
你在寻找 IPE 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 IPE 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 IPE 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 IPE的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
IPE Intelligent Peripheral 智能外设
IPE In-band Parameter Exchange 带内参数交换
IPE Institute of Private Enterprise 私营企业协会
IPE Interprofessional Education (healthcare) 跨专业教育(医疗保健)
IPE International Political Economy 国际政治经济学
IPE Individualized Plan for Employment 个性化就业计划
IPE Inverse Photoemission 反向光发射
IPE Interpersonal Political Environment 人际政治环境
IPE International Petroleum Exchange 国际石油交易所
IPE Intelligence Preparation of the Environment (US military) 环境情报准备(美军)
IPE Independent Practice Endorsement 独立执业认可
IPE Investimentos e Participações Empresariais (Portugal) Investimentos e Participações Empresariais (Portugal)
IPE Integrated Platform Electronics 集成平台电子
IPE Individual Protection Equipment 个人防护设备
IPE Instituto de PrevidÊncia do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) Instituto de PrevidÊncia do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)
IPE Ile du Prince Edouard (Canada) 爱德华王子岛(加拿大)
IPE Initial Planning Estimate 初步规划估算
IPE industrial plant equipment (US DoD) 工业厂房设备(美国国防部)
IPE Information Processing Equipment 信息处理设备
IPE Interconnect(ion) Performance Estimation 互连(离子)性能评估
IPE Integrated Parameter Edit 集成参数编辑
IPE Initial Pointing Error 初始指向错误
IPE interstitial pulmonary fibrosis 间质性肺纤维化
IPE Individual Protective Equipment 个人防护器材
IPE International Pigs Of Espionage 国际间谍猪
IPE Ipil, Philippines 菲律宾Ipil
IPE Initial Prorated Entitlement 初始按比例分配权利
IPE Industrial Production Equipment 工业生产设备
IPE Inter-PRE (Performance Routing Engine) Ethernet (Cisco) Inter-PRE(性能路由引擎)以太网(Cisco)
IPE Internetwork Packet Exchange (usually seen as IPX) 网络间分组交换(通常称为IPX)
IPE Intelligent Peripheral Equipment 智能外围设备
IPE Tabebuia Impetiginosa 脓疱虻
IPE Inter-Professional Education 跨专业教育
IPE individual protective clothing (US DoD) 个人防护服(美国国防部)
IPE Increased/Improved Performance Engine 增加/性能改进引擎
IPE Integrated Programming Environment 集成编程环境
IPE Interface Processing Equipment 接口处理设备
IPE Institute of Public Enterprise 公共企业研究所
IPE Internet Protocol Encapsulator Internet协议封装器
IPE I-Profile EuropÉennes (French: European I-Beam profile, construction industry) I-Profile EuropÉennes (French: European I-Beam profile, construction industry)
IPE Intermediate Public Examination (India) 中级公共考试(印度)
IPE Interconnect, Passive & Electromechanical 连接、被动、机电一体化
IPE Individual Plant Examination (NRC) 单个核电厂检查(NRC)
IPE infection potentiating factor 感染增强因子
IPE isopropyl ether 异丙醚
IPE interstitial pulmonary emphysema 间质性肺气肿
IPE injury pulmonary edema 损伤性肺水肿

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