
你在寻找 REP 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 REP 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 REP 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 REP的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
REP representative 代表
REP import replacement 进口替代
REP retrograde pyelography 逆行造影
REP Reply 回复
REP Registered Education Provider 注册教育提供商
REP Requirements Engineering Process 需求工程过程
REP Retail Electric Provider 零售电力供应商
REP retrograde pyelogram 逆行肾盂造影
REP Repair 修理
REP Reputation 名誉
REP Range Error Probable 可能的范围错误
REP Residue Elimination Program 残留物消除计划
REP Retail Energy Provider 零售能源供应商
REP Residue Elimination Project 残留物消除项目
REP Renewable Energy Project (Nepal) 可再生能源项目(尼泊尔)
REP Refined Engineering Prototype 精致工程原型
REP Radiological Emergency Preparedness 辐射应急准备
REP Roentgen Equivalent Physical 伦琴当量物理
REP Republicans for Environmental Protection 支持环保的共和党人
REP Repsol, S. A. 雷普索尔,S.A。
REP representation 代表
REP Reply file ( Qwk Reader) 回复文件(Qwk Reader)
REP Remedial Education Program 补救教育计划
REP Radio Emergency Patrol 无线电应急巡逻
REP Radioisotope Electric Propulsion 放射性同位素电力推进
REP Regional Equalisation Plan (Australia) 区域均衡计划(澳大利亚)
REP Reasonable Efforts Program 合理努力计划
REP Realtek Echo Protocol Realtek Echo协议
REP Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy 哲学百科全书
REP Repetition Each Press 每次按压重复
REP Represent/Represented 代表/代表
REP Read, Evaluate, Print 读取、评估、打印
REP Rubbing Eases Pain 摩擦减轻疼痛
REP repeated extragenic palindromics 重复的外源回文
REP Remotely Executable Program 远程可执行程序
REP rest-exercise program 休息锻炼计划
REP Recognizing Excellent Performance 认可卓越绩效
REP Relevance Expectation And Perception 关联期望与感知
REP Repulse 排斥
REP Repetitions 重复
REP Report file 报告文件
REP Siem Reap, Cambodia 柬埔寨暹粒
REP Republic Engineered Products, LLC 共和国工程产品有限责任公司
REP Repsol International Finance, S. A. 雷普索尔国际金融有限公司。
REP Release Reuse Equivalency Principle 发布重用等效原则
REP Reinsurance Earned Premiums 再保险赚取保费
REP Republikaner (German Conservative Party) Republickaner(德国保守党)
REP Rating to Economic Performance (HSBC stock valuation tool) 经济绩效评级(汇丰股票估值工具)
REP Read-Evaluate-Print 阅读评估打印
REP Radio-Electronic Protection 无线电电子保护
REP Radio Emergency Patrol (NYPD) 无线电紧急巡逻(NYPD)
REP Regional Evacuation Point 区域疏散点
REP RÉaction Extra-Pyramidale RÉaction Extra-Pyramidale
REP RÉgiment Etranger Parachutiste (French) RÉgiment Etranger Parachutiste (French)
REP Recognised Environmental Picture (British Royal Navy tool) 公认的环境图片(英国皇家海军工具)
REP Relativistic Effective Potential 相对论有效势
REP Resonance Escape Probability 共振逃逸概率
REP Reasonable Expectation of Privacy (law) 隐私的合理期望(法律)
REP Relativistic Electron Precipitation 相对论电子沉淀
REP Reynolds Number 雷诺数
REP Repetition 重复
REP Rab Escort Protein Rab-Escort蛋白
REP Reserve Enlistment Program 预备役登记计划

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