
你在寻找 ITS 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 ITS 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 ITS 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 ITS的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
ITS Intertek Test Service Intertek测试服务公司
ITS International Theological Seminary 国际神学研究院
ITS intermarket trading system 跨市场交易系统
ITS Intermediate Level Test Set 中间层测试
ITS Intelligent Transportation System 智能型传输系统
ITS information technology system 信息技术部
ITS Independent Television Service 独立电视服务
ITS Information Transfer System 信息转换系统
ITS Information Transmission System 信息传输系统
ITS Insertion Test Signal 插入测试信号
ITS Intelligent Transport System 智能交通系统
ITS International Telecommunication Service 国际电信业务
ITS International Telecommunication Society 国际电信协会
ITS International Thespian Society 国际戏剧协会
ITS Institute of Telecommunications Standards 电信标准协会
ITS Intelligent Transportation Society 智能交通协会
ITS International Teleproduction Society 国际电视制作协会
ITS Intellectual Traffic System 智能交通系统
ITS Information Technology Studies (course) 信息技术研究(课程)
ITS Intermarket Trading System (electronic communications network linking nine markets) 市场间交易系统(连接九个市场的电子通信网络)
ITS Issues in the Theory of Security (workshop) 安全理论中的问题(研讨会)
ITS Information Technology Services 信息技术服务
ITS Intelligent Tutoring System 智能教学系统
ITS Integrated Technology Services 集成技术服务
ITS International Title Service 国际产权服务
ITS Integrated Teaching Systems 综合教学系统
ITS Imagery Transfer Server 图像传输服务器
ITS Instrumented TEMPEST Survey 仪器化TEMPEST调查
ITS Intelligence Training System (Intelligence training for branches of DOD at Goodfellow AFB, TX) 情报训练系统(德克萨斯州古德费罗空军基地国防部各部门的情报训练)
ITS Individual Training System 个人培训系统
ITS Impactor Target Sensor (Deep Impact cometary probe) 撞击器目标传感器(深撞击彗星探测器)
ITS Inventory Tracking System 总量跟踪系统
ITS Internal Transcribed Spacer (ribosomal DNA repeating unit) 内部转录间隔物(核糖体DNA重复单元)
ITS IOS Telephony Service (Cisco) IOS电话服务(Cisco)
ITS Internet Transaction Server (SAP R/3) 网上交易服务器(3)
ITS I Thought So 我也这么想
ITS Imagery Transformation Services 图像转换服务
ITS Information Transfer System/Service 信息传递系统/服务
ITS Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校交通研究所
ITS Internal Time Slot (AT&T) 内部时段(AT&T)
ITS International Translation System (Sprint) 国际翻译系统(Sprint)
ITS Installation Telecommunications System 安装电信系统
ITS International Transcription Service 国际转录服务
ITS Internet Time Service Internet时间服务
ITS Index of Thermal Stress 热应力指数
ITS Infinite Time Slicing 无限时间切片
ITS Interactive Training Simulation/System 交互仿真训练系统
ITS Internet Technology Series (IETF) 互联网技术系列(IETF)
ITS Information Transport Systems (cabling) 信息传输系统(布线)
ITS Interim Targeting Solution 临时目标解决方案
ITS International Type Search 国际类型搜索
ITS Initial Test Speed (tires) 初始测试速度(轮胎)
ITS Interconnected Trail System 互联轨道系统
ITS Information Technical Specialist 信息技术专家
ITS Interim Transition Schedule 中期过渡计划
ITS Independent Training Solutions Ltd (UK) 独立培训解决方案有限公司(英国)
ITS Improved Tracking and Service (USPS) 改进的跟踪和服务(USPS)
ITS Information Technology Solutions 信息技术解决方案
ITS International Total Services, Inc. (service contract company) International Total Services,Inc.(服务合同公司)
ITS Information Technology Service (SAIC) 信息技术服务(SAIC)
ITS International Trade Secretariats 国际贸易秘书处
ITS Internet Telephony Server (Lucent) Internet电话服务器(Lucent)
ITS Insertion Test Signal (ITU-T) 插入测试信号(ITU-T)
ITS Incidental Take Statement 附带收益声明
ITS Institute for Telecommunication Sciences 电信科学研究所
ITS Inspection and Test Solutions 检查和测试解决方案
ITS Integrated Test Schedule 综合测试计划
ITS Iowa Telecommunications Services Inc 爱荷华州电信服务公司
ITS Informationstekniska Standardiseringen (Swedish: Information Technical Standards) Informationstekniska Standardiseringen(瑞典语:信息技术标准)
ITS International Tracing Service 国际追踪服务
ITS Information Transmittal Sheet 信息传递表
ITS International Telecommunication Symposium 国际电信研讨会
ITS Integrated Truss Structure 集成特拉斯结构
ITS Information Technology Security 信息技术安全
ITS International Temperature Scale 国际温标
ITS Inter-Plan Teleprocessing Services (health insurance) 计划间远程处理服务(健康保险)
ITS Invitation To Send 发送邀请
ITS Information Technology Support 信息技术支持
ITS In The Soup 在汤里
ITS Information Technology Service (GSA, formerly IRMS) 信息技术服务(GSA,前身为IRMS)
ITS Intertek Testing Services 天祥集团
ITS International Travel Survey (Canada) 国际旅行调查(加拿大)
ITS Interactive Training System 交互式训练系统
ITS Indirect Tensile Strength 间接抗拉强度
ITS Incompatible Time-Sharing System 不兼容的分时系统
ITS Integrated Testing Services 集成测试服务
ITS Inoculation Tracking System (TMIP) 接种追踪系统(TMIP)
ITS Inner Thermal Shield 内部隔热罩
ITS In the Spotlight (Boulder, CO) 在聚光灯下(科罗拉多州博尔德)
ITS Interferometer Thermal Sounder 干涉仪热探测器
ITS Important To Safety 安全重要事项
ITS Interim Trainer Support 临时培训师支持
ITS Independent Target System (MILES Component) 独立目标系统(MILES组件)
ITS Iowa Talent Search (Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa) 爱荷华人才搜索(爱荷华州立大学,艾姆斯,爱荷华州)
ITS Integrated Training System 综合培训系统
ITS Intermediate Transfer Station 中间转运站
ITS Intent to Sue 起诉的意图
ITS Interchange Transaction Scheduling 交换事务调度
ITS Integrated Turf Solutions 集成草皮解决方案
ITS Integrated Tool Set 集成工具集

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