俱乐部)
SIR Self-Insured Retention 自保保留金
SIR Singapore Immigration and Registration 新加坡移民和登记
SIR Safeguards Implementation Report 保障措施实施报告
SIR Spatial Impulse Response 空间脉冲响应
SIR Standard-Issue Information Retrieval Unit (Invader Zim) 标准问题信息检索单元(入侵者Zim)
SIR Source Initiated Reservation 源启动的保留
SIR Surveillance Information Retrieval (gaming) 监控信息检索(游戏)
SIR Speech Intelligibility Rating 语音清晰度评级
SIR Susceptible-Infected-Removed 去除易感感染
SIR Special Inspection Requirement 特殊检查要求
SIR Search, Inspection & Recovery 搜索、检查和恢复
SIR Smooth Interpersonal Relationship 顺畅的人际关系
SIR System Integration Review 系统集成审查
SIR Standard Information Retrieval unit 标准信息检索单元
SIR Stored Information Retriever 存储信息检索器
SIR Staten Island Railway (NY, formerly SIRT, Staten Island Rapid Transit) 斯塔滕岛铁路(纽约,前身为SIRT,斯塔滕岛捷运)
SIR Sensitive, Intermediate, Resistant 敏感、中等、耐受
SIR single isomorphous replacement 单同种异体置换
SIR specific immune release 特异性免疫释放
SIR sirupus 锡鲁普斯
SIR Self Insured Retention 自保保留金
SIR Sampling Importance Resampling 采样重要性重新采样
SIR Sustained Information Rate 持续信息率
SIR Spokane Indian Reservation 斯波坎印第安人保留地
SIR Sion, Switzerland 瑞士Sion
SIR System Internal Resource 系统内部资源
SIR Skill Integrity And Responsibility 技能诚信和责任
SIR Silencing Information Regulator 消音信息调节器
SIR Sons In Retirement 退休的儿子
SIR Susceptible Infected And Recovered 易感感染和恢复
SIR Staten Island Railway 斯塔滕岛铁路
SIR Southern Indiana Region 印第安纳州南部地区
SIR Science Information Robot 科学信息机器人
SIR Solitaire file Bitmap graphics 纸牌文件位图图形
SIR Speed Integrity And Reliability 速度完整性和可靠性
SIR School Improvement Review 学校改善审查
SIR Small Instance Relaxation 小实例松弛
SIR Supervisor Investigation Reports (insurance) 主管调查报告(保险)
SIR Simulated Intelligence Robotics 模拟智能机器人
SIR Statutory Invention Registration 依法登记的发明
SIR Standard Indonesian Rubber 标准印尼橡胶
SIR Singapore Infantry Regiment 新加坡步兵团
SIR Summary Information Return 摘要信息返回
SIR Session Initiation Request 会话启动请求
SIR Safety Interlock Relay 安全联锁继电器
SIR Serious Incident Report 严重事件报告
SIR Sequential Importance Resampling 顺序重要性重采样
SIR Sample Inspection Report (engineering prototype) 样品检验报告(工程样机)
SIR Silent Information Regulator 无声信息调节器
SIR Scramble Intercept Recovery 加扰截获恢复
SIR Skill Independent Regional (Visas) 技能独立地区(签证)
SIR Service Information Request 服务信息请求
SIR Selected Ion Recording (mass spectrometry) 选择性离子记录(质谱)
SIR Sorry If Repost 抱歉,如果重发
SIR Switched Integrated Rectifier (three phase transformer-rectifier power supply) 开关集成整流器(三相变压器整流器电源)
SIR Smith Industrial Rubber 史密斯工业橡胶
SIR Screening Information Request (US FAA; same as RFP) 筛选信息请求(美国联邦航空局;与RFP相同)
SIR SociÉtÉ Ivoirienne de Raffinage (Abidjan, Ivory Coast) SociÉtÉ Ivoirienne de Raffinage (Abidjan, Ivory Coast)
SIR Site Inspection Request 现场检查请求
SIR Submarine Intermediate Reactor 海底中间反应堆
SIR Set Iron Rod 固定铁棒
SIR specific information requirement (US DoD) 特定信息需求(美国国防部)
SIR Sooner International Raceway Souer国际赛车场
SIR Sigma Iota Rho (international studies honorary society) Sigma Iota Rho(国际研究荣誉学会)
SIR Safety Investigation Report 安全调查报告
SIR Sveriges Inredningsarkitekters Riksförbund Sveriges Inredningsarkitekters Riksförbund
SIR Scholar in Residence 居士
SIR Spaceborne Imaging Radar 星载成像雷达
SIR Savings-to-Investment Ratio 储蓄与投资比率
SIR Special Investigative Requirement 特殊调查要求
SIR Stepped Impedance Resonator 阶跃阻抗谐振器
SIR Service Implementation Repository 服务实施库
SIR System Incident Report 系统事件报告
SIR Seattle International Raceway 西雅图国际赛车场
SIR Security Incident Report 安全事件报告

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