
你在寻找 RPD 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 RPD 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 RPD 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 RPD的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
RPD Radiation Producing Device 辐射产生装置
RPD Remote Power Distribution 远程配电
RPD Rantoul Police Department 兰图尔警察局
RPD Radiological Protection Division (UK) 辐射防护部(英国)
RPD Rapid 迅速的
RPD Rochester Police Department 罗切斯特警察局
RPD Richmond Police Department 里士满警察局
RPD Receiver Power Distribution 接收器电源分配
RPD Regional Program Director 区域项目总监
RPD Removable Partial Denture 可拆卸部分义齿
RPD Relative Percent Difference 相对百分比差异
RPD Reseller Products Division (Intel) 经销商产品部(Intel)
RPD Radiation Protection Dosimetry 辐射防护剂量学
RPD Raster Product Format 光栅产品格式
RPD Ruchnoy Pulemet Degtyarova (firearm) Ruchnoy Pulemet Degtyarova(火器)
RPD Rockville Police Department (Maryland) 洛克维尔警察局(马里兰州)
RPD Raccoon City Police Department 浣熊市警察局
RPD Reflectance-Psi-Delta (experimental/evaluation method for the ellipsometry) Reflectance-Psi-Delta(实验/质量评估方法ellipsometry)
RPD Rack Phase Difference 机架相位差
RPD Representative Position Description 代表职位描述
RPD Recurrent Pattern Detection 重复模式检测
RPD Research And Publication Department 研究出版部
RPD Raccon Police Department Raccon警察局
RPD radical peritoneal debridement 根治性腹膜清创术
RPD Revenue Processing Division 收入处理部
RPD radioisotope power device 放射性同位素动力装置
RPD Repaid 重新付款
RPD Dispatch Management Services Corporation 调度管理服务公司
RPD Rapid Prototyping Development 快速原型开发
RPD Racoon Police Department 浣熊警察局
RPD Road Policing Department 道路警务处
RPD Renal Pelvic Diameter 肾盆腔直径
RPD Repunched Date 回购日期
RPD Russian Pulsejet Document 俄罗斯Pulsejet文件
RPD Rite of Parental Divination 父母占卜仪式
RPD Respuestas a Preguntas Dificiles 责任与义务
RPD Rapid Product Development 快速产品开发
RPD Reach Per Dollar 达到每美元
RPD Revenue Per Transaction Day (rental car companies) 每交易日收入(租车公司)
RPD Database (RapidFile) 数据库(RapidFile)
RPD Resources and Planning Directorate (United Kingdom) 资源和规划局(联合王国)
RPD Richardson Police Department (Richardson, TX) 理查德森警察局(德克萨斯州理查德森)
RPD Rijksplanologische Dienst Dienst理工学院
RPD Rockport Police Department (video game Need for Speed: Most Wanted) 洛克波特警察局(视频游戏《速度的需要:最需要》)
RPD Recurrent Pattern Detection (Commtouch anti-spam engine) 重复模式检测(Commtouch反垃圾邮件引擎)
RPD Regular Packet Discard (ATM) 常规数据包丢弃(ATM)
RPD Regius Professor of Divinity Regius神学教授
RPD Rowlett Police Department (Rowlett, Texas) 罗雷特警察局(德克萨斯州罗雷特)
RPD Random Pavarotti Disease 随机帕瓦罗蒂病
RPD Recognition-Primed Decision Making Model 基于识别的决策模型
RPD Remittance Processing Device 汇款处理设备
RPD Rerum Politicarum Doctor (Doctor of Political Science) Rerum Politicarum博士(政治学博士)
RPD Rapid Positioning Data 快速定位数据
RPD Regression Point Displacement (statistics) 回归点位移(统计)
RPD Ruston Police Department (Louisiana) 拉斯顿警察局(路易斯安那州)
RPD Ring Partition Design 环形隔板设计
RPD Reichspostdampfer (German: Royal Mail Steamer) Reichspostdampfer(德语:Royal Mail Steamer)
RPD Reformed Patriotic Democrats (Ghana political party) 改革爱国民主派(加纳政党)
RPD Retired Pay, Defense 退休薪酬,国防
RPD Radial Power Density 径向功率密度

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