
你在寻找 FACT 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 FACT 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 FACT 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 FACT的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
FACT factor analysis chart technique 因素分析图解法
FACT Flexible Automatic Circuit Tester 柔性自动电路试验器
FACT Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils 加拿大泰米尔人协会联合会
FACT Federation of American Consumers and Travelers 美国消费者和旅行者联合会
FACT Ford Anodized Aluminium Corrosion Test 福特阳极氧化铝腐蚀试验
FACT Ford Accelerated Credential Training 福特加速证书培训
FACT Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent 加拿大人才援助基金会
FACT Field Assembled Cable Termination (subsea cable termination) 现场组装电缆终端(海底电缆终端)
FACT Fully Automatic Compiling Technique 全自动编译技术
FACT Formable Aligned Carbon Thermoset 可成型对齐碳热固
FACT Fuel and Combustion Technology 燃料和燃烧技术
FACT Forced-Air-Cooled Transformer 强制风冷变压器
FACT Family Assistance Crisis Team(s) 家庭援助危机小组
FACT Foundation for the Advancement of Cardiac Therapies, Inc. 心脏治疗进步基金会。
FACT Foundation for Advanced Computer Technology 高级计算机技术基础
FACT Fast Acting Control Transfer 快速动作控制转换
FACT Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies 关注替代疗法和补充疗法
FACT Fighter Aircrew Conditioning Test (high G fitness exam) 战斗机机组人员调节测试(高G健身测试)
FACT FLAMES Advanced Correlated Terrain (FLAMES simulation scenarios) FLAMES高级相关地形(FLAMES模拟场景)
FACT Forward Area Computer Terminal 前方区域计算机终端
FACT Federation Against Copyright Theft (UK) 反版权盗窃联合会(英国)
FACT Friends Of Alachua County Talk 阿拉楚亚县之友谈话
FACT Feasibility Ascension Cape Town 阿森松开普敦可行性研究
FACT Freshman Advising Contact Team 新生咨询联络小组
FACT Farmers Agriculture Conservation And Technology 农民农业保护与技术
FACT Fellowship And Catering Team 奖学金和餐饮团队
FACT Freshmen Advanced Curriculum Team 新生高级课程团队
FACT Future Automation Control Technology 未来自动化控制技术
FACT Freshman Advising Contact Term 新生通知联系期限
FACT Functional Analysis of Cancer Therapy 癌症治疗的功能分析
FACT Flexible Alternating Current Transmission 柔性交流输电
FACT Fly Ash Carbon Treatment 飞灰碳处理
FACT Federation of Automated Coding Technologies 自动编码技术联合会
FACT Foundation for Art and Creative Technology 艺术与创意技术基金会
FACT Fully Automatic Compiler-Translator 全自动编译器转换器
FACT False Accusations Court Trouble 虚假指控引发法庭纠纷
FACT Federation Against Copyright Theft 版权盗窃联合会
FACT First Amendment Cyber-Tribune (online newspaper) 第一修正案网络论坛(在线报纸)
FACT factitious 人为的
FACT Facility Automated Control Team 设施自动化控制团队
FACT Flanagan Aptitude Classification Tests 弗拉纳根能力倾向分类测试
FACT Families Alumnae And Community Together 家庭、校友和社区
FACT First Albany Companies, Inc. 第一奥尔巴尼公司。
FACT Falcon Academic Competition Team 猎鹰学术竞赛队
FACT Financial Advisors Computer Technician 财务顾问计算机技术员
FACT Fast And Comfortable Trains 快速舒适的火车
FACT Free A Child Today 今天释放一个孩子
FACT Fair Application Of Cigarette Taxes 卷烟税的公平适用
FACT Fairchild Advanced CMOS Technology Fairchild先进CMOS技术
FACT Franco-AmÉricaine CinÉma et ThÉâtre (French American Association for Cinema and Theatre) Franco-AmÉricaine CinÉma et ThÉâtre (French American Association for Cinema and Theatre)
FACT Fathers Are Capable Too 父亲也有能力
FACT Fair Access to Clinical Trials Act (proposed US legislation) 《公平获得临床试验法》(拟议美国立法)
FACT Fair Access Coalition on Testing 公平准入测试联盟
FACT Facility Assurance Containment Team (Hilti) 设施保证控制小组(Hilti)
FACT Fatal Accident Complaint Team (Michigan State Police) 致命事故投诉小组(密歇根州警察局)
FACT Fast Asymptotic Coherent Transmission 快速渐近相干传输
FACT Food, Agriculture, Conservation and Trade Act of 1990 (US) 1990年《食品、农业、保护和贸易法》(美国)
FACT Food Analysis, Chemistry and Technology 食品分析、化学与技术
FACT Focus Area Collaborative Team 重点领域合作团队
FACT Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (US) 2003年《公平准确信贷交易法》(美国)
FACT Field Assessment and Coordination Team (Red Cross) 实地评估和协调小组(红十字会)
FACT Family and Children\'s Trust Fund (Virginia) 家庭和儿童信托基金(维吉尼亚州)
FACT Fashion, Arts, Culture, Technology 时尚、艺术、文化、科技
FACT Fully Automatic Cataloging Technique 全自动编目技术
FACT Forward Analysis and Collection Team (USMC) 前瞻分析和收集团队(USMC)
FACT Focus Ask questions Connect ideas Try to picture (active listening technique mnemonic) 专注提问联系想法尝试想象(主动听力技巧助记符)
FACT Florida Assertive Community Treatment 佛罗里达自信社区治疗
FACT Facility for the Analysis of Chemical Thermodynamics 化学热力学分析设施

FACT是什么意思 FACT英文缩写大全 FACT英文全称 FACT中文意思