
你在寻找 POA 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 POA 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 POA 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 POA的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
POA Police Officers' Association 警官协会
POA Peninsula Orthopaedic Associates (Maryland) 半岛骨科协会(马里兰州)
POA Property Owners Association 业主协会
POA Pakistan Olympic Association 巴基斯坦奥林匹克协会
POA Porto Alegre, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil - Salgado Filho (Airport Code) 阿雷格里港,南里奥格兰德州,巴西-萨尔加多·菲尔霍(机场代码)
POA Prowler Owners Association (Plymouth car) Prowler车主协会(普利茅斯汽车)
POA Police Officers\' Association 警官协会
POA Peace Officers Association 和平官员协会
POA Police Officers Association 警官协会
POA Point of Analysis 分析点
POA Pride of America (camp and Norwegian Cruise Line cruise ship) 美国骄傲号(营地和挪威邮轮)
POA Plan of Attack 攻击计划
POA Proof of Age 年龄证明
POA Pledge of Allegiance 效忠誓言
POA Privately Owned Animal 私人拥有的动物
POA Procrastinators of America 美国的拖延者
POA Principles of Accounting 会计原理
POA Psychiatry of Old Age 老年精神病学
POA Point of Arrival 到达点
POA Place of Articulation 铰接位置
POA Points of Authority 授权点
POA Point of Acquisition 采集点
POA Plan Operativo Anual 计划运营年度
POA Prisoner of Azkaban 阿兹卡班囚犯
POA Price On Application 申请价格
POA Pony of the Americas (Pony of the Americas Club) 美洲小马(美洲小马俱乐部)
POA Paid on Arrival 抵达时支付
POA Piece of Ass 一块驴
POA Plan Of Action 行动计划
POA Partial Order Alignment 部分订单对齐
POA Payload Oru (Orbital Replacement Unit) Accommodation 有效载荷Oru(轨道更换单元)住宿
POA Present On Admission (medical diagnosis reporting) 入院时在场(医疗诊断报告)
POA Points of Agreement 协议要点
POA Purchase Order Authorization 采购订单授权
POA Port of Anchorage 锚泊港
POA Portable Object Adaptor (CORBA) 可移植对象适配器(CORBA)
POA Priced on Agreement 按协议定价
POA Pacific Ocean Area 太平洋区域
POA Path of Ascension (gaming group) 扬升之路(游戏组)
POA Project Opportunity Assessment 项目机会评估
POA Phase of Arrival 到达阶段
POA Position Organizational Address (US DoD) 职位组织地址(美国国防部)
POA Pattern Of Analysis 分析模式
POA Point Of Attack 攻击点
POA Pillar of Autumn 秋天的支柱
POA Prizoner Of Axkaban 阿克斯卡班王子
POA Purchase Order Agreement 采购订单协议
POA Partners Of the Americas 美洲合作伙伴
POA Program Of Activities 活动计划
POA Peachtree Office Accounting 桃树办公室会计
POA pyrazinoic acid 吡嗪酸
POA preoptic area 视前区
POA Ponies Of America 美国的小马
POA Percent Open Area 开放面积百分比
POA Provincial Offences Act 省级犯罪法
POA People Of Action 行动的人
POA Portable Object Adapter 轻便对象适配器
POA Pray Over All 为所有人祈祷
POA Plan on (going by) Air 飞行计划
POA Poto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 巴西南里奥格兰德州波托阿莱格里
POA Point of Attachment 连接点
POA Point of Aim 目标
POA Position of Attention 注意事项
POA Period of Availability 可用期
POA Period of Adjustment 调整期
POA Profession of Arms 武器专业
POA Protectors of America 美国的保护者
POA Point Of Access 接入点
POA Persistent Object Adapter 持久对象适配器
POA Purchase Order Acknowledgement 采购订单确认
POA Protection of Assets 资产保护
POA Probability of Adequacy (insurance industry) 充分性概率(保险业)
POA Plane of Array (measurements perpendicular to the solar receiver) 阵列平面(垂直于太阳能接收器的测量)
POA Ponies of America (horse breed) 美洲小马(马品种)
POA Pacific Ocean Alaska (CoE District) 太平洋阿拉斯加(CoE区)
POA Part Of Assembly 组件的一部分
POA Pilliar of Autum (gaming) Autum的Pilliar(游戏)
POA Para Osteo Arthropathy 副骨关节病
POA Partnership of the Americas (US DoD USSOUTHCOM) 美洲伙伴关系(美国国防部美国南方司令部)
POA Probability of Area 面积概率
POA Provincial Offences Act (Canada) 《省犯罪法》(加拿大)
POA Pay on Arrival 到达时付款
POA People of Asia 亚洲人民
POA Puppeteers Of America (Cincinnati, OH) 美国木偶(俄亥俄州辛辛那提)
POA primary optic atrophy 原发性视神经萎缩
POA Premature Ovarian Aging 卵巢早衰
POA pancreatic oncofetal antigen 胰腺癌胎儿抗原
POA Pattern Oriented Approach 面向模式的方法
POA place of application 申请地点
POA Pay Option Arm (loan) 支付期权组(贷款)
POA Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Book by J. K. Rowling) 哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒(J·K·罗琳著)
POA PeriOperative Assistant 围手术期助理
POA Post Office Agent 邮局代理人
POA Production Organization Approval 生产组织审批
POA Project of Activities 活动项目
POA Protuobavještajna Agencija (Counter Intelligence Agency, Croatia) Protuobavještajna Agencija (Counter Intelligence Agency, Croatia)
POA phalangeal osteoarthritis 指骨骨关节炎

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