
你在寻找 ECA 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 ECA 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 ECA 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 ECA的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
ECA export credit agency 出口信贷机构
ECA Electronic Classified Advertising 电子分类广告
ECA Electronic Control Assembly 电子控制总成
ECA Electronic Commerce Association (United Kingdom) 电子商务协会(联合王国)
ECA Eastern Contractors Association 东部承包商协会
ECA Entertainment Consumers Association (Wilton, CT, USA) 娱乐消费者协会(美国康涅狄格州威尔顿)
ECA Electrical Contractors Association (Ireland) 电气承包商协会(爱尔兰)
ECA European Cocoa Association 欧洲可可协会
ECA Edmonton Construction Association 埃德蒙顿建筑协会
ECA Emory Chess Association, Atlanta, Georgia 埃默里国际象棋协会,佐治亚州亚特兰大
ECA European Canoe Association 欧洲独木舟协会
ECA Electronic Components, Assemblies, Equipment and Supplies Association 电子部件、组件、设备和用品协会
ECA Electrical Contractor\'s Association (United Kingdom) 电气承包商协会(英国)
ECA Electric Car Association 电动汽车协会
ECA Exchange Carrier Association 交换运营商协会
ECA European Cockpit Association 欧洲驾驶舱协会
ECA Ephedra, Caffeine and Acetylsalicylic Acid 麻黄、咖啡因和乙酰水杨酸
ECA European Court of Auditors 欧洲审计院
ECA Exercit Catala d\'Alliberament Exercit Catala d 'Alliberament
ECA Emergency Care Attendant (Texas EMS certification level) 急救员(德克萨斯州EMS认证等级)
ECA Environmental Compliance Assessment 环境合规性评估
ECA Electronic Clutch Actuator 电子离合器执行器
ECA Energy Conversion Agreement 能源转换协议
ECA Early Compatibility Analysis 早期兼容性分析
ECA Ephedra, Caffeine, Aspirin 麻黄、咖啡因、阿司匹林
ECA Equivalent Clearcut Area (forest industry) 等效采伐面积(林业)
ECA Eastern and Central Africa 东部和中部非洲
ECA Ecological Society of America 美国生态学会
ECA Empresa Colaboradora de la AdministraciÓn Empresa Colaboradora de la AdministraciÓn
ECA Edgewood Chemical Activity (US Army; Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland) 埃奇伍德化学活动(美国陆军;马里兰州阿伯丁试验场)
ECA Engineering Change Analysis 工程变更分析
ECA Early Central Anatolian 早期安纳托利亚中部
ECA Electronics Control Assembly 电子控制组件
ECA Equipment Condition Analysis 设备状态分析
ECA Embroidery Council of America 美国刺绣委员会
ECA Eastern Europe and Central Asia 东欧和中亚
ECA Electoral Council of Australia 澳大利亚选举委员会
ECA Earth-Crossing Asteroids 穿越地球小行星
ECA Electronic Component Assembly 电子部件组件
ECA ESCON Channel Adapter (Cisco) ESCON信道适配器(Cisco)
ECA Escuela Campo Alegre 阿雷格里营地学校
ECA Emergency Changeover Acknowledgement Signal (CCS #7 & ITU-T) 确认信号(CCS紧急转换% 26 # 7讨论)
ECA Evaluative & Corrective Action (US Army) 评价和纠正措施(美军)
ECA Enemy Capability Assessment 敌方能力评估
ECA Electronic Control Amplifier 电子控制放大器
ECA ethylcarboxylate adenosine 乙基羧酸腺苷
ECA Europe and Central Asia 欧洲和中亚
ECA electrocardioanalyzer 心电图分析仪
ECA Emission Control Area (international maritime organization) 排放控制区(国际海事组织)
ECA epidermal cytoplasmic antibody 表皮细胞质抗体
ECA Ephedrine Caffeine And Aspirin 麻黄碱咖啡因和阿司匹林
ECA Employment Counsellor\'s Assistant 就业咨询助理
ECA Extended Central Area 扩展中心区域
ECA Earth-Crossing Asteroid 穿越地球小行星
ECA Environmentally controlled Air 环境控制空气
ECA Elliptic Curve Factoring Algorithm (cryptography) 椭圆曲线因子分解算法(密码学)
ECA Electronic Cutover Advice (number portability in Australia) 电子转换建议(澳大利亚的号码可携性)
ECA Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs 教育和文化事务局
ECA Escola de Comunicação E Arte (School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo, Brazil) Escola de Comunicação E Arte (School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo, Brazil)
ECA Early Comparability Analysis 早期可比性分析
ECA Electronic Commerce Activity 电子商务活动
ECA Economic Community for Africa 非洲经济共同体
ECA Employment Conditions Abroad 国外就业条件
ECA Engineering Change Authorization 工程变更授权
ECA Encal Energy, LTD. Encal能源有限公司。
ECA Entertainment Coaches of America Inc. 美国娱乐教练公司。
ECA Economic Commission for Africa 非洲经济委员会
ECA External Carotid Artery 颈外动脉
ECA Enterobacterial Common Antigen 肠道细菌共同抗原
ECA Educational and Cultural Affairs 教育和文化事务
ECA Epidemiologic Catchment Area 流行病集水区
ECA Eagle Chess Academy, Forestville, Maryland 鹰棋学院,马里兰州福里斯特维尔
ECA External Certification Authority 外部认证机构
ECA Economic Cooperation Administration 经济合作管理局
ECA Earth Coverage Area 地球覆盖面积
ECA Earth Central Angle 地球中心角
ECA Electrically Conductive Adhesive 导电粘合剂
ECA Earth Coverage Antenna 接地天线
ECA Extra-Curricular Activity 课外活动
ECA External Certificate Authority 外部证书颁发机构
ECA Ensayos Clinicos Aleatoreos (Spanish) Ensayos Clinicos Aleatoreos(西班牙语)
ECA Exponentially Correlated Acceleration 指数相关加速度
ECA European Communications Area 欧洲通信区
ECA Enforceable Consent Agreement 可执行同意协议
ECA Expected Cost of Attendance (college) 预计出勤成本(大学)
ECA Emergency Controlling Authority 应急控制机构
ECA Engine Control Amplifier 发动机控制放大器
ECA Extra Curricular Activities 课外活动
ECA Economic Cooperation Agreement 经济合作协议
ECA Engineering Criticality Assessment 工程关键性评估
ECA Electrical Component Assembly 电气部件装配
ECA Event-Condition-Action 事件条件操作
ECA Epidemiological Catchment Area 流行病学集水区
ECA Ephedrine, Caffeine and Aspirin 麻黄碱、咖啡因和阿司匹林
ECA Ephedrine, Caffeine, And Aspirin 麻黄碱、咖啡因和阿司匹林
ECA Epilepsy, Childhood Absence 癫痫,童年缺席
ECA European Chemical Agency 欧洲化学局
ECA Exploration Consulting Associates, Ltd 勘探咨询联合有限公司

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