
你在寻找 PACE 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 PACE 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 PACE 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 PACE的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
PACE Performance and Cost Evaluation 性能与成本估价
PACE Precision Analog Computing Equipment 精密模拟计算机设备
PACE Programmed Automatic Communications Equipment 自动程序通讯装置
PACE Product And Cycle-time Excellence 产品及周期优化法
PACE Professional Association of Contract Employees 合同雇员专业协会
PACE Professional Association of Colorado Educators 科罗拉多州教育工作者专业协会
PACE Philippine Association of Communication Educators 菲律宾通信教育家协会
PACE Planetary Association for Clean Energy 行星清洁能源协会
PACE Processing and Cognitive Enhancement 加工与认知增强
PACE Performance Advanced CMOS Engineering 性能先进的CMOS工程
PACE Program for Adult College Education 成人大学教育计划
PACE People Against Chimpanzee Experiments 人们反对黑猩猩实验
PACE Product and Cycle-Time Excellence (Pittiglio Rabin Todd & McGrath) 卓越的产品和Cycle-Time(Pittiglio拉宾托德和McGrath)
PACE Pan Arab Consulting Engineers (Kuwait) 泛阿拉伯咨询工程师(科威特)
PACE Programs of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly 老年人全方位护理方案
PACE Physics and Chemistry Experiment (NASA) 物理和化学实验(NASA)
PACE Pacific Advanced Civil Engineering, Inc. (California) 太平洋高级土木工程公司(加利福尼亚)
PACE Particles, Atmosphere and Chemistry Experiment (NASA) 粒子、大气和化学实验(NASA)
PACE Pre-College Awards for Excellence in Mathematics, Science, Engineering and Technology 大学预科数学、科学、工程和技术优秀奖
PACE Precision Architecture Computing Environments 精确体系结构计算环境
PACE Plan A College Education (nursing) A计划大学教育(护理)
PACE Personal Finance and Career Exploration (high school class) 个人理财与职业探索(高中班)
PACE People with Arthritis Can Exercise 关节炎患者可以运动
PACE Partnership for Academic and Community Excellence 学术和社区卓越伙伴关系
PACE Progressively Accelerating Cardiopulmonary Exertion (exercise technique by Al Sears, MD) 逐步加速心肺运动(Al Sears,MD的运动技术)
PACE Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly (Pennsylvania) 老年人药物援助合同(宾夕法尼亚州)
PACE Partners for the Advancement of CAD/CAM/CAE Education 合作伙伴的CAD / CAM / CAE技术教育
PACE Professional Achievement in Continuing Education (insurance) 继续教育专业成就(保险)
PACE Progressive Alliance for Community Empowerment (New Mexico) 社区赋权进步联盟(新墨西哥州)
PACE Processing & Classification of Enlistees Enlistees加工及分类
PACE Pacific Alliance for Catholic Education 太平洋天主教教育联盟
PACE Perceived Annoyance Caused By Echo (Telecommunications testing) 回声引起的感知烦恼(电信测试)
PACE Public Affairs Community Exchange (US Navy) 公共事务社区交流(美国海军)
PACE Personalized Asset Consulting and Evaluation (servicemark of UBS) 个性化资产咨询和评估(瑞银服务标志)
PACE People Against Child Exploitation 反对剥削儿童的人
PACE Plant Acquisition and Construction Equipment 厂房购置和施工设备
PACE People Accessing Careers and Education 获得职业和教育的人
PACE Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and Energy Workers International Union 国际造纸、化工和能源工人联合会
PACE Program for Arrangement of Cables and Equipment (Bellcore) 电缆和设备布置计划(Bellcore)
PACE Packet Circuit Engine (Radsys) 分组电路引擎(Radsys)
PACE Plano Academic Creative Education Plano学术创新教育
PACE Pilot-Assisted Channel Estimation 导频辅助信道估计
PACE Protocol-Aided Channel Equalization 协议辅助信道均衡
PACE Primary Alternate Contingency Emergency (Plan) 主要备用应急(计划)
PACE Procurement Automated Contract Evaluation 采购自动化合同评估
PACE Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment 永久性年度运动捐赠
PACE Professional Accreditation & Certifying Education (figure skating coaching) 专业资质和证明教育(花样滑冰训练)
