
你在寻找 SIP 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 SIP 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 SIP 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 SIP的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
SIP Standard inspection process 标准检验程序
SIP Sterilization In Place 在线消毒
SIP structured insurance products 结构保险产品
SIP Selector Interface Processor 选择器接口处理器
SIP Styrene Isoprene Co-Polymers 苯乙烯-异戊二烯共聚物
SIP Session Initiation Protocol 会话发起协议
SIP Serial Initialization Packet Protocol 连续初始化封包协议
SIP system-in-a-package 单封装系统
SIP Sulfoisophthalate 磺基间苯二酸
SIP Single In-line Package 单列直插式封装
SIP Smart Installment Plan (Citibank, Pakistan) 智能分期付款计划(花旗银行,巴基斯坦)
SIP Sindicato de Industriales de Panama (Spanish: Panamanian Industrialists Society, Panama) 巴拿马工业协会(西班牙语:巴拿马工业协会)
SIP Savings Investment Plan 储蓄投资计划
SIP Serial Interface Protocol 串行接口协议
SIP Single Inline Package 单列直插式组件
SIP Soft Intellectual Property (integrated circuit designs) 软知识产权(集成电路设计)
SIP Summer Internship Program 暑期实习计划
SIP Semiconductor Intellectual Property 半导体知识产权
SIP Structural Insulated Panel (construction) 结构隔热板(施工)
SIP System Improvement Program 系统改进计划
SIP Strategic Investment Program (Australian government) 战略投资计划(澳大利亚政府)
SIP State Implementation Plan (EPA) 国家实施计划(EPA)
SIP Self-Igniting Phosphorus 自燃磷
SIP Server Interface Pod (Dell/Avocent) 服务器接口Pod(戴尔/ Avocent)
SIP States Inventory Project 州库存项目
SIP Standard Interface Panel 标准接口面板
SIP Satellite Interceptor Program 卫星拦截程序
SIP Steam in Place 蒸汽到位
SIP System Implementation Posture (system documentation) 系统实施姿态(系统文档)
SIP Stickler Involved People 贴纸相关人员
SIP Symbolic Input Program 符号输入程序
SIP System Implementation Plan 系统实施计划
SIP Station Independence Program (PBS) 独立电视台节目(PBS)
SIP Soft Input Panel 软输入面板
SIP SMDS Interface Protocol SMDS接口协议
SIP Submission Information Package 提交信息包
SIP School Improvement Plan 学校改善计划
SIP Schools Integration Project 学校整合项目
SIP Shut-In Pressure 关井压力
SIP Strongly Implicit Procedure 强隐式过程
SIP SocietÀ Idroelettrica Piemonte SocietÀ Idroelettrica Piemonte
SIP Sales Incentive Plan 销售激励计划
SIP Small Inverse Problem 小逆问题
SIP Sterilization in Place (drug/medicine production) 绝育(毒品/药生产)
SIP Standard Initial Provisioning 标准初始配置
SIP Social Inclusion Partnership 社会包容伙伴关系
SIP Status Indicator Panel 状态指示器面板
SIP SMDC Interface Protocol SMDC接口协议
SIP Security Improvement Process 安全改进流程
SIP System Improvement Plan 系统改进计划
SIP Service Implementation Plan 服务实施计划
SIP SPA Interface Processor (Cisco) SPA接口处理器(Cisco)
SIP System(s) Integration Plan 系统集成计划
SIP Strategic Inflection Point 战略拐点
SIP Subsystem Implementation Plan 子系统实施计划
SIP Social Information Processing 社会信息处理
SIP Substituent Interaction Parameter 取代基相互作用参数
SIP Station Information Packet 车站信息包
SIP Secure Internet Programming (Princeton University) 安全互联网编程(普林斯顿大学)
SIP Sprint Internet Passport Sprint Internet Passport
SIP Satellite Image Processor 卫星图像处理器
SIP Statewide Implementation Program 全州实施计划
SIP Step Increase Program 逐步增加计划
SIP Structural Integrity Program 结构完整性计划
SIP Stability Improvement Program 稳定性改善计划
SIP Shelter Implementation Plan 庇护所实施计划
SIP Serial Interface Processor (Cisco) 串行接口处理器(Cisco)
SIP Society for Invertebrate Pathology (Knoxville, TN) 无脊椎动物病理学会(田纳西州诺克斯维尔)
SIP Stay-In-Place (engineering construction) 原地踏步(工程施工)
SIP Software Installation Plan 软件安装计划
SIP School Improvement Partner (UK education) 学校改善合作伙伴(英国教育)
SIP Sector Investment Programmes 行业投资计划
SIP Shuttle Interface Panel 穿梭机接口面板
SIP Sociedad Interamericana de Psicologia 美洲心理学学会
SIP Scientific Investigations Plan 科学调查计划
SIP Software Integration Plan 软件集成计划
SIP SOGS Invocable Procedure SOGS调用程序
SIP SocietÀ Italiana di Psichiatria SocietÀ Italiana di Psichiatria
SIP Site Investigation Planning 现场调查规划
SIP Staging Initiation Package 暂存启动包
SIP Standard Interchange Protocol (3M delevolped data transfer protocol for library systems.) 标准交换协议(用于图书馆系统的3M删除数据传输协议)
SIP Session Invitation Protocol (Internet conferencing, telephony) 会话邀请协议(Internet会议、电话)
SIP System Improvement Program (SINCGARS) 系统改进计划(SINCGARS)
SIP Shelter In Place 到位的庇护所
SIP Silicon Intellectual Property 硅知识产权
SIP Special Investigative Panel 特别调查小组
SIP Ship In Place 装运到位
SIP Site Implementation Plan 现场实施计划
SIP Southern Independence Party 南方独立党
SIP SACLANT Intelligence Plan SACLANT情报计划
SIP Streamlined Inspection Program 简化的检查程序
SIP Single Inline Package (semiconductor industry) 单线封装(半导体工业)
SIP Safety Implementation Plan 安全实施计划
SIP Sickness Impact Profile 疾病影响状态调查
SIP System/Ship Improvement Plan/Program 制度/程序/轮船改进计划
SIP Sosyalist Iktidar Partisi (Party of Socialist Power; now TÜrkiye KomÜnist Partisi) Sosyalist Iktidar Partisi (Party of Socialist Power; now TÜrkiye KomÜnist Partisi)
SIP Semporna Islands Park (Malaysia) 森本纳群岛公园(马来西亚)

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