
你在寻找 FSR 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 FSR 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 FSR 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 FSR的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
FSR feasibility study report 可行性研究报告
FSR Fail Safe Relay 失效安全继电器
FSR Financial Services Roundtable (formerly Bankers Roundtable) 金融服务圆桌会议(原银行家圆桌会议)
FSR fellow of the society of radiographers 放射技师协会会员
FSR Forest Service Road 森林服务道路
FSR Farming System Research 农业系统研究
FSR Financial Services Reform (Australia) 金融服务改革(澳大利亚)
FSR Financial Systems Review 金融系统审查
FSR Frequency-Shifted Reference 频移参考
FSR Field Service Representative 现场服务代表
FSR Flight Safety Rules 飞行安全规则
FSR Functional System Requirement 功能系统要求
FSR Free Spectral Range 自由光谱范围
FSR Fast SRNC Relocation 快速SRNC重新定位
FSR Full Scale Range 满量程范围
FSR Force Sensing Resistor 力感测电阻器
FSR Feedback Shift Register 反馈移位寄存器
FSR Former Soviet Republic 前苏联共和国
FSR For Some Reason 出于某种原因
FSR Free Space Range 可用空间范围
FSR Firstar Corporation of Wisconsin 威斯康辛州Firstar公司
FSR Full Speed Racing 全速赛车
FSR footpad swelling reaction 脚垫肿胀反应
FSR Falange Social Revolucionario 法兰热社会革命
FSR follow-up self-care rating 随访自我护理评分
FSR Fiberglass Stain Remover 玻璃纤维去污剂
FSR fusiform skin revision 梭形皮肤翻修术
FSR Financial Status Report 财务状况报告
FSR fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum 碎裂肌浆网
FSR Fleet Street Reports 舰队街道报告
FSR Feed Speed Rate 进给速度速率
FSR Fort Smith Railroad Company 史密斯堡铁路公司
FSR Flight Status Request 航班状态请求
FSR Falling Starr Ranch 坠落的斯塔尔牧场
FSR Fully Sampled Region 完全采样区域
FSR Frequency Select Receiver 频率选择接收器
FSR Fractional Synthetic Rate 分数合成速率
FSR Full Scale Record (instrumentation) 满量程记录(仪表)
FSR Finlandssvensk Radio Finlandsvensk电台
FSR Force Structure Review 部队结构审查
FSR Fjernskriver Ratt (Norwegian) Fjernsrriver Ratt(挪威语)
FSR Flood Study Report 洪水研究报告
FSR Fourier Series Representation 傅里叶级数表示
FSR First Strike Ration (Natick compact, eat-on-the-move assault ration, equivalent in calories to 3 MRE\'s) 第一次罢工,eat-on-the-move定量(马萨诸塞州紧凑,同等热量袭击3想?)
FSR Full Spectrum Recorder 全谱记录仪
FSR FrÜhstyxradio (German radio comedy show) FrÜhstyxradio (German radio comedy show)
FSR Futuristic Sex Robotz (rap group) 未来主义性爱机器人(说唱组合)
FSR Freight Service Report 货运服务报告
FSR Force-Sensitive Resistor (electronics) 力敏电阻器(电子元件)
FSR Fractionated Stereotactic Radiosurgery (medical/cancer treatment) 甘油立体定向放射外科(医疗癌症治疗)
FSR Foundation for Strategic Research (Sweden) 战略研究基金会(瑞典)
FSR Functional Support Requirement 功能支持要求
FSR Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy 分段立体定向放射治疗
FSR Facilities Service Request 设施服务请求
FSR Fielding Status Review 现场状态审查
FSR Final Systems Review 最终系统审查
FSR Frequency Scan Radar 频率扫描雷达
FSR Filter Self-Rescuer (mining) 过滤器自救器(采矿)
FSR Florida State Referees, Inc (soccer) 佛罗里达州裁判公司(足球)
FSR Financial Strength Rating 财务实力评级
FSR Fund Summary Record (USAF purchase requests) 资金汇总记录(美国空军采购请求)
FSR Forecast Stock Return 预测库存回报
FSR Field Service Report 现场服务报告
FSR Foreign Separate Rations 国外独立配额
FSR Financial Service Representative 金融服务代表
FSR Full Scale Reference 满刻度参考
FSR Family Support Registry (Denver, Colorado, USA) 家庭支持登记处(美国科罗拉多州丹佛市)
FSR Facilities Support Requirement 设施支持要求
FSR Fixed Price Contracts with Price Redetermination 重新定价的固定价格合同
FSR Fisheye State Routing (communication protocol) 鱼眼状态路由(通信协议)
FSR Floor Space Ratio (architecture) 容积率(建筑)
FSR Forestburg Scout Reservation (Forestburgh, NY Boy Scout camp) 森林堡童子军保留地(森林堡,纽约童子军营地)
FSR Facility Safety Review 设施安全审查
FSR Full Service Restaurant 全方位服务餐厅
FSR Fielded System Review 现场系统审查

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