
你在寻找 PMR 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 PMR 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 PMR 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 PMR的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
PMR Private Mobile Radio 专用集群移动通信网
PMR Palmerston North, New Zealand - Palmerstown North (Airport Code) 新西兰帕默斯顿北-帕默斯顿北(机场代码)
PMR Preliminary Materials Review 初步材料审查
PMR Provider Marketing Release (Intel) 提供商营销发布(Intel)
PMR Project Management Organization 项目管理机构
PMR Plant Mycotoxin Research 植物真菌毒素研究
PMR Polymyalgia Rheumatica 风湿性多肌痛
PMR Performance Monitoring Report 性能监控报告
PMR Perpendicular Magnetic Recording 垂直磁记录
PMR Property Market Report 房地产市场报告
PMR Perinatal Mortality Rate 围产期死亡率
PMR Proportional Meal Rate (US government) 比例膳食费率(美国政府)
PMR Passive Microwave Radiometry 被动微波辐射测量
PMR Prirodoslovni Muzej Rijeka (Rijeka Natural History Museum, Croatia) Prirodoslovni Muzej Rijeka(Rijeka自然历史博物馆,克罗地亚)
PMR Peak-To-Mean Ratio 峰均比
PMR Proportionate Mortality Ratio 比例死亡率
PMR Proportional Mortality Ratio 比例死亡率
PMR Personal Mobile Radio 个人移动收音机
PMR Provisioning Master Record 设置主记录
PMR Project Management Review 项目管理评审
PMR Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 物理医学与康复
PMR Preventive Medicine Residency 预防医学住院
PMR Percutaneous Myocardial Revascularization 经皮心肌血运重建术
PMR Public Mobile Radio 公共移动无线电
PMR Preliminary Map Revision (FEMA) 初步地图修订(FEMA)
PMR Pressure Modulator Radiometer 压力调制器辐射计
PMR Prime Manhattan Realty Prime Manhattan房地产
PMR Park Mining Record (Utah newspaper) 公园采矿记录(犹他州报纸)
PMR Pollutant Mass Rate 污染物质量率
PMR Product Modification Request 产品修改请求
PMR Puppymillrescue 木偶救援
PMR Progressive Muscle Relaxation 渐进式肌肉放松
PMR Private Microwave Radio 私人微波收音机
PMR patient movement requirement (US DoD) 患者移动需求(美国国防部)
PMR Post Mission Report 任务后报告
PMR Platform Rocker Model 平台摇杆型号
PMR Percentage Maximal Relaxation 最大松弛百分比
PMR Program Management Report 项目管理报告
PMR Product Market Regulation 产品市场监管
PMR Platinum Metals Review 铂族金属评论
PMR Policyholder Master Record (insurance) 投保人主记录(保险)
PMR Problem Record (IBM) 问题记录(IBM)
PMR Pacific Missile Range 太平洋导弹试验靶场
PMR Projected Monthly Requirement 预计月度需求
PMR Professional Mediation Resolutions Ltd 专业调解决议有限公司
PMR Polish Market Review 波兰市场评论
PMR Prague Medical Report 布拉格医学报告
PMR prior medical record 既往病历
PMR Poor Man\'s Record 穷人的记录
PMR pilomotor reflex 毛运动反射
PMR Powdery Mildew Resistant 抗白粉病
PMR proportionate morbidity rate 比例发病率
PMR palmomental reflex 掌网膜反射
PMR Pimp My Ride (TV show) Pimp My Ride(电视节目)
PMR Phased Maintenance Review 阶段性维护审查
PMR perinatal morbidity rate 围产期发病率
PMR psychomotor retardation 精神运动障碍
PMR Procurement Management Review 采购管理评审
PMR Property Management Regulation 物业管理条例
PMR photomyoclonic reflex 光肌阵挛反射
PMR polymorphic reticulosis 多形网状增生
PMR Probabilistic Model of Range 射程概率模型
PMR Project Management Report 项目管理报告
PMR Penilaian Menengah Rendah 仁达省
PMR Planning and Management Region 规划和管理区域
PMR Professional Mobile Radio 专业移动电台
PMR Proton Magnetic Resonance 质子磁共振
PMR Palladium Membrane Reactor 钯膜反应器
PMR Policy Master Record (insurance) 保单主记录(保险)
PMR Passive Microwave Radiometer 无源微波辐射计
PMR Perceived Mediated Reality (Mass Communications) 感知媒介现实(大众传播)
PMR Problem Management Request 问题管理请求
PMR Project Mainportontwikkeling Rotterdam (Dutch) 鹿特丹港项目(荷兰)
PMR Piss and Moan Radio Pis and Moan电台
PMR People Management Resources 人员管理资源
PMR Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 物理医学与康复档案
PMR Postmaster Relief 邮政署长救济
PMR Performance Management Review 绩效管理审查
PMR Para-Magnetic Resonance 准磁共振
PMR Planned Maintenance Requirements 计划维护要求
PMR Periodic Maintenance Requirements 定期维护要求
PMR parallel track multiunit return (US DoD) 平行轨道多单元返回(美国国防部)
PMR Project Management Recruitment 项目管理人员招聘
PMR Program Manager\'s Review 项目经理的评论
PMR Port Militarization Resistance (US anti-war organization) 港口军事化抵抗(美国反战组织)
PMR Planned Material Requirement 计划材料需求
PMR Problem Management Report 问题管理报告
PMR Professional and Member Relations 专业和会员关系
PMR Program Management Review 项目管理评审
PMR Patient\'s Medication Records 病人的用药记录
PMR Physiome Model Repository 物理模型库
PMR Program Managers Representative 项目经理代表
PMR Perform Major Repair 进行大修
PMR patient movement request (US DoD) 患者移动请求(美国国防部)
PMR Principal Military Requirement 主要军事要求
PMR Primary Mission Readiness 主要任务准备
PMR Professional Management Review 专业管理评审
PMR Probabilistic Modelling and Reasoning 概率建模与推理
PMR Profoundly Mentally Retarded 严重弱智

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