
你在寻找 PF 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 PF 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 PF 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 PF的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
PF Power Factor 功率因数
PF French Polynesia (ISO country code, top level domain) 法属波利尼西亚(ISO国家代码,顶级域)
PF Planned Finish date 计划完成日期
PF project finance 项目融资
PF protoplasmic face 原生质小页断裂面
PF Phenol-formaldehyde resin 酚醛树脂
PF Page Fault 分页错误
PF Pressurization Fan 加压风机
PF French Polynesia 法属玻利尼西亚
PF phenolphthalein alkalinity of filtrate 滤液酚酞碱度
PF Picofarad 皮法
PF personal foul 个人犯规
PF Performance Factor 性能系数
PF Power Feed 电源馈电
PF Prefetch 预取
PF Prostatitis Foundation 前列腺炎基金会
PF Partition Factor 分区系数
PF Penetration Factor 渗透系数
PF Pulverized Fuel 粉状燃料
PF Protection Factor 保护系数
PF Probability of Failure 失效概率
PF Parachute Flare 降落伞火炬
PF Public Facilities 公共设施
PF Patellofemoral 髌股关节
PF Public Finance 公共财政
PF Presentation Function 演示功能
PF Pfennig 普芬尼格
PF Power Failure 电源故障
PF Procurator Fiscal 财政检察官
PF Pillow Fight 枕头大战
PF Purple Fringing 紫色镶边
PF Plain Flooding 平原洪水
PF Pagan Federation 异教徒联合会
PF Philatelic Foundation of New York 纽约集邮基金会
PF Personal Foul (basketball) 个人犯规(篮球)
PF Plain Face (construction) 平面(结构)
PF Planning Factor 计划因素
PF Paged File 分页文件
PF Preguntas Frecuentes (Spanish: Frequently Asked Questions) Preguntas Frecuentes(西班牙语:常见问题)
PF Prato Feito (Brazil; fast food) Prato Feito(巴西;快餐)
PF Providend Funds 公积金
PF Pheasants Forever (wildlife conservaton group) 永远的雉鸡(野生动物保护组)
PF Phat Farm (clothing brand) Phat Farm(服装品牌)
PF Pink Floyd (band) 平克·弗洛伊德(乐队)
PF Postfinance 邮政融资
PF Particle Filter 粒子过滤器
PF Paul Fleming (PF Chang\'s restaurant) 保罗·弗莱明大张的餐厅()
PF PolÍcia Federal (Brazil; Federal Police Force) PolÍcia Federal (Brazil; Federal Police Force)
PF Prairie Flowers (workshop) 草原花卉(车间)
PF Postfach (German: PO Box) 邮政信箱(德语:PO Box)
PF Pharmacopeia Forum 药典论坛
PF Pigeon Forge (Tennessee) Pigeon Forge(田纳西州)
PF Personal Fitness 个人健身
PF Patriotic Front (Zambia) 爱国阵线(赞比亚)
PF Presence Function Presence功能
PF Programmable Function(s) 可编程功能
PF Pilot Flying 飞行员飞行
PF Paracel Islands 帕拉塞尔群岛
PF Proof 证据
PF Pacific Fleet 太平洋舰队
PF pleural fluid 胸腔积液
PF Points For 积分
PF Packet Filter 数据包筛选器
PF Pro Forma 预估值
PF Power Forward 向前移动电源
PF Personal File 个人文件
PF Parity Flag 奇偶校验标志
PF Peer Facilitator 同行协导员
PF protein free 无蛋白质的
PF Particulate Filter 颗粒过滤器
PF Privacy Foundation 隐私基金会
PF Page File 页面文件
PF Problem Formulation 问题的制定
PF Potency Factor 效价因子
PF POLYCENTER Framework (Digital Equipment Corporation) POLYCENTER框架(数字设备公司)
PF Project Forecast 项目预测
PF Posture Foundation (PF Flyer shoes) 姿势基础(PF Flyer鞋)
PF Peter Fonda (actor) 彼得·方达(演员)
PF Partial Fail (Nortel) 部分故障(北电)
PF Program Files 程序文件
PF Primary Feeder 主馈线
PF Power Forward (basketball) 大前锋(篮球)
PF Pioneer and Fayette Failroad Company 先锋和Fayette Failroad公司
PF Portal Frame (structural engineering) 门式框架(结构工程)
PF Pixel Frequency 像素频率
PF Pipes and Flowers (Elisa Italian music album) 管道和鲜花(Elisa意大利音乐专辑)
PF Pacific Fighters (computer game) 太平洋战斗机(电脑游戏)
PF Proposed Finding 建议的调查结果
PF People First 以人为本
PF Planned Facility 计划的设施
PF Plantar Flexion 足底弯曲
PF Position Fixing 位置固定
PF Peanut Flour 花生粉
PF Pass/Fail (grade) 通过与不(1级)
PF Polar Front 极地前沿
PF Positive Force 正作用力
PF Production Factor 生产要素

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