
你在寻找 SASS 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 SASS 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 SASS 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 SASS的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
SASS Single Action Shooting Society 单动作射击协会
SASS Society of Arts and Science Students 文理学生协会
SASS Students Against Starting Smoking 学生反对吸烟
SASS Standard Army Survivable Shelter 标准陆军生存庇护所
SASS South African Secret Service 南非特勤局
SASS Suspended Array Surveillance System 悬挂式阵列监视系统
SASS Schools and Staffing Survey 学校和人员配置调查
SASS Scents and Subtle Sounds (Phish song) 气味和微妙的声音(Phish歌曲)
SASS Sexual Assault Support Services 性攻击支持服务
SASS Stay Alert Stay Safe (Canada streetproofing program) 保持警惕保持安全(加拿大防街灯计划)
SASS Short Attention Span Society/Syndrome 注意力跨度短社会/综合症
SASS System Administration Security Server (trademark of Relyant Technologies, Inc.) System Administration Security Server(Relyant Technologies,Inc.的商标)
SASS South African Spectroscopic Society 南非光谱学会
SASS Source Analysis Sampling System 源分析取样系统
SASS SEASAT-A Scatterometer System SEASAT-A散射计系统
SASS Safety Assurance System Summary 安全保证体系概述
SASS Sonar Array Survey Subsystem 声纳阵列探测子系统
SASS Stand-Alone Analysis Subsystem 独立分析子系统
SASS Student Academic Support System 学生学术支持系统
SASS Seasat-A Satellite Scatterometer Seasat-A卫星散射计
SASS Students Against Student Shootings 学生反对学生开枪
SASS Stay Alert And Stay Safe 保持警惕和安全
SASS Speak And Spell Simulator 语音和拼写模拟器
SASS School Administration And Support Staff 学校行政和支持人员
SASS Stock Analysis and Selection Software 股票分析和选择软件
SASS Statistics And Actuarial Science Society 统计与精算科学学会
SASS Sexual Assault Survivor Services 性侵幸存者服务
SASS supravalvular aortic stenosis syndrome 主动脉瓣上狭窄综合征
SASS Short Attention Span Syndrome 短注意力广度综合征
SASS Students As School Security 学生作为学校安全
SASS Stereo Ambient Sampling System 立体声环境采样系统
SASS Screening Assessment and Support Services 筛查评估和支持服务
SASS Size And Shape Specifier 尺寸和形状说明符
SASS Season All Stuff Sauce 调味汁
SASS Stars Against Scandals Scandals 明星对抗丑闻丑闻
SASS Skagafjordur Archaeological Settlement Survey Skagafjordur考古聚落调查
SASS Student Academic Support Services 学生学术支持服务
SASS State Accident Surveillance System (New York) 州事故监控系统(纽约)
SASS Staff Action Summary Sheet 员工行动汇总表
SASS Schumacher Associates Secure Server Schumacher Associates安全服务器
SASS Standard Army Supply System 标准陆军供应系统
SASS Standardized Appointment Scheduling System 标准化预约调度系统
SASS Standard Automated Sortie Scheduling System 标准自动分拣调度系统
SASS Special Aircraft Service Store 特种飞机服务商店
SASS Supplemental Aviation Spares Support 补充航空备件支持
SASS Student Academic Success Services (University of Minnesota; formerly Learning and Academic Skills Center) 学生学术成功服务(明尼苏达大学;前身为学习和学术技能中心)
SASS Small Aerostat/Airship Surveillance System 小Aerostat /飞船监控系统
SASS Spectrally Agile Sensor System 特别灵活的传感器系统
SASS SAC Aircraft Security System SAC飞机安全系统
SASS Streamlined Acquisition Strategy Summary (US Air Force contracting documentation) 简化的采办战略概要(美国空军合同文件)
SASS Special Aircraft Service Shop 特种飞机维修车间
SASS Semi Automatic Sniper System 半自动狙击系统
SASS Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study 斯堪的纳维亚研究促进会
SASS Semi-Automatic Switchboard System 半自动配电盘系统
SASS Subsonic Assessment (NASA) 亚音速评估(NASA)
SASS State Authorities Superannuation Scheme (Australia) 州政府养老金计划(澳大利亚)
SASS Support Arms Special Staff 支持武器特别参谋部

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