
你在寻找 PACT 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 PACT 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 PACT 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 PACT的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
PACT Production Analysis Control Technique 生产分析管理技术
PACT Professional Association For Computer Training 计算机培训专业协会
PACT Philippine Association of Chemistry Teachers 菲律宾化学教师协会
PACT Professional Association of Canadian Theatres 加拿大剧院专业协会
PACT People\'s Association Cultural Troupe (Singapore) 人民协会赴新加坡
PACT Presbyterian Association for Community Transformation 长老会社区改造协会
PACT Partners Achieving Change Together 合作伙伴共同实现变革
PACT Programs of Assertive Community Treatment 自信社区治疗计划
PACT Positive Assertive Control Tactics (law enforcement) 积极自信控制策略(执法)
PACT personal Air Communications Technology 个人空中通信技术
PACT Partners and Community Together 合作伙伴和社区
PACT Process Assessment, Consulting, & Training (Burnsville, Minnesota) 过程评估、咨询、及培训(Burnsville,明尼苏达州)
PACT Passaic County Alliance for Countywide Technology (New Jersey) Passaic县全州技术联盟(新泽西州)
PACT Producers Alliance for Cinema & Television 电影和电视制作人联盟
PACT Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (Conference) 并行体系结构和编译技术(会议)
PACT Partnership in Advanced Computing Technologies 先进计算技术合作伙伴关系
PACT Police and Community Together 警察和社区一起
PACT Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (International Atomic Energy Agency) 癌症治疗行动纲领(国际原子能机构)
PACT Parents and Children Together 父母和孩子在一起
PACT Palmetto Achievement Challenge Test 棕榈成就挑战测试
PACT Parent and Child Together 父母和孩子在一起
PACT Pilot Ada Capabilities Transition 飞行员Ada能力过渡
PACT People Against Coercive Treatment 反对强制治疗的人
PACT Placed Actual (rail car movement event code) 实际放置(轨道车移动事件代码)
PACT Palo Alto Collaborative Testbed Palo Alto协作试验台
PACT Parents And Community Together 父母和社区一起
PACT Parent And Child Time 父级和子级时间
PACT Placing Assessment and Counseling Team 安置评估和咨询团队
PACT Program For Academic Creative Talents 学术创新人才计划
PACT Police Agency Combined Testing 警察局联合测试
PACT Portable Application Code Toolkit 可移植应用程序代码工具包
PACT International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques 并行体系结构和编译技术国际会议
PACT Parents Allied with Children and Teachers 与儿童和教师结盟的父母
PACT Plaister Aural Comprehension Test Plaister听力理解测试
PACT Process Automation Configuration Tool 过程自动化配置工具
PACT Program on Applied Coordination Technology 应用协调技术计划
PACT precordial acceleration tracing 心前加速度追踪
PACT Police And Children Together 警察和儿童一起
PACT Peers Acting To Challenge Tobacco 同行挑战烟草
PACT Prosecute Animal Cruelty Together 一起起诉虐待动物
PACT Positive Alternative Choices Today 今天的积极选择
PACT Positioning, Advertising, Copy, Testing 定位、广告、复制、测试
PACT Planting Alliance Churches Today 今天种植联盟教堂
PACT Program Of Assertive Community Treatment 自信社区治疗计划
PACT Program For Academic And Creative Talent 学术和创新人才计划
PACT Public Awareness Campaign Together 共同开展公众意识活动
PACT Port Aransas Community Theatre 阿兰萨斯港社区剧院
PACT Psychiatric Assessment Center for Treatment 精神病治疗评估中心
PACT Pregnant Adolescent Childcare Training 怀孕青少年育儿培训
PACT Partnership Against Car Theft 防止汽车盗窃的伙伴关系
PACT Program For Assertive Community Treatment 自信社区治疗计划
PACT Performance Assessment for California Teachers 加州教师绩效评估
PACT Powdered Activated Carbon Treatment 粉末活性炭处理
PACT Precision Ballistic Measurement Equipment 精密弹道测量设备
PACT Preventive Measures, Analyses, Controls, and Tests 预防措施、分析、控制和测试
PACT Protected Areas Conservation Trust (Belize) 保护区保护信托基金(伯利兹)
PACT Parent Advisory Council Team 家长咨询委员会团队
PACT People Against Casino Town (Oregon) 人们反对赌场城(俄勒冈州)
PACT Philippines Against Child Trafficking (Quezon City, Philippines) 菲律宾反对贩卖儿童(菲律宾奎松市)
PACT Private Access Communications Terminal 专用接入通信终端
PACT Putting Athletes and Community Together (Michigan State University) 将运动员和社区团结在一起(密歇根州立大学)
PACT Parents & Abducted Children Together 家长和绑架和孩子在一起
PACT People Achieving Change Together (Sacramento, CA) 人们一起实现变革(加利福尼亚州萨克拉门托)
PACT Progressive Allied Canadian Technologies (Northguard comic fictional corporation) 加拿大科技进步联盟(Northguard漫画虚构公司)
PACT Performance-based Academic Coaching Teams 基于绩效的学术辅导团队
PACT Profit and Cash Turnaround 利润和现金周转
PACT Partial Aircrew Coordination Trainer 部分机组协调培训师

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