
你在寻找 MASH 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 MASH 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 MASH 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 MASH的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
MASH mobile army surgical hospital 移动式军队外科医院
MASH McMaster Association of Secular Humanists 麦克马斯特世俗人文主义者协会
MASH Miami Area Society of Homebrewers 迈阿密地区家庭酿酒协会
MASH Malaysian Association of Speech-Language and Hearing 马来西亚言语语言和听力协会
MASH Medical Academy of Science and Health 医学科学与健康院
MASH March After School Help 三月放学后帮助
MASH Math And Science Hands 数学和科学手
MASH Many Active School Helpers 许多积极的学校帮助者
MASH Monte Carlo Adjoint Shielding 蒙特卡罗伴随屏蔽
MASH Massive Interactive, Inc. Massive Interactive公司。
MASH Mansion Apartment Shack House 别墅公寓Shack House
MASH Men As Survivors Helpline 男性幸存者帮助热线
MASH Medical Application of Science for Health 科学促进健康的医学应用
MASH Marine Animal Stranding Hotline 海洋动物搁浅热线
MASH Molecular Assessment of Sensitivity to Herceptin 赫赛汀敏感性的分子评估
MASH Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House 大厦、公寓、棚屋、住宅
MASH Make Arthritis Stop Hurting 让关节炎停止疼痛
MASH Meadville Area Senior High (Pennsylvania) 米德维尔地区高级中学(宾夕法尼亚州)
MASH Multi-Stage Noise Shaping 多级噪声整形
MASH Make A Sailor Hurt 使水手受伤
MASH Mansion Apartment Shack House (game) Mansion Apartment Shack House(游戏)
MASH Mobile Animal Services and Help, Inc. 移动动物服务和帮助公司。
MASH Modern Armies Serving Heaven 现代军队服务天堂
MASH multiple automated sample harvester 多自动样品采集器
MASH Microsoft Agent Scripting Helper Microsoft代理脚本帮助程序
MASH Mansion, Apartment, Shack, and House 大厦、公寓、棚屋和住宅
MASH Ministria e Arsimit Dhe Shkencës (Albanian: Ministry of Education and Science of Albania) Ministria e Arsimit Dhe Shkencës (Albanian: Ministry of Education and Science of Albania)
MASH Mosquito Abatement for Safety and Health Act 《安全与健康灭蚊法》
MASH Municipal, Academic, Schools and Hospitals (public sector) 市政、学术、学校和医院(公共部门)
MASH Mobile Air Surgical Hospital (Australia) 移动空中外科医院(澳大利亚)
MASH Make A Survivor Happen 让幸存者成为现实
MASH More Alcohol Served Here (Tel Aviv, Israel bar) 这里供应更多酒精饮料(特拉维夫,以色列酒吧)
MASH Mobile Antenna System Handbook 移动天线系统手册

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