
你在寻找 COD 的含义吗? 在下文中,您可以看到 COD 缩写的主要意思。 如果需要,您可以单击右侧的链接查看每个的详细定义。要查看 COD 的所有缩写含义、中文意思及英文全称,请向下滚动。


下表中看到是 COD的主要含义,点击英文全称可以查看详细解释。
英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
COD CentraL OfficiaL District 中央行政区
COD chemicaloxygendemand 化学需氧量
COD Cache on Die 芯片内集成缓存
COD cash on delivery 货到付款
COD Collect on Delivery 货到收款
COD Concise Oxford Dictionary 《简明牛津词典》[英]
COD Continue On Drawing 接续图
COD Cody Yellowstone Regional Airport (airport code) 科迪黄石地区机场(机场代码)
COD Circle of Darkness (online game) 黑暗圈(在线游戏)
COD Captain on Deck 甲板上的船长
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand 化学需氧量
COD Template source file (dBASE Application Generator) 模板源文件(dBASE应用程序生成器)
COD Co Occurring Disorders 共同发生的疾病
COD Cause of Death 死亡原因
COD Cockpit Only Deorbit 仅限驾驶舱Deorbit
COD Central Organization Department 中央组织部
COD Community Operations Division 社区运营部
COD Source code in assembler with original C code as comments (MS C) 汇编程序中的源代码,原始C代码作为注释(MS C)
COD Central Order Desk 中央订单台
COD Cash On Delivery (shipping) 货到付款(运费)
COD Central Ordnance Depot (India) 中央军械库(印度)
COD Case of Department 部门案例
COD Chemical Oxygen Content 化学氧含量
COD Circle of Death 死亡圈
COD Care of the Devil (AC/DC song) 魔鬼的交直流歌曲
COD Commercial Operation Date 商业运营日期
COD Circle of Dependability 可靠性圈
COD Close of Day 当天结束时间
COD Credit On Deposit 存款信用证
COD Call of Duty (game) 使命召唤(游戏)
COD City Of Dreams 梦想之城
COD Change of Destination (shipping) 目的地变更(装运)
COD Datafile (Forecast Plus - MS Multiplan - StatPac Gold) 数据文件(Forecast Plus-MS Multiplan-StatPac Gold)
COD Central Ordinance Depot 中央条例车辆段
COD Close Order Drill (marching) 近距离命令演习(行军)
COD Class of Device (Bluetooth) 设备类别(蓝牙)
COD Customer Order Display 客户订单显示
COD Videotext file 视频文本文件
COD Center Operations Directorate 中心运营部
COD Program compiled code (FORTRAN) 程序编译代码(FORTRAN)
COD Crash On Demand 按需崩溃
COD Cooperative Opportunities Document 协作机会文件
COD Congress of Democrats (Namibia) 民主党国会(纳米比亚)
COD Charles Owen Dexter 查尔斯·欧文·德克斯特
COD Children Of Destiny 命运之子
COD College of the Desert 沙漠学院
COD ComitÉs de Distritos ComitÉs de Distritos
COD Cost of Operations Division 运营成本部
COD Common Origination and Disbursement (US Department of Education) 共同发起和支付(美国教育部)
COD Code List (File Name Extension) 代码列表(文件扩展名)
COD Certificate of Disposal 处置证明书
COD Cadet on Duty 值班学员
COD Carrier Onboard Delivery 航母送补到舰
COD Call Of Duty 使命召唤
COD Cup Of Demons 恶魔杯
COD Cerebro-Ocular Dysgenesis (muscular dystrophy) 脑-眼发育不良(肌营养不良)
COD Click of Death 点击死亡
COD Change of Details 详细信息变更
COD Category Of Distribution 分销类别
COD Cascaded Optical Delay Line 级联光学延迟线
COD Congreso de la Central Obrera Departamental (Bolivian labor organization) 中央州议会(玻利维亚劳工组织)
COD Certificate of Death 死亡证明书
COD Comics on Delivery (1997 movie) 交付漫画(1997年电影)
COD Cone Dystrophy 锥体营养不良
COD Curse of Doom (World of Warcraft spell) 末日诅咒(魔兽世界法术)
COD Canadian Oxford Dictionary 加拿大牛津词典
COD Continuous Optical Discharge 连续光放电
COD Crack Opening Displacement 裂缝张开位移
COD Charter Of Democracy 民主宪章
COD Crypt of Decay (Everquest gaming) 衰退之地(Everquest游戏)
COD Color of the Day (undercover police) 当天的颜色(卧底警察)
COD City Of Deland 德兰市
COD Consumed Oxygen Demand 耗氧量
COD Combat Operations Division (USAF) 作战行动部(USAF)
COD Cancellation of Debt 债务的取消
COD Coefficient of Determination 确定系数
COD Certificate of Designation (FAA) 指定证书(FAA)
COD Capacity On Demand 按需容量
COD ComitÉ de Orden y Disciplina (disciplinary comitee for Guatemalan jails) ComitÉ de Orden y Disciplina (disciplinary comitee for Guatemalan jails)
COD cyclooctadiene 环辛二烯
COD Cuno And Otto Dressel 库诺和奥托·德雷塞尔
COD Congress of Democrats 民主党国会
COD Crossroads of Destiny (TV show Avatar: the Last Airbender) 《命运的十字路口》(电视剧《阿凡达:最后的气枪手》)
COD College of Dupage 杜佩奇学院
COD Common Origination and Disbursement 共同发起和支付
COD Printer code definition file (Boxer/2) 打印机代码定义文件拳击手/ 2
COD Coffee of the Day 每日咖啡
COD Change Of Direction 方向的改变
COD Circle of Dust (band) 尘埃圈(带)
COD Cardiovasculaire, ObÉsitÉ et DiabÈte Cardiovasculaire, ObÉsitÉ et DiabÈte
COD Change Of Direction (football) 改变方向(足球)
COD Chaplain Of Darkness 黑暗牧师
COD Cloak of Darkness (gaming clan) 黑暗斗篷(游戏族)
COD Correction of Deficiency 缺陷的纠正
COD Can Order Dinner 可以点晚餐吗
COD 1,5-CycloOctaDiene 1,5-环辛二烯
COD Code definition table ( UUPC) 代码定义表(UUPC)
COD Condition On Discharge 出院时的状况

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