
你在寻找 CRP 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 CRP 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 CRP 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 CRP的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
CRP Cost Reduction Program 降价计划
CRP Continuous Replenishment Program 连续库存补充计划
CRP cAMP receptor protein cAMP受体蛋白
CRP C-reactive protein C反应蛋白
CRP Capacity Requirements Planning 产能需求规划
CRP Call Request Packet 呼叫请求分组
CRP Currently Recommended alternate Path 当前推荐的迂回路由
CRP Certified Reserve Planner (Real Estate Institute of Canada accreditation) 注册储备规划师(加拿大房地产协会认证)
CRP Corpus Christi, TX, USA - Corpus Christi International Airport (Airport Code) 美国德克萨斯州科珀斯克里斯蒂-科珀斯克里斯蒂国际机场(机场代码)
CRP Controllable Reversible Pitch 调距转换螺旋桨
CRP Command Readiness Program 指挥准备计划
CRP Customer Reference Portfolio 客户参考组合
CRP Continental Rubber Products 大陆橡胶制品
CRP Confluent Reticulate Papillomatosis 合流网状乳头瘤病
CRP Constrained Resource Planning 受限资源规划
CRP Community & Regional Planning 社区和区域规划
CRP Corrosion Resistant Products 耐腐蚀产品
CRP Centre de Recherches Poly-Grames (French) Poly Grames研究中心(法语)
CRP Card-Pitt Carpets Card-Pitt地毯
CRP Control & Reporting Post (US DoD) 控制和报告岗位(美国国防部)
CRP Central Receival Point 中央接收点
CRP Cryptologic Resources Program 加密资源计划
CRP Constituição da RepÚblica Portuguesa (Portuguese Constitution) Constituição da RepÚblica Portuguesa (Portuguese Constitution)
CRP Communication Radio Panel 通信无线电面板
CRP Coronary Risk Profile 冠状动脉风险概况
CRP Common Reuse Principle 通用重用原则
CRP Conference Room Paper 会议文件
CRP Contingency Rated Power (maximum available engine power under emergency circumstances; military avation) 应急额定功率(紧急情况下的最大可用发动机功率;军事化身)
CRP Control and Reporting Post 管制报告站
CRP Corporate Recruitment Plan 企业招聘计划
CRP Corel Presents Run-time Presentation Corel演示运行时演示
CRP Command Repeat (ITU-T Rec. T.30) 命令重复(ITU-T Rec.T.30)
CRP Corpus Christi, Texas USA 美国德克萨斯州科珀斯克里斯蒂
CRP Child-Resistant Packaging 儿童防护包装
CRP Central Reserve Police 中央后备警察
CRP Certified Risk Professional 注册风险专家
CRP Control and Reporting Point 控制和报告点
CRP Center for Responsive Politics 政治反应中心
CRP Cyclic AMP (Adenosine Monophosphate) Receptor Protein 环AMP(腺苷一磷酸)受体蛋白
CRP Conference Room Pilot 会议室试点
CRP Crop Residue Program 作物残留计划
CRP Capacity Requirement(s) Planning 容量需求规划
CRP C Reactive Protein C反应蛋白
CRP Certified Risk Planner 注册风险规划师
CRP cyclic amp receptor protein 环amp受体蛋白
CRP Central Railroad of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚州中央铁路
CRP certified radiological physicist 认证放射物理学家
CRP Customer-Realized Price 客户实现价格
CRP chronic relapsing polyneuritis 慢性复发性多发性神经炎
CRP Core Reading Program 核心阅读计划
CRP COMSEC Resources Program 通信安全资源计划
CRP Central Receiving Point 中央接受点
CRP Community Relations Plan 社区关系计划
CRP Cyber Role Playing 网络角色扮演
CRP Continuous Replenishment Planning (vendor-managed inventory transfer) 持续补货计划(供应商管理的库存转移)
CRP Centre de Recherche Pluridisciplinaire au CNRS (Center for Pluridisciplinary Researc at CNRS, Ivry France) CNRS多学科研究中心
CRP Committee for the Re-Election of the President 总统连任委员会
CRP Complement Regulatory Protein 补体调节蛋白
CRP Canalith-Repositioning Procedure (aka Epley Manuver) Canalith复位程序(又名Epley Manuver)
CRP Cultural Resources Program 文化资源计划
CRP Central Refill Pharmacy 中央补充药房
CRP Cross-Reacting Protein 交叉反应蛋白
CRP Chronic Relapsing Pancreatitis 慢性复发性胰腺炎
CRP Chair Raising Platform 椅子升降平台
CRP Controlled Radical Polymerisation (chemistry) 受控自由基聚合(化学)
CRP Community-based Restoration Program 基于社区的恢复计划
CRP Common Relevant Picture (US Army) 共同相关图片(美国陆军)
CRP Crisis Response Plan 危机应对计划
CRP Coyote Reserve Program 郊狼保护计划
CRP Certified Relocation Professional 认证搬迁专业人员
CRP Collagen-Related Peptide 胶原蛋白相关肽
CRP Chargeback Reporting Package (Vitel) 计费报告包(Vitel)
CRP ComitÉ Revolucionario del Pueblo ComitÉ Revolucionario del Pueblo
CRP Clinical Rest Position 临床休息位置
CRP Centre de Recherche Pluridisciplinaire au CNRS CNRS多学科研究中心
CRP Centro de Reabilitação PenitenciÁria (Brazilian prison) Centro de Reabilitação PenitenciÁria (Brazilian prison)
CRP Coronary Rehabilitation Program 冠状动脉康复计划
CRP Completion Report 竣工报告
CRP Combat Readiness Percentage 作战准备百分比
CRP Compression Refrigeration Plant 压缩制冷设备
CRP Conservation Reserve Program 保护区计划
CRP Configuration Requirements Processing (NASA) 配置需求处理(NASA)
CRP dBASE IV Encrypted database file dBASE IV加密数据库文件
CRP Creoles and Pidgins ( Other) 克里奥尔语和洋泾浜语(其他)
CRP Content Routing Protocol (Sprint) 内容路由协议(Sprint)
CRP Committee for Responsive Politics 响应性政治委员会
CRP Center for Research in Psychotherapy 心理治疗研究中心
CRP Combat Reconnaissance Platoon 战斗侦察排
CRP Comprehensive Reform Programme (AU) 综合改革方案(非盟)
CRP Critical Reagents Program 关键试剂计划
CRP Common Resource Pool 公共资源池
CRP Contract Request Proposal 合同请求建议书
CRP Community Rehabilitation Program 社区康复计划
CRP Creator\'s Rights Party 造物主的权利
CRP Coordinated Research Program 协调研究计划
CRP Constitutional Rights Project 宪法权利项目
CRP Cysteine-Rich Protein 富含半胱氨酸的蛋白质
CRP Cold Reactive Protein 冷反应蛋白
CRP Center for Rural Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚州农村中心

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