
你在寻找 LEAF 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 LEAF 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 LEAF 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 LEAF的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
LEAF Large Effective-Area Fiber 大有效面积光纤
LEAF Liverpool Epilepsy Associates And Friends 利物浦癫痫协会和朋友
LEAF Library\'s Easy Access Files 图书馆是容易存取文件
LEAF London Effects And Animation Festival 伦敦特效动画节
LEAF Lake Eden Arts Festival 伊甸湖艺术节
LEAF Lovely Exquisite Angelic Four 可爱精致天使四人组
LEAF Linking The Environment And Farming 将环境与农业联系起来
LEAF Liberian Educational Achievement Foundation 利比里亚教育成就基金会
LEAF League Of Educators And Families 教育者和家庭联盟
LEAF Lamar Educational Awards Foundation 拉马尔教育奖基金会
LEAF Loud Egotistical Annoying Female 大声的自私惹人厌的女性
LEAF Local Enterprise Assistance Fund 当地企业援助基金
LEAF Layman Education And Activation Form 外行教育和激活表
LEAF Little Embedded Application Fragment 小型嵌入式应用程序片段
LEAF Latrobe Environmental Action Forum Latrobe环境行动论坛
LEAF Linking Education Activity And Food 将教育活动与食物联系起来
LEAF Laser Environmental Airborne Fluorosensor 激光环境机载荧光传感器
LEAF Lisgar Environmental Action Force Lisgar环境行动部队
LEAF Law Enforcement Analysis Facility 执法分析设施
LEAF Laser Electron Accelerator Facility (BNL) 激光电子加速器设施(BNL)
LEAF Ludlow Education Assistance Fund 卢德洛教育援助基金
LEAF Low Energy Absorption Forum 低能量吸收论坛
LEAF Law Enforcement Assistance Fund (Colorado) 执法援助基金(科罗拉多州)
LEAF Lettinga Associates Foundation 莱廷加联合基金会
LEAF Lake Elsinore Animal Friends 埃尔西诺湖动物之友
LEAF Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall Linux嵌入式设备防火墙
LEAF Logistics Education Assistance Fund 后勤教育援助基金
LEAF Law Enforcement Access Field 执法领域
LEAF Legal Environmental Assistance Foundation 法律环境援助基金会
LEAF Large Effective Area Fiber (Corning) 大有效面积光纤(康宁)
LEAF Linking and Exploring Authority Files 链接和浏览授权文件
LEAF Learning Experiences and Activities in Forestry 林业学习经验和活动
LEAF Legal Education and Action Fund 法律教育和行动基金
LEAF Interleaf, Inc. Interleaf公司。
LEAF Learning Education And Fun 学习教育和乐趣

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