
你在寻找 FIRE 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 FIRE 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 FIRE 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 FIRE的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
FIRE Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (banks, credit agencies, investment companies, brokers and dealers of securities and 金融、保险和房地产(银行、信贷机构、投资公司、证券经纪人和交易商)
FIRE Flexible Intra-AS Routing Environment 灵活的AS内路由环境
FIRE Fingerprint Inquiry and Retrieval Engine (University of Missouri) 指纹查询和检索引擎(密苏里大学)
FIRE Flight Investigation of the Reentry Environment 再入环境飞行研究
FIRE Factor Information REtrieval (US EPA system) 因子信息检索(美国EPA系统)
FIRE Future Internet Research and Experimentation (EU Initiative) 未来互联网研究与实验(欧盟倡议)
FIRE FLAMES Interactive Runtime Executable FLAMES交互式运行时可执行文件
FIRE Fusion Ignition Research Experiment 聚变点火研究实验
FIRE First ISCCP Regional Experiment 第一次ISCCP区域实验
FIRE Forensic Incident Response Environment (bootable CD for the repair of dead systems) 法医事故响应环境(用于修复失效系统的可启动CD)
FIRE Flexible Intelligent Routing Engine 灵活的智能路由引擎
FIRE Feed Intake Recording System 进料记录系统
FIRE Future Intelligence Requirements Environment (US DoD) 未来情报需求环境(美国国防部)
FIRE Financial Reporting 财务报告
FIRE Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, Inc. 教育个人权利基金会。
FIRE Filing Information Returns Electronically 电子申报信息
FIRE Find Inform Restrict Extinguish (steps to take when a fire is discovered) 查找通知限制灭火器(发现火灾时应采取的步骤)
FIRE Families Ignited for Revival & Evangelism 复兴及宣教家庭点燃
FIRE Fragmenting IP (Internet-Protocol) Realtime Engine (Network Peripherals) 碎片化IP(Internet协议)实时引擎(网络外围设备)
FIRE Full Integrated Robotized Engine 全集成机器人化发动机
FIRE First In Relationship Education 第一关系教育
FIRE Fight, Intensity, Relentless, Excellence 战斗、强度、不屈不挠、卓越
FIRE Fully Integrated Racquet Engineering 全集成Racquet工程
FIRE Feminist International Radio Endeavor 女权主义国际奋进电台
FIRE Freedom Is Real Education 自由是真正的教育
FIRE Family Intergenerational Religious Education 家庭代际宗教教育
FIRE Fellowship For International Revival And Evangelism 国际复兴和福音派奖学金
FIRE Faith Intercession Repentance Evangelism 信仰互换忏悔福音派
FIRE Functionally Integrated Railway Electronics 功能集成铁路电子
FIRE Florida International Reptile Expo 佛罗里达国际爬行动物博览会
FIRE Foundations For Intimate Relationship Encounters 亲密关系接触的基础
FIRE Fast Imaging Ranicon Experiment 快速成像Ranicon实验
FIRE Forensic And Incident Response Environment 法医和事件响应环境
FIRE Finance Insurance And Real Estate 金融保险和房地产
FIRE Faith Intercession Repentance And Evangelism 信仰间的忏悔与福音
FIRE Fire Insurance And Real Estate 火灾保险和房地产
FIRE Fully Integrated Robotised Engine 全集成机器人引擎
FIRE Fellowship Inspiration Righteousness And Edification 联谊会激励正义与教化
FIRE Family Integrity Responsibility And Enthusiasm 家庭诚信责任和热情
FIRE Feminist Issues Rights And Education 女权主义问题权利与教育
FIRE Free Internet Roleplay Experiences 免费互联网角色扮演体验
FIRE Friends For International Relief And Education 国际救济和教育之友
FIRE Firepond, Inc. Firepond公司。

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