
你在寻找 MEA 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 MEA 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 MEA 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 MEA的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
MEA Maritime Employers Association 海运雇主协会
MEA Municipal Employees Association 市政雇员协会
MEA Music Education Association 音乐教育协会
MEA Monoethanolamine 单乙醇胺
MEA Minimum En-route Altitude 最低航路高度
MEA Middle East Airlines Airliban, Lebanon (ICAO code) 中东航空公司Airliban,黎巴嫩(ICAO代码)
MEA Mobile Electronics Association 移动电子协会
MEA Minnesota Employers\' Association 明尼苏达州的雇主协会
MEA Midwest Energy Association 中西部能源协会
MEA Municipal Engineers Association (Ontario, Canada) 市政工程师协会(加拿大安大略省)
MEA Marion Education Association 马里昂教育协会
MEA Materials Engineering Associates 材料工程协会
MEA Macae, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Airport Code) 巴西里约热内卢Macae(机场代码)
MEA Mechanical Engineering Association 机械工程协会
MEA Minnesota Educators Association 明尼苏达州教育工作者协会
MEA Marketing Educators\' Association 行销教育工作者协会
MEA Motorcycle Event Association, Inc. 摩托车赛事协会。
MEA MidAtlantic Employers\' Association MidAtlantic雇主协会
MEA Media Ecology Association 媒体生态协会
MEA Michigan Education Association 密歇根州教育协会
MEA Municipal Engineer\'s Association 市政工程师协会
MEA Minnesota Electrical Association 明尼苏达州电气协会
MEA Minnesota Education Association 明尼苏达州教育协会
MEA Music Educators Association 音乐教育家协会
MEA Municipal Electric Association 市电力协会
MEA Municipal Electric Association (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) 市电力协会(加拿大安大略省多伦多)
MEA Middle East and Africa 中东和非洲
MEA Multiple Endocrine Adenomatosis 多发性内分泌腺瘤病
MEA Multilateral Environmental Treaty 多边环境条约
MEA Major Economic Area 主要经济区
MEA Major Environmental Analysis 主要环境分析
MEA Multilateral Environmental Agreement 多边环境协定
MEA Manufacturing Expense Analysis 制造费用分析
MEA Multi-Element Array 多元素阵列
MEA Measurement Engineering Australia 澳大利亚计量工程
MEA Mass Energy Alliance 大众能源联盟
MEA Munitions Effects Assessment (Defense Threat Reduction Agency modeling toolset) 弹药效果评估(国防威胁降低局建模工具集)
MEA More Electric Aircraft 更多电动飞机
MEA Mouvement Écologique AlgÉrien (Algeria ecological movement) Mouvement Écologique AlgÉrien (Algeria ecological movement)
MEA Multiple-Element Antenna 多元件天线
MEA Model-Eliciting Activity 模型激发活动
MEA Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm 多目标进化算法
MEA Multiple Element Arrangement (accounting) 多要素安排(会计)
MEA Minimum en Route Altitude 最小航路高度
MEA Multi-Electrode Array 多电极阵列
MEA Munitions Effectiveness Assessment 弹药有效性评估
MEA Midwest Express Airlines 中西部快运航空公司
MEA Maximum Exclusion Allowance (in a Tax Sheltered Annuity) 最高免税额(在免税年金中)
MEA Marine Engineering Artificer (Royal Navy UK) 海洋工程技工(英国皇家海军)
MEA Mismatch of Equipment and Attributes 设备和属性不匹配
MEA Ministry of External Affairs (India) 外交部(印度)
MEA Maryland Energy Administration 马里兰州能源管理局
MEA Multiple Engine Architecture 多引擎架构
MEA Mead Corporation 米德公司
MEA Means Ends Analysis 均值-终点分析
MEA Macae, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 巴西里约热内卢Macae
MEA Multi-Element Antenna 多元件天线
MEA Marklin Enthusiasts of America 美国的马克林狂热者
MEA multiple endocrine adenopathy 多发性内分泌腺病
MEA Minimum En Route IFR Altitude 最小航路IFR高度
MEA Medical Examiner of Arkansas 阿肯色州法医
MEA Materials and Equipment Acceptance 材料和设备验收
MEA Migrant Education Agency 移民教育局
MEA Message Encryption Algorithm 消息加密算法
MEA Missionary Education Assistance 宣教援助
MEA Martin Ennals Award 马丁·恩纳尔斯奖
MEA Merchandising Execution Associate 销售执行助理
MEA Major Expense Authorization 主要费用授权
MEA Maine Education Assessment 缅因州教育评估
MEA Mobile Entertainment Analyst 移动娱乐分析师
MEA Multi-service Enterprise Access (Motorola) 多业务企业接入(摩托罗拉)
MEA Mission Essential Application 任务基本应用程序
MEA Membrane Electrode Assembly 膜电极组件
MEA Maintenance Entity Assembly 维护实体组件
MEA Maintenance Engineering Analysis 保养工程分析
MEA Materials Equipment and Acceptance (New York City) 材料设备和验收(纽约市)
MEA Maine Educational Assessment 缅因州教育评估
MEA Minimum Enroute Altitude 最小航路高度
MEA Malt Extract Agar 麦芽提取物琼脂
MEA Main Engine Assembly 主机总成
MEA Ministry of Economic Affairs 经济事务部
MEA Metal Edge Amplifier 金属边缘放大器
MEA Management Engineering Activity 管理工程活动
MEA Market Efficiency Audit (accounting) 市场效率审计(会计)
MEA Mass/Energy Analysis 质量/能源分析
MEA Miscellaneous Expense Allowance 杂项费用津贴
MEA Modern Equivalent Asset 现代等价资产
MEA Messaging Enabled Applications 启用消息的应用程序
MEA Mount Ellis Academy (Bozeman, Montana) 埃利斯山学院(蒙大拿州波兹曼)
MEA Maximum Estimation Accuracy 最大估计精度
MEA Mesh Enabled Architecture (MeshNetworks) 支持网格的体系结构(MeshNetworks)
MEA monoethanolamine(surfactant) 单乙醇胺(表面活性剂)
MEA Maximo Enterprise Adapter Maximo Enterprise适配器
MEA music electroacupuncture 音乐电针
MEA mercaptoethyl amine 巯基乙胺
MEA multiple endocrine adenomas 多发性内分泌腺瘤
MEA monoethylaniline 一乙基苯胺
MEA methoxyethylmercury acetate 乙酸甲氧基乙基汞

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