
你在寻找 SCIP 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 SCIP 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 SCIP 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 SCIP的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
SCIP Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals 竞争情报专业人员协会
SCIP Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park 上海化工园区
SCIP School Community Intervention Program 学校社区干预计划
SCIP Speech Communication Interaction Program (Oklahoma State University) 言语交流互动项目(俄克拉荷马州立大学)
SCIP School Continuous Improvement Plan 学校持续改进计划
SCIP Studsvik Cladding Integrity Project Studsvik包层完整性项目
SCIP Simple Content Inspection Protocol 简单内容检查协议
SCIP Shuswap Construction Industry Professionals Shuswap建筑行业专业人士
SCIP Stanford Clinical Investigator Pathway 斯坦福临床研究者路径
SCIP Sarasota County Induction Program 萨拉索塔县入职培训计划
SCIP Ship Characteristics & Improvement Program 船舶特性及改进方案
SCIP Specifications Consultants in Independent Practice (construction) 独立执业顾问规范(施工)
SCIP Student Computing and Information Page 学生计算和信息页面
SCIP Sun-Centered Imaging Package 以太阳为中心的成像组件
SCIP Service, Coordination, Information and Planning 服务、协调、信息和规划
SCIP Stanford Computer Industry Project 斯坦福计算机产业项目
SCIP Surgical Care Improvement Project 外科护理改进项目
SCIP Society for Computers In Psychology 心理学计算机学会
SCIP Security Cooperation Information Portal 安全合作信息门户
SCIP Sussex Community Internet Project (UK) 苏塞克斯社区互联网项目(英国)
SCIP Ship\'s Capability Impaired for Lack of Parts 船的能力受损的部分因为缺乏
SCIP Simple Conference Invitation Protocol 简单会议邀请协议
SCIP Speech Communication Interaction Portal 语音通信交互门户
SCIP Safe Communities Incentive Program 安全社区激励计划
SCIP Schools and Communities in Partnership 学校和社区合作
SCIP Speech Communication Interaction Program 语音交流互动程序
SCIP Springs Community Improvements Program 斯普林斯社区改善计划
SCIP Soft Computing And Image Processing 软计算和图像处理
SCIP Supply Chain Innovation And Policy 供应链创新与政策
SCIP Statewide Community Infrastructure Program 全州社区基础设施计划
SCIP Security Confidentiality Integrity And Privacy 安全保密完整性和隐私
SCIP Structural Concrete Insulated Panel 结构混凝土隔热板
SCIP Strategies For Crisis Intervention And Prevention 危机干预和预防策略
SCIP School And Community Intervention Program 学校和社区干预计划
SCIP Supply Chain Integration Program 供应链集成计划
SCIP Scattered Cooperative Infill Program 分散合作填充计划
SCIP Sistema Completo de Informacion de Productividad 生产信息系统
SCIP Secure Communications Interoperability Protocol (NATO extension of FNBDT) 安全通信互操作性协议(FNBDT的北约扩展)
SCIP Social Care in Partnership (UK) 合作社会护理(英国)
SCIP Safe Communities Incentive Program (Canada) 安全社区激励计划(加拿大)
SCIP Skidmore College Installment Plan (Saratoga Springs, New York) Skidmore学院分期付款计划(纽约萨拉托加斯普林斯)
SCIP Sanitary Control and Indication Panel 卫生控制和指示面板
SCIP Smoking Cessation in Pregnancy 妊娠期戒烟
SCIP State Capital Improvements Program (Ohio) 州资本改善计划(俄亥俄州)
SCIP Student Community Involvement Program 学生社区参与计划
SCIP Self-Contained Individualized Program 独立的个性化计划
SCIP Southern Cochlear Implant Programme (New Zealand) 南部人工耳蜗植入计划(新西兰)
SCIP Self Control-enhancing Information Programme 加强自我控制的信息计划
SCIP Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan 全州通信互操作性计划
SCIP SeniorsCan Information Program (website) 老年人信息计划(网站)
SCIP Surveillance and Communications Interface Processor (FAA) 监视和通信接口处理器(FAA)
SCIP San Carlos Irrigation Projects 圣卡洛斯灌溉项目
SCIP South Carolina Indicators Project 南卡罗来纳州指标项目
SCIP Spirally Cut Impact Protection 螺旋切割冲击防护
SCIP Single Copy Insight Program 单拷贝洞察计划
SCIP South Corridor Infrastructure Program 南部走廊基础设施项目

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