
你在寻找 RSO 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 RSO 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 RSO 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 RSO的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
RSO Regional Standards Organization 区域标准组织
RSO Recognized Security Organization (International Maritime Organization ISPS code) 公认安全组织(国际海事组织ISPS代码)
RSO Resident Space Object 常驻空间对象
RSO Remote Service Object 远程服务对象
RSO Reservoir Surveillance Operations 水库监测作业
RSO Resident Surgical Officer 住院外科医生
RSO Radiation Safety Officer 辐射安全员
RSO Re-Entry Systems Operation 重新进入系统操作
RSO Remote Split Operations (military UAVs) 远程拆分操作(军用无人机)
RSO Radiological Safety Officer 辐射安全员
RSO Reported Significant Observation 报告的重大观察
RSO Road Service Outfit (bright yellow motorbike and sidecar used by AA patrols up until the 1960\'s) 路服务装(明亮的黄色的摩托车驾驶者使用AA巡逻,直到1960年的)
RSO Rapid Scan Operation (GOES satellite) 快速扫描操作(GOES卫星)
RSO Reconnaissance Systems Officer 侦察系统干事
RSO Registered Sex Offender 注册性犯罪者
RSO Retirement Services Officer 退休服务主任
RSO Regional Security Officer 区域安全官员
RSO Range Safety Officer 靶场安全员
RSO Railway Sorting Office 铁路分拣办公室
RSO Reserve Supplement Officer 储备补充干事
RSO Road Safety Officer 道路安全员
RSO Regina Symphony Orchestra 里贾纳交响乐团
RSO Regional Support Organization 区域支持组织
RSO right salpingo-oophorectomy 右输卵管卵巢切除术
RSO Reconnaissance and Surveillance Operation 侦察和监视行动
RSO Revised Statutes of Ontario 修订后的安大略省法规
RSO Rapid Scan Operation 快速扫描操作
RSO Registered Student Organization 注册学生组织
RSO Roanoke Symphony Orchestra 罗阿诺克交响乐团
RSO Rochester Student Organization 罗切斯特学生组织
RSO Rectified Skew Orthomorphic 校正的倾斜正交
RSO Return Sales Order 退货销售订单
RSO Railway Sub - Office 铁路分局
RSO Regina Symphony Orchestra (Canada) 里贾纳交响乐团(加拿大)
RSO Recovery Server Option 恢复服务器选项
RSO Recognized Service Organization (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) 公认的服务组织(路德教会密苏里会议)
RSO Registered Safety Officer (International Board of Environmental Health and Safety) 注册安全员(国际环境健康与安全委员会)
RSO Right Salpingoophorectomy 右输卵管卵巢切除术
RSO Repeated Spike Oxidation 重复尖峰氧化
RSO Reconnaissance & Survey Officer 侦察和调查主任
RSO Ridgewood Symphony Orchestra (Ridgewood, NJ) 里奇伍德交响乐团(新泽西州里奇伍德)
RSO Robert Stigwood Organization 罗伯特·斯蒂格伍德组织
RSO Recognized Student Organization 公认的学生组织
RSO Ralstonia Solanacearum 龙葵雷氏菌
RSO Roger & Sherry Olsen Livestock 罗杰和雪莉。奥尔森家畜
RSO Regional Sales Office 区域销售办公室
RSO right superior oblique 右上斜肌
RSO Registered Student Organization (various universities) 注册学生组织(各大学)
RSO Regional Service Officer 区域服务官
RSO Rough Stud Opening (construction) 粗螺柱开口(施工)
RSO Repeat Sex Offenders (band) 重复性侵犯者(乐队)
RSO Reusable Software Object 可重用软件对象
RSO Ravenna String Orchestra (Ravenna, OH) 拉文纳弦乐团(俄亥俄州拉文纳)
RSO Rohingya Solidarity Organization (Burma) 罗兴亚团结组织(缅甸)
RSO Rainbow Service Organization (Peterborough, ON, Canada gay rights and information) 彩虹服务组织(加拿大安大略省彼得伯勒,同性恋权利和信息)
RSO Regional Supply Office 区域供应办公室
RSO Reduced Sign-On 减少登录次数
RSO Red Saber Order (gaming) 红色军刀命令(游戏)
RSO Retail Sales Officer 零售销售官
RSO Revised Statute of Ontario (Canada) 安大略省修订法规(加拿大)
RSO Rally Sport Ontario 安大略省拉力赛
RSO Reservation Service Officer 预订服务人员
RSO Riverside County Sheriff\'s Office (California) 河畔县警长办公室(加利福尼亚)
RSO Reconnaissance Staff Officer 侦察参谋
RSO Religious Support Office 宗教支持办公室
RSO Road Safety Officer (Australia) 道路安全员(澳大利亚)
RSO Roanoke Symphony Orchestra (Roanoke, VA) 罗阿诺克交响乐团(弗吉尼亚州罗阿诺克)
RSO Runway Supervisory Officer 跑道监督官
RSO ROKA Staff Office ROKA员工办公室
RSO Registered Student Organisation 注册学生组织
RSO Rural Sub - Office 农村办事处

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