
你在寻找 SAVE 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 SAVE 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 SAVE 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 SAVE的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
SAVE Society of American Value Engineers 美国价值工程师协会
SAVE Struggle Against Violent Extremism 与暴力极端主义作斗争
SAVE Students Against the Violation of the Environment 学生反对破坏环境
SAVE Situation Analysis & Vulnerability Estimate 形势分析和脆弱性评估
SAVE Source Address Validity Enforcement Protocol 源地址有效性强制协议
SAVE Suicide Awareness Voices of Education 自杀意识教育之声
SAVE State of the Art Audio Visual Equipment (California) 最先进的视听设备(加利福尼亚州)
SAVE System Avionics Value Estimation 系统航空电子设备价值评估
SAVE Students Against A Violent Earth 反对暴力地球的学生
SAVE Students Actively Volunteering for the Environment 学生积极参与环境志愿服务
SAVE Shareware Autoren Vereinigung Shareware Autoren Vereinigung公司
SAVE Stop Alcohol Violations Early 及早制止酗酒行为
SAVE Sisters Against Violence Europe 欧洲反对暴力姐妹会
SAVE System Availability Estimator 系统可用性估计器
SAVE Specific Actions for Vigorous Energy Efficiency (EU) 提高能源效率的具体行动(欧盟)
SAVE Simulation Assessment Validation Environment 仿真评估验证环境
SAVE SAARC Audio Visual Exchange SAARC视听交流
SAVE Students Against Violence Everywhere 学生反对暴力无处不在
SAVE Shortages And Valuable Excess 短缺和有价值的过剩
SAVE Savings through Value Enhancement 通过价值提升实现节约
SAVE Stop Aids Via Education 通过教育阻止艾滋病
SAVE Sisters Against Violence Everywhere 姐妹反对暴力无处不在
SAVE Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlement 系统的外国人身份验证
SAVE St. Clair Associated Vocational Enterprises 圣克莱尔联合职业企业
SAVE Support The Aids Vaccine Effort 支持艾滋病疫苗工作
SAVE Sapcote Appraisal For Village Enhancement Sapcote村庄改善评估
SAVE Survive A Violent Encounter 在暴力遭遇中幸存
SAVE Sterile Air Venting Elimination 无菌排气消除
SAVE Substance Abuse And Violence Education 药物滥用和暴力教育
SAVE Shield Against Violent Environments 防护暴力环境
SAVE Students For A Viable Environment 学生创造宜居环境
SAVE South Atlantic Ventilation Experiment 南大西洋通风实验
SAVE Stand Against A Violent Environment 反对暴力环境
SAVE Senior Auxiliary Volunteer Effort 高级辅助志愿者工作
SAVE Systematic Alien Verification For Entitlements 系统的外国人身份验证
SAVE Suggestions Are Valuable To Employees 建议对员工有价值
SAVE Strength And Victory Everyday 每天的力量和胜利
SAVE Strategies Against Violence Everywhere 各地反对暴力的战略
SAVE Sensitive Activity Vulnerability Estimate 敏感活动脆弱性评估
SAVE Stand Against Violence Everywhere 处处反对暴力
SAVE Status Assistance & Verification Element 协助及核实元素的地位
SAVE Students Against Violating The Education 学生反对违反教育
SAVE Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (US Immigration and Naturalization Service) 系统的外国人身份验证(美国移民和归化局)
SAVE Specialized Academic And Vocational Education 专业学术和职业教育
SAVE Saybrooke Alliance Values Education Saybrooke联盟价值观教育
SAVE Spoonbill Action Voluntary Echo 琵鹭行动自愿回声
SAVE Students Against Violence Everywhere (anti-bullying student organization) 学生反对暴力无处不在(反欺凌学生组织)
SAVE Supporting Alabama\'s Vaccine Efforts 阿拉巴马州的疫苗的努力支持
SAVE Service And Value Evaluation 服务和价值评估
SAVE Sisters Against Violent Extremism 反对暴力极端主义姐妹会
SAVE Stopping The Aftermath Of Violence Effectively 有效制止暴力后果
SAVE Start Accruing Valuable Equity 开始计提有价值权益
SAVE Students Against Violating The Earth 学生反对违反地球
SAVE Stop America\'s Violence Everywhere 停止美国的暴力行为随处可见

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