
你在寻找 MER 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 MER 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 MER 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 MER的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
MER material exception report 材料异常报告
MER Ministry of Energy Resources 能源部
MER Middle East Region (Society of Petroleum Engineers) 中东地区(石油工程师协会)
MER Managing Electronic Records 管理电子记录
MER Mercator 墨卡托牌手表
MER Marketing Education Review (journal) 营销教育评论(期刊)
MER Middle East Report 中东报告
MER Minimum Energy Route 最小能量路线
MER Maximum Efficient Rate 最大有效率
MER MITEC Early Release MITEC早期发布
MER Merchant 商人
MER Marine Environmental Response (US Coast Guard Marine Safety Office) 海洋环境响应(美国海岸警卫队海洋安全办公室)
MER Ministry of Education and Research 教育和研究部
MER Minimum Energy Requirements 最低能源要求
MER Main Engine Room 主机舱
MER Manpower Estimate Report 人力评估报告
MER Maximum Effective Range 最大有效范围
MER Mission Evaluation Room 任务评估室
MER Management Expense Ratio 管理费用比率
MER Maintenance Evaluation Report 维护评估报告
MER man-environmental relations 人与环境关系
MER mercury 水星
MER Mars Exploration Rover 火星探测漫游者
MER Materials And Electrochemical Research 材料与电化学研究
MER Materials Electrochemical Research 材料电化学研究
MER Marine Environmental Response 海洋环境响应
MER median evoked response 正中诱发反应
MER Month End Restructure 月末重组
MER Macro Editor resident area (WordPerfect Library) 宏编辑器驻留区(WordPerfect库)
MER multimodality evoked response 多模态诱发反应
MER Medical Education Resources 医学教育资源
MER mean ejection rate 平均射血率
MER molar esterification rate 摩尔酯化率
MER Magnetize Energize Recognize 磁化通电识别
MER methyl alcohol extract residue 甲醇提取物残留物
MER Minimum Engagement Range 最小啮合范围
MER Micro-Economic Reform 微观经济改革
MER Magnetize, Energize, Recognize 磁化、通电、识别
MER Castle Air Force Base, Merced, California USA (now closed) 美国加利福尼亚州默塞德城堡空军基地(现已关闭)
MER Mission Essential Requirement 任务基本要求
MER Mental Health: Evidence and Research Team (WHO) 心理健康:证据和研究小组(世界卫生组织)
MER Mathematics and Education Reform 数学与教育改革
MER Maximum Error Rate 最大错误率
MER Multi-Echelon Reporting 多层次报告
MER Monthly Energy Review 月度能源审查
MER Mercredi (French: Wednesday) Mercredi(法语:星期三)
MER Modulation Error Rate (Digital Video) 调制错误率(数字视频)
MER Mars Exploration Rover (NASA) 火星探测车(NASA)
MER Minimum Essential Requirement 最小需求
MER Minimum Educational Requirement 最低教育要求
MER Message Error Rate 消息错误率
MER Management-Employee Relations (USACE) 管理员工关系(USACE)
MER Miscellaneous Expense Report 杂项费用报告
MER Mentoring and Coaching 指导和辅导
MER Mitigated Emergency Receiver 缓解的紧急接收器
MER MercoledÌ (Italian: Wednesday) MercoledÌ (Italian: Wednesday)
MER Market Exchange Rate 市场汇率
MER Melamine Ether Resins 三聚氰胺醚树脂
MER Multiple Ejector Rack 一点多弹式弹射挂架
MER Medical Education Resources (Littleton, Colorado) 医学教育资源(科罗拉多州利特尔顿)
MER Medical Expense Reimbursement 医疗费用报销
MER MAC Encapsulated Routing MAC封装路由
MER Museum Education Roundtable (Washington, DC) 博物馆教育圆桌会议(华盛顿特区)
MER Manpower Estimate Relationship 人力估算关系
MER Marriage Enrichment Requirement (Marine Corps chaplains) 婚姻丰富要求(海军陆战队牧师)
MER Materials Examination Report 材料检验报告
MER Merrill Lynch (stock symbol) 美林证券(股票符号)
MER Management and Employment Relations 管理和雇佣关系
MER Monthly Economic Review 月度经济评论
MER Mid-East Realities 中东现实
MER Castle Airport 城堡机场
MER Methylenetetrahydromethanopterin Reductase 亚甲基四氢甲基蝶呤还原酶
MER McDaniel Executive Recruiters McDaniel高级招聘人员
MER Mileu-Effect Rapportage 米卢效应运输
MER Management Economie en Recht (Dutch) 经济管理(荷兰语)
MER Medical Education and Research (exam) 医学教育与研究(考试)
MER Maritime Environmental Response 海上环境响应
MER Materials and Electrochemical Research (Tucson, Arizona) 材料与电化学研究(亚利桑那州图森)

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