
你在寻找 PALS 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 PALS 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 PALS 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 PALS的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
PALS Parents Association for Laingsburg Students 莱恩斯堡学生家长协会
PALS Pacific Association for Labor Support 太平洋劳工支持协会
PALS Parents Association Lending Support 父母协会贷款支持
PALS Presentation Association for Life and Service 生活与服务演示协会
PALS Persian and Arab Law Society 波斯和阿拉伯法律协会
PALS Pet Access League Society 宠物访问联盟协会
PALS Partnership, Acceptance, Learning and Sharing (Australian Department of Indigenous Affairs initiative) 伙伴关系、接受、学习和分享(澳大利亚土著事务部倡议)
PALS Publisher and Library/Learning Solutions 出版商和图书馆/学习的解决方案
PALS Patient Advice and Liaison Services (UK) 患者咨询和联络服务(英国)
PALS Protection Against Accidental Launch System 防止意外发射系统
PALS Pediatric Advanced Life Support 儿童高级生命支持
PALS Periarteriolar Lymphatic Sheath (surrounds central arteries within spleen) 小动脉周围淋巴鞘(围绕脾脏内的中央动脉)
PALS Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome Papillon-Lefevre综合征
PALS Portable Airfield Light Set 便携式机场灯组
PALS Program for Alternative Learning (Limestone College ) 替代学习计划(石灰石学院)
PALS Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy 正电子湮没寿命谱
PALS PEC Alumni Society (PEC = Punjab Engineering College; India) PEC校友会(PEC=旁遮普工程学院;印度)
PALS Performance Assessment for Language Students 语言学生的绩效评估
PALS Peace and Love in Schools (national charity in Jamaica) 学校的和平与爱(牙买加国家慈善机构)
PALS Partnering and Leadership Success (National Credit Union Administration) 合作与领导成功(国家信用联盟管理局)
PALS Passaic County Library System (New Jersey) 帕塞伊克县图书馆系统(新泽西州)
PALS Performance Assessment Links in Science 科学绩效评估环节
PALS Persons with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 肌萎缩侧索硬化症患者
PALS Pocket Attachment Ladder System (MOLLE) 口袋附件梯子系统(MOLLE)
PALS Program Automated Library System 程序自动化库系统
PALS PETCO Animal Lovers Save PETCO动物爱好者拯救
PALS Parents Always Lending Support 父母总是提供支持
PALS Prisoner Adoption and Life Skills 囚犯收养与生活技能
PALS Prayer Attitude Laughter Survival 祈祷态度笑声生存
PALS Positive and Affirming Life Skills 积极和肯定的生活技能
PALS Positive Attitude and Life Skills 积极的态度和生活技能
PALS Print Artist Lovers Site 打印艺术家爱好者网站
PALS Pass A Long Story 长话短说
PALS People Acting Like Siblings 表现得像兄弟姐妹的人
PALS Physical And Life Sciences 物理与生命科学
PALS Phonemic Awareness Literacy Screening 语音意识识字筛查
PALS Playing And Learning Skills 游戏和学习技能
PALS Parents As Literacy Supporters 父母作为扫盲支持者
PALS Peer Assistance, Leadership, and Support 同行协助、领导和支持
PALS Patient Advice Liaison Service 患者咨询联络服务
PALS Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening 语音意识识字筛查
PALS Project for Automated Library Systems 自动化图书馆系统项目
PALS Prayer, Assistance, Learning, and Sharing 祈祷、帮助、学习和分享
PALS Prevention Advocacy Leadership Support 预防倡导领导支持
PALS Practice Activity and Leisure Scheme 实践活动和休闲计划
PALS Playing Achieving Learning Speaking 游戏实现学习口语
PALS Parents Assist Learning and Schooling 家长协助学习和上学
PALS Partners Achieving Learning Success 合作伙伴取得学习成功
PALS Personal Assistants to Learning the System 学习系统的个人助理
PALS Patient Advocacy and Liaison Service 患者宣传和联络服务
PALS Preparation for Adult Living Skills 成人生活技能准备
PALS Peer Assistant Leadership Students 同伴助理领导学生
PALS Public Advice and Liaison Service 公共咨询和联络处
PALS People with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 肌萎缩侧索硬化症患者
PALS Public Access Library System 公共图书馆系统
PALS Parents Accelerating the Learning of Students 家长促进学生学习
PALS Play And Learn Scheme 游戏和学习计划
PALS Patriot Automated Logistics System 爱国者自动化物流系统
PALS Punk Academy of Life Science 庞克生命科学学院
PALS Portable Automated Lookout System (US DHS) 便携式自动了望系统(US DHS)
PALS PACOM Academic Library Steering (Committee) PACOM学术图书馆指导(委员会)
PALS Photo Area & Location System 图片区和定位系统
PALS Patient Advice and Liaison Service 患者咨询和联络服务
PALS Performing Arts of Lake & Sumter Counties (Florida) 表演艺术的湖和桑特县(佛罗里达)
PALS periarteriolar lymphocyte sheaths 动脉周围淋巴细胞鞘
PALS Phase Analysis Light Scattering (laboratory instrument) 相位分析光散射(实验室仪器)
PALS Protection Against Limited Strikes 有限罢工保护
PALS periarterial lymphoid sheath 动脉周围淋巴鞘
PALS Peer Assistance and Leadership 同伴协助和领导
PALS pediatric advancde life support 儿科高级生命支持
PALS Principles of the Alphabet Literacy System 字母识字系统的原理
PALS Peer Assistant Leadership Student 同伴助理领导学生
PALS Precision Approach and Landing System 精密进近和着陆系统
PALS People Assisting Little Souls 帮助小灵魂的人
PALS Peer Advisors Leading Students 领导学生的同行顾问
PALS Partners and Alliances Linking Schools 联系学校的合作伙伴和联盟
PALS Positive and Living Squad (Global Friends in Action, Inc.) 积极生活队(全球行动之友公司)

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