
你在寻找 IPD 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 IPD 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 IPD 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 IPD的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
IPD Integrated Product Development 集成产品开发
IPD Information Processing Division (NOAA) 信息处理司(NOAA)
IPD Intellectual Property Department 知识产权部
IPD Intel Product Dealer 英特尔产品经销商
IPD Institut fÜr Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation Institut fÜr Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation
IPD Issue Priority Designator 优先发放编号
IPD In-Patient Department 患者科室
IPD Indianapolis Police Department 印第安纳波利斯警察局
IPD Implicit Price Deflator 隐性价格通缩
IPD Institute of Policy Development (Singapore) 政策发展研究所(新加坡)
IPD Interest Payment Date 利息支付日期
IPD Incidence and Prevalence Database 发病率和患病率数据库
IPD Inline-Progression-Dimension (Apache) 内联进度维度(Apache)
IPD Impulse for Progress and Democracy (Benin) 进步与民主的动力(贝宁)
IPD Image Product Database 图像产品数据库
IPD Inpatient Director (Kaiser Permanente) 住院主任(Kaiser Permanente)
IPD Information and Publishing Division 信息和出版司
IPD Investment Property Databank (UK) 投资地产数据库(英国)
IPD Insider Presse Dienst (Basel, Switzerland) Insider Presse Dienst(瑞士巴塞尔)
IPD Immediate Pigment Darkening 即时色素变暗
IPD Implicit Price Deflector 隐性价格偏转器
IPD Inline Progression Dimension 内联进度维度
IPD Information Processing Division 信息处理处
IPD Implied Probability of Default 隐含违约概率
IPD International Publishers Direct 国际出版商直销
IPD Image Per Dollar 每美元图像
IPD Intelligent Products Division 智能产品部
IPD Intelligent Product Division 智能产品部
IPD Icon Project Document 图标项目文档
IPD Interactive Phase Distortion 交互相位失真
IPD Ikon Police Department Ikon警察局
IPD Integral Parameter Differences 积分参数差异
IPD Inter Pupilary Distance 瞳孔间距离
IPD Inducing The Pleasure Dreams 诱导快乐的梦想
IPD Inverse Power Distance 反向功率距离
IPD Insulated Patio Door 隔热天井门
IPD Implementing Project Directive 实施项目指令
IPD Interactive Phase Distortion (modulation) 交互相位失真(调制)
IPD Invasive Pneumococcal Disease 侵袭性肺炎球菌病
IPD Indio Police Department (Indio, CA) Indio警察局(加利福尼亚州Indio)
IPD In Patients Department 患者部
IPD Intelligent Power Device 智能电源设备
IPD International Parking Design, Inc. 国际停车设计公司。
IPD Immature Personality Disorder 不成熟人格障碍
IPD Intelligent Printer Data 智能打印机数据
IPD Intermittent Peritoneal Dialysis 间歇性腹膜透析
IPD Improved Point Defense 改进点防御
IPD Investment Property Databank 投资物业数据库
IPD interpupilary distance 瞳孔间距离
IPD inflammatory pelvic disease 盆腔炎
IPD increase in pupillary diameter 瞳孔直径增加
IPD interpedicular distance 双眼间距离
IPD inventory of psychosocial development 心理社会发展清单
IPD Intelligent Pulse Decoding 智能脉冲解码
IPD Initial Professional Development 初步职业发展
IPD International Product Development Co., Inc. 国际产品开发公司。
IPD Idiopathic Parkinson\'s Disease 原发性帕金森病
IPD In Praesentia Dominorum (Latin: In Presence of the Lords (of Session)) 在Praesentia Domingorum(拉丁语:在(会议的)领主面前)
IPD Internet Pinball Database Internet弹球数据库
IPD Improvement Portfolio Development 改进产品组合开发
IPD Integral Protective Device 整体保护装置
IPD Interaural Pitch Difference 耳间音高差
IPD Instructional Program Developer/Development 教学程序开发者的蓬勃发展
IPD Interpupillary Distance (binocular optics) 瞳孔间距离(双目光学)
IPD Intentional Packet Dropping 故意丢弃数据包
IPD Interspinous Process Decompression (spinal stenosis treatment) 棘突间减压(椎管狭窄治疗)
IPD International Program Directive 国际计划指令
IPD Intelligent Product Data 智能产品数据
IPD Individual Patient Data 单个患者数据
IPD Institute of Personnel and Development 人事与发展研究所
IPD In Pace Domini (Latin: In Peace of the Lord, epigraphy) 在佩斯·多米尼(拉丁语:在上帝的和平中,金石学)
IPD Institute for Professional Development 专业发展研究所
IPD Integrated Passive Device (electronics) 集成无源器件(电子器件)
IPD Information Product Description 信息产品描述
IPD Irving Police Department (Irving, Texas) 欧文警察局(德克萨斯州欧文)

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