
你在寻找 LIFT 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 LIFT 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 LIFT 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 LIFT的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
LIFT Liberalis Fiatalok Tarsasaga (Hungarian: Liberal Youth Society) 自由主义者Fiatalok Tarsasaga(匈牙利语:自由青年协会)
LIFT Lapeer Investing in Families Together Lapier共同投资家庭
LIFT Lifestyle Improvement For Today 今天的生活方式改善
LIFT Labor Intensive Factory Tools 劳动密集型工厂工具
LIFT Laboring In The Fields Together 一起在田间劳作
LIFT Local Improvement Finance Trusts 地方改善金融信托
LIFT Lifting In Faith Together 一起提升信心
LIFT Labor In Faith Trust 劳动诚信信托
LIFT Literacy Involves Families Together 扫盲让家庭共同参与
LIFT Labor In Faith And Trust 信仰与信任的劳动
LIFT Leading Into The Future Together 携手迈向未来
LIFT Learning Is Fun Too 学习也很有趣
LIFT License Information For Trading 交易许可证信息
LIFT Ladies In Fellowship Together 同袍女士
LIFT Linking Innovation Finance and Technology (CORDIS, Europe) 将创新金融与技术联系起来(CORDIS,欧洲)
LIFT Local Improvement Finance Trust (UK) 当地改善金融信托基金(英国)
LIFT Learning Information For Today 今天的学习信息
LIFT Lola Isroff Fund for Teens Lola Isroff青少年基金
LIFT Lateral Ignition and Flamespread Test 侧向点火和火焰蔓延试验
LIFT Linking Individuals and Families in Transition 将过渡时期的个人和家庭联系起来
LIFT Lead-In Fighter Training 战斗机训练的领导者
LIFT Living Information for Today 今天的生活信息
LIFT Local Improvement Finance Trust 地方改善金融信托
LIFT Learning Incentives For The Talented 为人才提供学习激励
LIFT Lutheran Internet Fellowship Talk 路德会互联网联谊会讲座
LIFT Lymphocyte Immunofluorescence Test 淋巴细胞免疫荧光试验
LIFT Living in Faith Together 一起信仰生活
LIFT Leadership in Fitness Training 健身训练领导力
LIFT Line Interactive Ferro Topology (CATV) 线路交互铁拓扑(CATV)
LIFT Linear Filtering Technology 线性滤波技术
LIFT Learning Is Fun Time (Woodgrove Primary School Singapore) 学习是快乐的时光(新加坡伍德格罗夫小学)
LIFT Learn It For the Future 为未来学习
LIFT London International Festival of Theatre 伦敦国际戏剧节

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