PACE Property Advisors to the Civil Estate (UK government) 房地产顾问(英国政府)
PACE Production and Capacity Expansion 生产和产能扩张
PACE Plasma Assisted Chemical Etching 等离子辅助化学蚀刻
PACE Pin and Area Constraint Editor 销和面积约束编辑器
PACE Professional Academy of Custody Evaluators 托管评估师专业学院
PACE Program for Academically Creative Enrichment (Washington) 学术创新丰富计划(华盛顿)
PACE Personal Assistance in Community Existence 社区生活中的个人援助
PACE personalized aerobics for cardiovascular enhancement 增强心血管功能的个性化健美操
PACE Police And Criminal Evidence Act of 1984 1984年《警察和刑事证据法》
PACE Post Abortion Counseling And Education 堕胎后咨询和教育
PACE pulmonary angiotensin i converting enzyme 肺血管紧张素i转换酶
PACE Parents Advancing Christian Education 家长推动基督教教育
PACE Personal Achievement Citizenship And Effort 个人成就公民身份和努力
PACE Progressive Accelerating Cardiopulmonary Exertion 渐进加速心肺运动
PACE Programmed Activities For Correctional Education 惩教教育计划活动
PACE Programmable Arcade Circuit Emulator 可编程街机电路仿真器
PACE Pilot Aircraft Courtesy Evaluation 飞行员飞机礼遇评估
PACE Processor for Aerodynamic Computations and Evaluation (India) 空气动力计算和评估处理器(印度)
PACE Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology (journal) 起搏与临床电生理学(期刊)
PACE Pocket-Sized Automatic Crypto Equipment 袖珍自动加密设备
PACE Plan de AcciÓn CIM (Computer-Integrated Manufacturing) para España (Spain) Plan de AcciÓn CIM (Computer-Integrated Manufacturing) para España (Spain)
PACE Program for Afloat College Education 非洲大学教育计划
PACE Plant and Capital Equipment 厂房和资本设备
PACE Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment (Los Angeles, California) 太平洋亚洲就业联盟(加利福尼亚州洛杉矶)
PACE Program for Accelerated College Education 加速大学教育计划
PACE Progression for Adaptive and Cognitive Education 适应和认知教育进展
PACE Program Acquisition Cost Estimate 项目采办成本估算
PACE Public Affairs Center of Excellence (US Air Force) 卓越公共事务中心(美国空军)
PACE Positive Attitudes Change Everything 积极的态度改变一切
PACE Profits After Controllable Expenses 可控费用后的利润
PACE Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 欧洲委员会议会
PACE Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly 老年人全方位护理计划
PACE Professional & Administrative Career Examination 专业、行政事业检查
PACE Police And Criminal Evidence act (UK) 《警察和刑事证据法》(英国)
PACE Programming for Academic and Creative Excellence (Ontario, Canada) 学术和创意卓越计划(加拿大安大略省)
PACE Protection Against a Changing Economy 防止经济变化
PACE Power Assisted Glove End Effector 电动辅助手套末端效应器
PACE Preventing Accidents Concerns Everyone 预防事故关系到每个人
PACE Pennsylvania Alliance for Character Education 宾夕法尼亚州品格教育联盟
PACE Priority Access Control Enabled (3Com) 已启用优先级访问控制(3Com)
PACE Protecting America\'s Competitive Edge (US government proposed legislation) 保护美国的竞争力(美国政府建议立法案)
PACE Professional and Career English 专业和职业英语
PACE Practical Academic Cultural Education 实用学术文化教育
PACE Promoting Aphasics\' Communicative Effectiveness (aphasia treatment approach) 促进交际效果(失语病人的治疗方法)
PACE Performance & Cost Evaluation Program 性能和成本评估计划
PACE Patent Application Capture and Entry (USPTO) 专利申请捕获和录入(USPTO)
PACE Point-Ahead Compensation Experiment 超前补偿实验
PACE Physician Assessment and Clinical Education 医师评估与临床教育
PACE Professional Accounting Career Exploration (Program) 专业会计职业探索(项目)
PACE Portable Acoustic Collection Equipment 便携式声学采集设备
PACE Programme d\'Action Communautaire pour Les Enfants Communautaire 'Action d计划Enfants倒苹果
PACE Peoria Area Community Events 皮奥里亚地区社区活动
PACE Professional Applications Creation Environment 专业应用程序创建环境

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