
你在寻找 PPR 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 PPR 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 PPR 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 PPR的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
PPR Package Power Reactor 装配[移动]式动力反应堆[美]
PPR Production Pilot Run 生產試做
PPR Projection Pursuit Regression 投影跟踪回归
PPR Pointe-A-Pitre (airport code, French Antilles) A点(机场代码,法属安的列斯群岛)
PPR Peak Power Reduction 峰值功率降低
PPR Professional Placement Resources (world-wide health care recruitment company) 专业招聘资源(全球医疗招聘公司)
PPR Public Performance Rights 公共表演权
PPR Pollution Prevention Regulation (maritime transportation activities) 污染预防条例(海上运输活动)
PPR Production Problem Report 生产问题报告
PPR Personal Property Rental (IRS) 个人财产租赁(IRS)
PPR People\'s Party for Reform (South Korea) 人民党的改革(韩国)
PPR Pulses Per Revolution 每转脉冲数
PPR Path-Protection Routing 路径保护路由
PPR Program Performance Review 项目绩效审查
PPR Production Process Review 生产过程审查
PPR Papago Population Register 帕帕戈人口登记册
PPR Product, Process and Resource 产品、流程和资源
PPR Pre-Project Review 项目前审查
PPR Project Progress Report 项目进度报告
PPR Prior Permission Required 需要事先许可
PPR Politieke Partij Radicalen Radicalen政党
PPR Planta de ProducciÓn de RadioisÓtopos Planta de ProducciÓn de RadioisÓtopos
PPR Program/Project Progress Review 计划/项目进度审查
PPR Production Progress Report 生产进度报告
PPR Polypropylene Random 聚丙烯随机
PPR Periodic Performance Review 定期绩效审查
PPR Peste des Petits Ruminants 小反刍兽疫
PPR PMS Performance Rate PMS绩效率
PPR Prior Permission Request 事先许可请求
PPR Performance Planning & Review 绩效计划和评论
PPR Payload Performance Report 有效负载性能报告
PPR Polska Partia Robotnicza (Polish Labour Party) 波兰劳动党
PPR Product and Process Realization 产品和过程实现
PPR Planned Program Requirement 计划项目要求
PPR Proprietary Procurement Request 专有采购请求
PPR Payload Preparation Room 有效载荷准备室
PPR Phased Periodic Reinvestigation (security clearance investigation) 分阶段定期重新调查(安全许可调查)
PPR Pre-Programming Report 预编程报告
PPR Pants Pants Revolution (online comic) 长裤革命(网络漫画)
PPR Paper - Decision/Point/Issue (TMINS) 纸/观点/问题——决定(TMINS)
PPR Putative Promoter Region 建议发起人区域
PPR Principle Policy And Rule 原则政策和规则
PPR Pasir Pangarayan, Indonesia 印度尼西亚Pasir Pangarayan
PPR Process Product Resource 工艺产品资源
PPR Power Point Rating 功率点额定值
PPR Parent Provider Relations 父提供商关系
PPR Plover Portage Rendezvous Plover Portage交会
PPR Program Planning Review 项目规划审查
PPR Property & Portfolio Research, Inc. 财产和组合,研究
PPR Problem Part Report 问题部件报告
PPR Paper 纸张
PPR Patient Privacy Rights 患者隐私权
PPR Primary Pass Rider (Delta Airlines) 主要通行证乘客(达美航空)
PPR Photoparoxysmal Response 光突发反应
PPR Photopolarimeter Radiometer 旋光辐射计
PPR Partial Product Reduction 部分产品缩减
PPR Project Proposal Review 项目建议书审查
PPR Periodic Program Review 定期计划审查
PPR Post, Proof or Retract 标杆、证明或收回
PPR Piece Part Repair 零部件维修
PPR Per Pupil Revenue 每个学生的收入
PPR Processing Plant Regulations 加工厂条例
PPR Policy Projection (insurance) 保单预测(保险)
PPR Point Per Reception (fantasy football) 每次接待点数(梦幻足球)
PPR Projection Pursuit Regression (statistical analysis) 投影寻踪回归(统计分析)
PPR Photopolarimeter/Radiometer (Galileo spacecraft) Photopolarimeter /辐射计(伽利略太空船)
PPR Pathfinder Planetary Rover 开拓者行星车
PPR papulopustular rosacea (dermatology) 丘疹型酒渣鼻(皮肤病学)
PPR Physical Progress Review 物理进度审查
PPR Periparturient Egg Rise 围产期鸡蛋上升
PPR Principal Place of Residence (real estate/investing) 主要居住的地点(房地产/投资)
PPR Performance Planning And Review 绩效规划和审查
PPR Portable Propagation Recorder 便携式传播记录器
PPR psycho-paradoxical reaction 心理反常反应
PPR paraprotehetic 副保护的
PPR Product Profitability Reporting 产品盈利能力报告
PPR Particular Packing Requirements 特殊包装要求
PPR photopalpebral reflex 光脊反射
PPR Preferred Premium Rate (insurance) 优先保险费率(保险)
PPR patient-physician relationship 医患关系
PPR Product Process And Resource 产品流程和资源
PPR Pre-Planned Response 预先计划的响应
PPR Pilgrim Prime Rate Trust 朝圣者最优惠利率信托
PPR price\'s precipitation reaction 普赖斯(氏)沉淀反应
PPR Pre- Parole Report 假释前报告
PPR Performance Percentage Rank 绩效百分比排名

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