
你在寻找 EGBDF 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 EGBDF 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 EGBDF 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 EGBDF的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
EGBDF Every Good Bird Does Fly (music; mnemonic for the lines of the treble clef) 每一只好鸟都会飞(音乐;高音谱号的助记符)
EGBDF Een Grote Boer Door Friet Een Grote Boer炸薯条
EGBDF Every Girl Bakes Delicious Fudge 每个女孩都烤美味的软糖
EGBDF Every Good Burger Deserves Fries (music; mnemonic for the lines of the treble clef) 每一个好汉堡都值得炸薯条(音乐;高音谱号的助记符)
EGBDF Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit (music; mnemonic for the lines of the treble clef) 每一个好孩子都应该得到果实(音乐;高音谱号的助记符)
EGBDF Every Green Bus Drives Fast (music; mnemonic for the lines of the treble clef) 每一辆绿色巴士都开得很快(音乐;高音谱号的助记符)
EGBDF Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge (Mudhoney song) 每一个好男孩都应该得到福吉(Mudmhoney歌曲)
EGBDF Every Good Boy Deserves Favour (UK music; mnemonic for the lines of the treble clef) 每一个好男孩都值得喜爱(英国音乐;高音谱号的助记符)
EGBDF Elvis\'s Guitar Broke Down Friday (music; mnemonic for the lines of the treble clef) 埃尔维斯的吉他抛锚星期五(音乐、助的三冠王的谱号)
EGBDF Empty Garbage Before Dad Flips (music; mnemonic for the lines of the treble clef) 爸爸翻转前清空垃圾(音乐;高音谱号台词的助记符)
EGBDF Even George Bush Drives Fast (music; mnemonic for the lines of the treble clef) 就连乔治·布什也开得很快(音乐;高音谱号台词的助记符)
EGBDF Every Good Boy Deserves Fun (mnemonic for treble clef) 每个好男孩都应该有乐趣(高音谱号的助记符)
EGBDF Elephants Get Big Dirty Feet (music; mnemonic for the lines of the treble clef) 大象得到大脏脚(音乐;高音谱号台词的助记符)
EGBDF Every Good Boy Does Fine 每个好男孩都做得很好
EGBDF Every Good Boy Does Fine (music; mnemonic for the lines of the treble clef) 每一个好男孩都做得很好(音乐;高音谱号台词的助记符)
EGBDF Elephants Go Bouncing Down Freeways (music; mnemonic for the lines of the treble clef) 大象在高速公路上蹦蹦跳跳(音乐;高音谱号的助记符)
EGBDF Every Good Boy Deserves Football (UK music; mnemonic for the lines of the treble clef) 每个好男孩都值得足球(英国音乐;高音谱号的助记符)

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