
你在寻找 POI 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 POI 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 POI 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 POI的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
POI Point Of Interconnection 介接點
POI Point Of Interest 信息点
POI Proof of Insurance 保险证明
POI Penguin on Ice 冰上企鹅
POI Position of Interest 感兴趣的位置
POI Person of Interest 利益相关者
POI Poor Obfuscation Implementation 混乱实施不佳
POI Point Of Interface 接口点
POI Principles of Instruction 教学原则
POI Parallel Optical Interface 并行光学接口
POI Point of Impingement 撞击点
POI Polygons Of Interest 感兴趣的多边形
POI Products Of Inertia 惯性产品
POI Proof of Identity 身份证明
POI Pride On Ice (website) 冰上骄傲(网站)
POI Purchase Order Index 采购订单索引
POI Probability Of Intercept 拦截概率
POI Point of Interception 拦截点
POI Principal Operations Inspector 首席运营检查员
POI Program Of Instruction 教学大纲
POI Price and Output Indices 价格和产出指数
POI Potosi, Bolivia 玻利维亚波托西
POI Pieces Of Information 信息片段
POI Partner Of Integrity 诚信合作伙伴
POI Passed Out Intoxicated 醉倒在地
POI Piece Of Information 一条信息
POI Protest Of Innocence 无罪抗议
POI Province Of Issue 发行省份
POI Protection One, Inc. Protection One公司。
POI Path Overhead Indicator 路径开销指示器
POI period of interest (US DoD) 利息期(美国国防部)
POI Primary Ovarian Insufficiency 原发性卵巢功能不足
POI Planned Operational Interval (US DoD; naval aviation) 计划作战间隔(美国国防部;海军航空)
POI Program Oral Interpretation (forensics speech) 课程口头口译(法医演讲)
POI Panoramic Optical Imager 全景光学成像仪
POI Prior Owner Inscription (book markings) 先前所有者铭文(书籍标记)
POI Perceptual Organization Index 感知组织指数
POI Purchase Order Invoice 采购订单发票
POI PURL-Based Object Identifier 基于PURL的对象标识符
POI Point(s) Of Interest 关注点
POI Points of Interaction 交互作用点
POI Percent of Increase 增长百分比
POI Plane of Innovation (Everquest game) 创新平面(Everquest游戏)
POI Purveyor of Innovation (marketing) 创新供应商(营销)
POI Plan Of Instruction 教学计划
POI P-mode Oscillations Instrument (Mees Solar Observatory) P型振荡仪(Mees太阳天文台)
POI Program(s) Of Instruction 教学大纲
POI Points Of Interest 兴趣点
POI postoperative infection 术后感染
POI personal orientation inventory 个人取向调查表

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