
你在寻找 DCD 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 DCD 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 DCD 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 DCD的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
DCD Directional Correlational De-interlacing 方向关联解交错
DCD Design Change Description 设计变更通知
DCD Data Carrier Detection 数据载波检测,一种物理信号。
DCD Data Communication Device 数据通信装置
DCD Digital Clock Distributor (Telecom Solutions) 数字时钟分配器(电信解决方案)
DCD Desired Completion Date 理想完成数据
DCD Dichotomous Coordinate Descent (algorithm) 二分坐标下降(算法)
DCD Dennis Test of Child Development 丹尼斯儿童发展测验
DCD Developmental Coordination Disorder 发育协调障碍
DCD Dissociated Vertical Divergence 分离的垂直散度
DCD Downstream Channel Descriptor 下游通道描述符
DCD Driver\'s Compass Display (device showing heading, waypoint, distance, and steer-to information) 司机的指南针显示器(装置,导航点,显示标题,steer-to距离信息)
DCD DFAS Corporate Database DFAS公司数据库
DCD DÉcÉdÉ (French: Deceased) DÉcÉdÉ (French: Deceased)
DCD Dual Command Decoder 双命令解码器
DCD Disk-Caching Disk 磁盘缓存磁盘
DCD Data Consortium Dictionary 数据联合字典
DCD Design Control Drawing 设计控制图
DCD Duty Cycle Distortion (ANSI) 占空比失真(ANSI)
DCD Data Carrier Detect 数据载体检测
DCD Design Change Document 设计更改文件
DCD DirectCD DirectCD
DCD Defense Corporate Database 国防企业数据库
DCD Deseret Chemical Depot (Tooele, Utah) 德塞莱特化学仓库(犹他州图埃勒)
DCD Data Compiler And Decompiler 数据编译器和分解器
DCD DESCOM Candidate Depot DESCOM候选仓库
DCD dielectric constant detector 介电常数检测器
DCD division of chronic disease 慢性病科
DCD Diploma of Company Direction (UK) 公司指导文凭(英国)
DCD Duty Cycle Distortion 占空比失真
DCD Dead Can Dance (band) 死亡之舞(乐队)
DCD Digital Communications Dispatcher (police) 数字通信调度员(警察)
DCD Distributed Change Coverage 分布式变更覆盖
DCD Data Communications Device (Nortel) 数据通信设备(北电)
DCD Document Content Definition 文档内容定义
DCD Digital Conference Director 数字会议总监
DCD Directorate of Combat Developments (now Concepts and Requirements Directorate) 作战发展局(现为概念和需求局)
DCD Database Connection Details 数据库连接详细信息
DCD Discharge Control Desk 卸货控制台
DCD Dual Coil Drive 双线圈驱动
DCD Design Control Document 设计控制文件
DCD Design and Construction Division 设计和施工部
DCD data collection device (US DoD) 数据采集设备(美国国防部)
DCD Digital Capture Device 数字捕获设备
DCD Director (or ate) of Combat Developments 作战发展总监
DCD Dual Currency Deposit (foreign exchange linked structured deposit) 双币种存款(外汇挂钩结构性存款)
DCD Def Con Dos (band) Def Con Dos(频带)
DCD Direct Current Demagnetization (as opposed to Alternating Current) 直流消磁(与交流电相反)
DCD Department of Career Development 职业发展部
DCD Department of Community Development 社区发展部
DCD Defense Communications Division 国防通信部
DCD Donation After Cardiac Death (organ donation and transplantation) 心脏病死亡后的捐赠(器官捐赠和移植)
DCD Dependability of Component Design 组件设计的可靠性
DCD Dynamic Content Delivery 动态内容交付
DCD Document Content Description (W3C, XML) 文档内容描述(W3C,XML)
DCD Die Cheerleader Die (band) Die啦啦队队长Die(乐队)

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