
你在寻找 PPP 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 PPP 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 PPP 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 PPP的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
PPP Point to Point Protocol 点对点联机协议
PPP Private Placement Program (banking) 私人配售计划(银行)
PPP Progressive People\'s Party 进步的人们的聚会
PPP Personnel Protective Equipment 人员防护设备
PPP Pakistan Peoples Party 巴基斯坦人民党
PPP Pearly Penile Papules (Hirsuties papillaris genitalis) 珍珠阴茎丘疹(生殖器乳头多毛症)
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol (Internet) 点对点协议(Internet)
PPP Ping, Pipe, and Power (web hosting/data center slang) 平、管道、电力(网页寄存/数据中心俚语)
PPP Partial Parity Protection 部分奇偶校验保护
PPP Public Private Partnership 公私伙伴关系
PPP Pilot Production Program 试生产计划
PPP Pianississimo (music; very soft volume) 钢琴(音乐;非常柔和的音量)
PPP PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint演示文稿
PPP Pulse Power Protection 脉冲功率保护
PPP Partenariats Publique-PrivÉ (French: Public-private partnerships; Quebec, Canada government agency) Partenariats Publique-PrivÉ (French: Public-private partnerships; Quebec, Canada government agency)
PPP Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (United Development Party, Indonesia) 印度尼西亚联合发展党
PPP Premium Paintball Products 高级彩球产品
PPP Premium Price Policy 保费价格政策
PPP Privatization Planning Panel 私有化规划小组
PPP Platelet-Poor Plasma 血小板缺乏血浆
PPP Purchasing Power Parity 购买力平价
PPP Perfect Passive Participle 完全被动分词
PPP Partido del Poder del Pueblo (Indonesia) Poder del Pueblo党(印度尼西亚)
PPP Pen, Paint & Pretzels 钢笔、油漆和椒盐饼干
PPP Pollution Prevention Program 污染预防计划
PPP Prepositioned Procurement Package 预定位采购包
PPP Partido Popular PortuguÊs Partido Popular PortuguÊs
PPP Partial Path Protection 部分路径保护
PPP Product Protection Plan 产品保护计划
PPP Party Puff People (Swedish band) 派对泡芙人(瑞典乐队)
PPP Philosophy Politics and Psychology 哲学、政治和心理学
PPP Participatory Planning Process 参与式规划流程
PPP Pale Porcelain Princess (beauty/makeup forum slang) 浅瓷公主(美/妆论坛俚语)
PPP Poly-Para-Phenylene 聚对苯
PPP People\'s Progressive Party (Guyana) 人民进步党圭亚那
PPP Point Protocol Problem 点协议问题
PPP Pre-fragmented Programmable Proximity fuzed round 预分段可编程近炸引信
PPP Piss Poor Planning 糟糕的计划
PPP Parentes Pii Posuerunt (Latin: Pious Parents Have Built, epigraphy) Parents Pii Posuerunt(拉丁语:Pious Parents Have Built,金石学)
PPP Perfect Prom Project 完美舞会项目
PPP Participle Perfect Passive (grammatical form) 分词完全被动(语法形式)
PPP Projected Promotion Potential 预计推广潜力
PPP Public Papers of the Presidents 总统的公开文件
PPP Puff Puff Pass 泡芙泡芙通行证
PPP Pollution Prevention Plan 污染预防计划
PPP Piss Poor Protoplasm Piss贫原生质体
PPP Preservation, Packaging, and Packing 保存、包装和包装
PPP Peripheral Pulses Palpable 可触摸的外周脉搏
PPP Passive Periphrastic 被动短语
PPP Parti Progresif Penduduk (Malyasia) Penduduk部分项目(Malyasia)
PPP Participium Perfectum Passivum (Latin) Participium Perfectum Passivum(拉丁语)
PPP Pose, Pause, Pounce (teaching strategy) 姿势、暂停、冲击(教学策略)
PPP Pälkäneen Putki Ja Puhallin Pälkäneen Putki Ja Puhallin
PPP Piano Pianissimo (music; played as softly as possible) 钢琴(音乐;尽可能轻柔地演奏)
PPP Poker Player Posse 扑克玩家群
PPP Projects, Plans and Policy 项目、计划和政策
PPP Practice Practice Practice 练习练习练习
PPP pustulosis palmaris et plantaris 掌跖脓疱病
PPP plasma protamine precipitating 血浆精蛋白沉淀
PPP paraoxypropiophenone 对氧丙基苯酮
PPP ParaParaParadise (dance simulation game series) ParaParaParadise(舞蹈模拟游戏系列)
PPP Pre-Authorized Payment Plan 预授权付款计划
PPP Parlamentarisches Patenschaftsprogramm (Germany) 专利计划(德国)
PPP Personnel Performance Profile 人员绩效概况
PPP Penultimate Profit Prospect 潜在利润前景
PPP Per Pay Period 每个支付期
PPP Product Program Proposal 产品计划建议书
PPP Prepayment Penalty 预付款罚款
PPP Presbyterian Peacemaking Program 长老会缔造和平计划
PPP Plant Protection Product 植物保护产品
PPP Parti Populaire des Putes (French: Popular Party of Prostitutes; Canada) 普特人民党(法语:受欢迎的妓女党;加拿大)
PPP People Power Party (political group, Thailand) 人民力量党(政治团体,泰国)
PPP Polluter Pays Principle 污染者付费原则
PPP Prepare, Prime, Paint 准备、涂底漆、喷漆
PPP Pentose Phosphate Pathway (sugar metabolism) 戊糖磷酸途径(糖代谢)
PPP Product Planning Process (project management) 产品规划过程(项目管理)
PPP Passenger Protection Program (airline industry) 乘客保护计划(航空业)
PPP Power Play Points (hockey) 电动游戏点(曲棍球)
PPP Possession of Paraphernalia 拥有Paraphernalia
PPP Potter Puppet Pals (website) 波特木偶朋友(网站)
PPP Prohibited Personnel Practices 禁止的人员行为
PPP Payment Protection Plan (credit card insurance program) 支付保障计划(信用卡保险计划)
PPP Palestinian Public Perceptions (reports) 巴勒斯坦公众的看法(报告)
PPP Puntos Por Pulgada (Spanish: Dots Per Inch) Puntos Por Pulgada(西班牙语:每英寸点数)
PPP Peter Pan Pool 彼得潘泳池
PPP Power Projection Platform 电力投影平台
PPP Porcine Pneumonic Pasteurellosis 猪肺炎巴氏杆菌病
PPP Peleliu Pacific Partnership (humanitarian assistance mission) Peleliu太平洋伙伴关系(人道主义援助团)
PPP Palestinian People\'s Party 巴勒斯坦人的宴会
PPP Pier Paolo Pasolini (Italian director, 1922-1975) 皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼(意大利导演,1922-1975)
PPP Prominent Point Processing 突出点处理
PPP Portable Phoenix Project 便携式Phoenix项目
PPP Plan Puebla PanamÁ (Spanish) Plan Puebla PanamÁ (Spanish)
PPP Pirkka-Pekka Petelius (Finnish comedian) Pirkka Pekka Peterius(芬兰喜剧演员)
PPP Pay Per Performance 按绩效支付
PPP Press Photographers of the Philippines 菲律宾新闻摄影师
PPP Program Protection Plan 项目保护计划
PPP Porcine Pleuropneumonia 猪胸膜肺炎
PPP Prodrive Performance Pack (Subaru) Prodrive性能包(斯巴鲁)

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