
你在寻找 POE 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 POE 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 POE 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 POE的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
POE port of entry 报关港口
POE Projected Operating Employment (Navy Association with ROC) 预计运营就业(海军与中华民国协会)
POE Plan of Exploration 勘探计划
POE Probability of Exceedence 超标概率
POE Principles of Engineering 工程原理
POE Post Office Express 邮局快递
POE Physician Order Entry 医嘱输入
POE Port Of Embarkation 登船港
POE Point of Entry 进入点
POE Ports of Entry 入境口岸
POE Process of Elimination 消除过程
POE Panel of Experts 专家小组
POE Power-Over-Ethernet 以太网供电
POE Proof of Enabler 启用码证明
POE Point of Essence 要点
POE Proofs of Entitlement (IBM) 授权证明(IBM)
POE Parallel Operating Environment (IBM) 并行操作环境(IBM)
POE Point of Embarkation 登船点
POE Piece of Eight (old English currency) 八分之一(旧英国货币)
POE Portal of Evil (website) 邪恶之门(网站)
POE Peter\'s Operating Environment 彼得的操作环境
POE Program Of Emphasis 重点课程
POE Pediatric Oncology Education 儿科肿瘤学教育
POE Predict Observe Explain 预测观察解释
POE Point of Exposure 暴露点
POE Program Office Estimate 项目办公室估算
POE point of ending 终点
POE polyoxyethylene 聚氧乙烯
POE Peters Operating Environment 彼得斯操作环境
POE post-operative evaluation 术后评估
POE Phylogeny Ontogeny And Epigenesis 系统发育个体发育和表观发育
POE Preparation Of Estimate 估算的编制
POE pediatric orthopaedic examination 小儿骨科检查
POE Power Over Internet 通过Internet供电
POE Port of Embarkment 登船港
POE postoperative endophthalmitis 术后眼内炎
POE Point Of Origin Energetics 起源点能量学
POE Portal Of Evil 邪恶之门
POE Prince Of Egypt 埃及王子
POE Pieces Of Eight 八件套
POE Point Of Elimination 消除点
POE Ppp Over Ethernet 以太网Ppp
POE Parallel Operating Environment 并行操作环境
POE Posture of Engagement 订婚姿势
POE Post Occupancy Evaluation (now Facility Performance Evaluation) 入住后评估(现为设施性能评估)
POE Polyolester (type of oil for A/C) Polyolester(类型的油/ C)
POE Program of Execution 执行计划
POE Perl Object Environment Perl对象环境
POE Place of Employment 工作地点
POE Privately Owned Enterprise 私营企业
POE Pay Option Election 薪酬选择
POE Precise Orbit Ephemerides 精密轨道星历表
POE Proposed/Projected Operational Environment 提议/放映的作业环境
POE Purity Of Essence 精华的纯度
POE protubÉrance occipitale externe protubÉrance occipitale externe
POE Proactive Office Encounter 主动式办公室会议
POE Point of Existence (game) 存在点(游戏)
POE Peace On Earth 地球上的和平
POE Professional Office Enterprises 专业办公企业
POE Priority of Effort 工作优先级
POE Process Overall Efficiency (engineering) 工艺总体效率(工程)
POE Pipe Organ Encounter 管道器官遭遇
POE Proof of Export 出口证明

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