
你在寻找 PEP 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 PEP 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 PEP 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 PEP的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
PEP phospholipid exchange protein 磷脂转换蛋白
PEP primer extension preamplification 引物延伸预扩增
PEP Photolithography and Etching Process 光刻和腐蚀工艺
PEP PhosphoEnolPyruvate 磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸
PEP Personal Equity Plan 个人公平计划
PEP Peripheral Emulation Program 外围仿真程序
PEP Performance Enhancement Program 性能增强计划
PEP Peacekeeping English Project 维和英语项目
PEP Politically Exposed Person(s) 政治人物
PEP Potential Extramural Projects 潜在的校外项目
PEP Performance Evaluation Program 绩效评估计划
PEP Physics Enhancement Program 物理增强计划
PEP Perlacher Einkaufspassagen (Munich shopping mall) Perlacher Einkaufspasagen(慕尼黑购物中心)
PEP Python Enhancement Proposal 增强提案
PEP President\'s Escapee Program 总统Escapee程序
PEP People\'s Empowerment Party (Trinidad and Tobago) 人民的授权党(特立尼达和多巴哥)
PEP Physician Enhancement Program 医师增强计划
PEP Product Evaluation Procedure 产品评估程序
PEP Postpartum Education for Parents 父母产后教育
PEP Professional Enhancement Program 专业增强计划
PEP Personal Effects Protection 个人物品保护
PEP Preinstruction Emulation Program 指令前仿真程序
PEP Primary Entry Point 主要入口点
PEP Personal Equity Plan (UK) 个人股本计划(英国)
PEP Phased Execution Plan 分阶段执行计划
PEP Partitioned Emulation Programming 分区仿真编程
PEP Production Engineering & Planning 制作工程及计划
PEP Plant Equipment Package 工厂设备包
PEP Procurement Evaluation Panel 采购评估小组
PEP Pole-Equator-Pole transects 极赤道极横断面
PEP Patent Examination Procedure 专利审查程序
PEP Proposal Evaluation Plan 建议书评估计划
PEP Preferred Equipment Program 首选设备计划
PEP PME (Professional Military Education) Exchange Program 职业军事教育交流计划
PEP Private Energy Partners 私人能源合作伙伴
PEP Parents for Enrichment Programs 家长强化计划
PEP Provincial Emergency Program (British Columbia) 省应急计划(不列颠哥伦比亚省)
PEP Peirce Edition Project (Indiana University, Indianapolis) 皮尔斯版项目(印第安纳大学,印第安纳波利斯)
PEP Profitability Enhancement Program 盈利能力增强计划
PEP Process Enhancement Program 流程增强计划
PEP Programmable Entry Panel 可编程进入面板
PEP Pulsed Energy Projectile 脉冲能量弹丸
PEP Packetized Ensemble Protocol 分组系统协议
PEP Positive Expiratory Pressure (respiratory medicine) 呼气正压(呼吸内科)
PEP Product Evolution Program (Cisco) 产品发展计划(Cisco)
PEP Performance Enhancement Proxy (TCP) 性能增强代理(TCP)
PEP Proposal Entry Processor 建议输入处理器
PEP Personnel Exchange Program 人员交流计划
PEP Performance Enhancement Protocol 性能增强协议
PEP Producibility Engineering & Planning 生产性工程及计划
PEP Positron Electron Project (experimental particle physics) 正负电子项目(实验粒子物理学)
PEP Parent Encouragement Program, Inc. 家长鼓励计划公司。
PEP Program Execution Plan 项目执行计划
PEP Pepsico, Inc. 百事可乐公司。
PEP Performance Evaluation Plan 绩效评估计划
PEP Predictability Engineering and Planning 可预测性工程与规划
PEP Power Extension Package (NASA) 动力扩展包(NASA)
PEP Positive Expiratory Pressure 呼气正压
PEP pyridylethyl-penicillamine 吡啶乙基青霉胺
PEP polyestradiol phosphate 聚雌二醇磷酸酯
PEP Psychoeducational Process 心理教育过程
PEP Perimeter Email Protection 外围电子邮件保护
PEP Public Employment Program 公共就业计划
PEP Progressive Evaluation Process (Washington State DSHS term having to do with incapacity determinations) 渐进式评估流程(华盛顿州DSHS术语与丧失工作能力判定有关)
PEP Participatory Enterprise Planning 参与式企业规划
PEP Public Enquiry Point 公众咨询点
PEP Post Exposure Prophylaxis 暴露后预防
PEP Parkinson\'s Educational Program 帕金森教育计划
PEP Peak Envelope Power 峰值包络功率
PEP Physcomitrella EST Programme Physcomitrella EST计划
PEP Policy Enforcement Point 策略实施点
PEP Propellants, Explosives, and/or Pyrotechnics 推进剂、炸药、和/或烟火
PEP Process Enhancement Partners, Inc. (Silver Spring, MD) Process Enhancement Partners,Inc.(马里兰州Silver Spring)
PEP People Empowering People 人民赋权人民
PEP Parents Encouraging Parents 父母鼓励父母
PEP Pairwise Error Probability 成对错误概率
PEP Power Entry Panel 电源进入面板
PEP peptidase 肽酶
PEP Protocol Extension Protocol 协议扩展协议
PEP Promotion Evaluation Pattern 晋升评估模式
PEP Productivity, Engineering and Planning 生产力、工程和规划
PEP Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing 精神分析电子出版
PEP Primary Education Program 小学教育计划
PEP Producibility Engineering and Planning 可生产性工程与规划
PEP Post Exposure Preventive Treatment 暴露后预防性治疗
PEP Paperless Environment Project 无纸环境项目
PEP Poverty and Economic Policy 贫困与经济政策
PEP Port Expansion Processor (SACCS) 端口扩展处理器(SACCS)
PEP Psychoeducational Profile 心理教育概况
PEP Portable Energy Products, Inc. 便携式能源产品公司。
PEP Positive Education Program (Ohio) 积极教育计划(俄亥俄州)
PEP Pepsico Inc (stock symbol) 百事可乐公司(股票代码)
PEP Protected Equity Participation 受保护的股权参与
PEP Project Execution Plan 项目执行计划
PEP Performance Enhancement Platoon (instuctional tool used at US Coast Guard Boot Camp) 性能增强排(美国海岸警卫队训练营使用的指导工具)
PEP Procurement Exception Processing 采购异常处理
PEP Phthalate Esters Panel 邻苯二甲酸酯面板
PEP Progressive Episcopalians of Pittsburgh 匹兹堡进步圣公会教徒
PEP Performance Evaluation & Prediction 绩效评估和预测

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