
你在寻找 HPD 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 HPD 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 HPD 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 HPD的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
HPD Hamilton Police Department 汉密尔顿警察局
HPD Hudson\'s PC Doctor (HPD LLC) 哈德逊的PC医生(HPD铸造有限责任公司)
HPD Histrionic Personality Disorder 组织性人格障碍
HPD Highest Posterior Density 最高后验密度
HPD Half Power Diameter 半功率直径
HPD Highest Probability Density 最高概率密度
HPD Hobart Police Department 霍巴特警察局
HPD High-Performance Drone 高性能无人机
HPD Horizontally Polarized Dipole 水平极化偶极子
HPD Houston Police Department (Houston, TX) 休斯顿警察局(德克萨斯州休斯顿)
HPD Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma 催眠治疗师文凭
HPD Honolulu Police Department (Honolulu County, Island of Oahu) 檀香山警察局(瓦胡岛檀香山县)
HPD Helena Police Department 海伦娜警察局
HPD Hebron Police Department 希伯伦警察局
HPD Housing and Property Directorate (Pristina, Kosovo) 住房和财产局(科索沃普里什蒂纳)
HPD Harrisonburg Police Department (Virginia) 哈里森堡警察局(弗吉尼亚州)
HPD Habbo Police Department (Habbo Hotel) 哈博警察局(哈博酒店)
HPD Hearing Protection Device(s) 听力保护装置
HPD Hunan Pacific Drilling 湖南太平洋钻探
HPD Housing Preservation and Development (New York City Department) 住房保护与发展(纽约市政府)
HPD High Performance Designs 高性能设计
HPD Holistic Probabilistic Design 整体概率设计
HPD Hermitian Positive Definite 埃尔米特正定
HPD Hot Plug Detect 热插拔检测
HPD hematoporphyrin derivative 血卟啉衍生物
HPD histidine-proline diketopiperazine 组氨酸脯氨酸二酮哌嗪
HPD Hourly Precipitation Data 每小时降雨量数据
HPD Hearing Protection Device 听力保护装置
HPD High Performance Design 高性能设计
HPD High Pressure Steam Drain 高压蒸汽排放
HPD High Priority Data 高优先级数据
HPD Human Pulmonary Dirofilariasis 人肺丝虫病
HPD Health Plan Division (California Department of Managed Health Care) 健康计划部(加州管理医疗部)
HPD Harrisburg Police Department (Pennsylvania) 哈里斯堡警察局(宾夕法尼亚州)
HPD Hazelcrest Park District Hazelcrest公园区
HPD Harmonic Power Doppler 谐波功率多普勒
HPD hypothalamic pituitary dysfunction 下丘脑-垂体功能障碍
HPD high protein diet 高蛋白饮食
HPD Hawaii Police Department (Hawaii County, Island of Hawaii) 夏威夷警察局(夏威夷岛夏威夷县)
HPD home peritoneal dialysis 家庭腹膜透析
HPD High Power Discriminator 高功率鉴别器
HPD hereditary progressive dystonia 遗传性进行性肌张力障碍
HPD Hampton Police Division 汉普顿警察局
HPD Hazleton Police Department 哈兹顿警察局
HPD Hrvatsko Psihološko Društvo (Croation Psychological Society) Hrvatsko Psihološko Društvo (Croation Psychological Society)
HPD Housing Preservation and Development 住房保护和开发
HPD Humanitarian Programming Document 人道主义方案文件
HPD Hector Police Department (Ozzy & Drix TV show) 赫警局(奥兹& Drix电视节目)
HPD Honolulu Police Department 檀香山警察局

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