
你在寻找 IME 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 IME 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 IME 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 IME的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
IME Institute of Marine Engineers 轮机工程师协会
IME In my experience 以我经验而言.....
IME Input Method Editor 输入法编辑程序
IME Independent Medical Examiner 独立体检员
IME Institution of Mechanical Engineers 机械工程师学会
IME Insurance Medical Exam 保险体检
IME Integrated Marking Engine 集成标记引擎
IME Instituto Militar de Engenharia (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Militar de Engenharia研究所(巴西里约热内卢)
IME Interface Management Entity 接口管理实体
IME Institute of Makers of Explosives 炸药制造研究所
IME Indirect Medical Education 间接医学教育
IME IPS Manager Express (Cisco) IPS Manager Express(Cisco)
IME Industrial and Management Engineer 工业和管理工程师
IME Incremental Motion Encoder 增量运动编码器
IME Istituto Monetario Europeo (Italian: European Monetary Institute) 欧洲货币研究所(意大利语:欧洲货币研究院)
IME Indirect Manufacturing Expense 间接制造费用
IME Instituto de MatemÁtica e Estatistica (Portugese and Spanish; USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil) Instituto de MatemÁtica e Estatistica (Portugese and Spanish; USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
IME International Materiel Evaluation 国际物资评估
IME ILMI Management Entity ILMI管理实体
IME Interactive Media Education 互动媒体教育
IME I\'m More Employable 我更称职的
IME International Magnetospheric Explorer 国际磁层探测器
IME Independent Medical Examination (evaluation) 独立体检(评估)
IME Indirect Mortality Estimation 间接死亡率估计
IME Independent Medical Education 独立医学教育
IME In-Line Media Encryptor 在线媒体加密器
IME Intermediate Management Experience 中级管理经验
IME Instituto Municipal de EducaciÓn (Spanish) Instituto Municipal de EducaciÓn (Spanish)
IME Independant Medical Exam 独立体检
IME Immigration Medical Examination 移民体检
IME Information Market Europe 欧洲信息市场
IME Integrated Mirroring Enhanced (RAID technology) 集成镜像增强(RAID技术)
IME Independent Medical Evaluation 独立医学评估
IME I Mother Earth (band) I大地母亲(乐队)
IME Independent Not Medical Exam 独立非体检
IME Independent Medical Examination 独立体检
IME immunosuppressive measles encephalopathy 免疫抑制性麻疹脑病
IME I Mother Earth I地球母亲
IME Insurance Medical Examination 保险体检
IME Insurer Medical Examination 保险人体检
IME Independent Medical Exam 独立体检

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