
你在寻找 ROSE 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 ROSE 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 ROSE 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 ROSE的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
ROSE RATS (Radio Amateur Telecommunications Society) Open System Environment RATS(无线电业余电信协会)开放系统环境
ROSE Reduced-Order-State Estimator 降阶状态估计器
ROSE Rural Oxidants in the Southern Environment 南方环境中的农村氧化剂
ROSE Reengineering Of Software Evolution 软件进化的再工程
ROSE Recycling Oil Saves The Environment 回收石油拯救环境
ROSE Resources Organized To Serve Elders 为老年人服务而组织的资源
ROSE Research Opportunities Scholarships And Enrichment 研究机会奖学金和充实
ROSE Recognition Of Superior Effort 对卓越努力的认可
ROSE Regaining One\'s Self Esteem 恢复一个重塑了自尊
ROSE Remembering Our Sisters Everyday 每天纪念我们的姐妹
ROSE Register On Silicon Editor 在Silicon Editor上注册
ROSE Robotic Sensing (Robotic and Sensors Environments International Workshop) 机器人传感(机器人和传感器环境国际研讨会)
ROSE Read Out Support Equipment (cockpit voice recorder extracting) 读出支持设备(驾驶舱语音记录器提取)
ROSE Remotely Operated Special Equipment 远程操作特殊设备
ROSE Request-Oriented Scheduling Engine 面向请求的调度引擎
ROSE Registrar\'s Online Services (University of Texas at Austin) 注册的在线服务(德州大学奥斯丁分校)
ROSE Remote Operations Service Element 远程操作服务元素
ROSE Rural Oxidants in the Southern Environment (ecological survey program) 南方环境中的农村氧化剂(生态调查计划)
ROSE Rest of South East (UK) 东南部其他地区(英国)
ROSE Resonance OverShoot Eliminator (normalizes arterial catheter waveforms) 共振过冲消除器(使动脉导管波形正常化)
ROSE Remote Optical Sensing of the Environment 环境的光学遥感
ROSE Resistivity of Solvent Extraction 溶剂萃取电阻率
ROSE Rational Object Oriented Software Engineering Rational面向对象软件工程
ROSE Rush on Seven Episodes (online game) 七集狂奔(网络游戏)
ROSE Return on Stockholder\'s Equity 股东股本回报率
ROSE Real-time Object-oriented Simulation Environment 实时面向对象仿真环境
ROSE Research on Ozone in the Stratosphere and its Evolution 平流层臭氧及其演化研究
ROSE Repository of Scholarly Eprints 学术印刷品库
ROSE Reconnaissance Operations and Secret Enforcement 侦察行动和秘密执法

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