
你在寻找 IDEA 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 IDEA 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 IDEA 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 IDEA的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
IDEA International Data Encryption Algorithm 国际资料编码算法
IDEA International Data Exchange Association 国际数据交换协会
IDEA Internet Development and Exchange Association 互联网发展与交流协会
IDEA International Development Enterprise Associates 国际开发企业协会
IDEA International Debate Education Association 国际辩论教育协会
IDEA International Diving Educators Association 国际跳水教育家协会
IDEA Indiana Democratic Editorial Association 印第安纳州民主党编辑协会
IDEA Industry Data Exchange Association 行业数据交换协会
IDEA International District Energy Association (formerly National District Heating Association) 国际区域能源协会(原国家区域供热协会)
IDEA International Dance Exercise Association 国际舞蹈锻炼协会
IDEA Irish Dance and Entertainment Association 爱尔兰舞蹈和娱乐协会
IDEA Irish Doctors Environmental Association 爱尔兰医生环境协会
IDEA Industrial Design Excellence Awards 工业设计卓越奖
IDEA FundaciÓn Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (Caracas, Venezuela) FundaciÓn Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (Caracas, Venezuela)
IDEA Institute for Defense Education and Analysis 国防教育与分析研究所
IDEA Integrated Design Engineering Activity 综合设计工程活动
IDEA Integrated Design/Engineering Aide 综合设计/工程助理
IDEA Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (National Academies) 值得探索性分析的创新(国家学院)
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (US) 《残疾人教育法》(美国)
IDEA International Data Encryption Algorithm (cryptography method by Xuejia Lai and James Massey) 国际数据加密算法(Lai和James Massey的加密方法)
IDEA Intelligent Document Exchange Architecture 智能文档交换体系结构
IDEA Infusing Satellite Data Into Environmental Applications 将卫星数据注入环境应用
IDEA Improvement and Development Agency (UK government) 改进和发展局(英国政府)
IDEA Imperial College London, Delft University of Technology, ETH Zurich, RWTH Aachen University (European technical Universi 伦敦帝国理工学院、代尔夫特理工大学、苏黎世ETH、亚琛RWTH大学(欧洲技术大学
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 残疾人教育法
IDEA Individual Development and Educational Assessment 个人发展与教育评估
IDEA Internet Differential Equations Activities 互联网微分方程活动
IDEA Institutional Data Easy Access 机构数据轻松访问
IDEA Interior Distance Education Of Alaska 阿拉斯加的室内远程教育
IDEA Interactive Distance Education Alliance 交互式远程教育联盟
IDEA Integrated Development Emulation and Analysis 集成开发仿真与分析
IDEA International Dialects of English Archive 国际英语方言档案
IDEA Innovative in Developing Enterprising Activities 创新发展企业活动
IDEA Intelligent Design Aid 智能设计辅助
IDEA Inverted Duplication Exchange and Advocacy 反向复制交换和宣传
IDEA Instructional Development And Effectiveness Assessment 教学发展和有效性评估
IDEA Institutional Development Award 机构发展奖
IDEA Institute for Democracy, Education & Access (UCLA) 对于民主、教育学院及访问(加州大学洛杉矶分校)
IDEA International Distributed Experiment Archives 国际分布式实验档案
IDEA Innovative Development through Employee Awareness (US Air Force suggestion program) 通过员工意识实现创新发展(美国空军建议计划)
IDEA In The Defense Of Earth And Animals 保护地球和动物
IDEA Interdisciplinary Education and Action Program 跨学科教育和行动计划
IDEA Internet Design, Engineering, and Analysis 互联网设计、工程和分析
IDEA Innovation Development Employment And Applications 创新发展就业和应用
IDEA Interactive Data Extraction And Analysis 交互式数据提取和分析
IDEA Instant Digital Education Assistant 即时数字教育助手
IDEA Improvement and Development Agency 改善和发展局
IDEA Idaho Distance Education Academy 爱达荷州远程教育学院
IDEA Internet Delivery Of Exams And Assignments 考试和作业的互联网交付
IDEA International Defense Educational Arrangement 国际防御教育安排
IDEA Identify, Define, Empower, Assess 识别、定义、授权、评估
IDEA Integrity Design & Engineering Associates (engineering firm) 完整的设计和工程公司员工(工程)
IDEA International Database for Ecoprofile Analysis 国际生态概况分析数据库
IDEA Individuals Dedicated to Excellence and Achievement 致力于卓越和成就的个人
IDEA Instituto para el Desarrollo Empresarial de la Argentina 阿根廷企业发展研究所
IDEA Instituto para el Desarrollo de Antioquia (MedellÍn, Colombia) Instituto para el Desarrollo de Antioquia (MedellÍn, Colombia)
IDEA Identification Electronique des Animaux (French) 动物识别电(法语)
IDEA Imaging Double Energy Analyzer 成像双能量分析仪
IDEA Interrelationships, Diversity, Ecosystems and Adaptations (Yosemite Institute) 相互关系、多样性、生态系统和适应(约塞米蒂研究所)
IDEA Interactive Data Exploration and Analysis 交互式数据探索和分析
IDEA International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance 国际民主和选举援助研究所
IDEA Instant Discounts Electronically Applied (Marsh Supermarkets) 电子应用即时折扣(Marsh超市)
IDEA Individual Development and Educational Advancement 个人发展和教育促进
IDEA Integrated Data for Enforcement Analysis 用于执法分析的集成数据

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